Back to school yesterday. Glad that I was back. Did some good-ol catching up with Mark and people. Helped out with the usual supervision. Guess what? This guy thought the needle wasn’t in the vein, and pulled it out without releasing the tourniquet. Right. There goes the fountain. Should have seen the pale faces. Priceless.
Wasn’t feeling that well. Couldn’t take mind off certain things. It’s taking so blardy long. Just what the heck am I doing. Took a quick shower and had dinner. And before I knew it, I was asleep at 2030 and slept all the way till 0730. Felt guilty sleeping that long, but it felt so good. That refreshed feeling and that charged up brain made me felt that I could do almost anything right then.
Met up with Ms Chong and bud at Whitley. Discussed about the camp budget and clarified certain issues. Spent the rest of the time talking. If I recalled correctly, a total of 4 school bells went off throughout the entire conversation. Quite a lengthy talk, but certainly fruitful. Got to know so much more about ‘teaching’ as a career. The prospects are not bad, and it seems that the system is apparently quite flexible nowadays. Is this really right for me? Ponders.
Went Chjimes for lunch. Managed to tempt bud to have lunch. Seemed that he wasn’t really into lunch as he “had oats for breakfast, not that hungry”. But, owells. Took a train down to City Hall. Took a walk down to Hog’s breathe Café. Nice place. Waitress… nono.. Food was yummy.. And, price was just alright. And it was the first time I had beetroot. This, dark red looking vege which he said that will make our excrement red.
Thought it tasted weird. Seriously. And his mum actually makes juices out of it. Must have some really good stuff in it.
Literally crapped out time away. Gotta know some history about him. Interesting facts. Well, all thanks to the “you never ask what…”, found out that there actually quite a lot of stuff I though I knew, but I actually didn’t. Haha. Yet again, that’s history. What’s gonna happen next, God knows. I guess, let’s just be contented with what we have now. Comparisons are useless and certainly damaging.
Came back home and slogged the time away. Watched some youtube and took a shower. Went for meeting with them at macs. Apparently we have to revamp and reorganize everything. It’s gonna take a helluva effort and time. But it’s gonna be a fun one. Things are so gonna change. But hope that Mr Blocked Nose doesn’t disturb much. Oops.
Wisdom tooth extraction tomorrow. Hope that I can still talk and not have a swollen cheek when I meet them up tomorrow night. Bound to be the focal point and source of entertainment. Haha. Wish me luck. “5% of hitting the nerve underneath”. Hope that I’m not that lucky.
Sleepless nights are best spent thinking of nothing. Because when I start thinking, I can’t seem to fall asleep...
Wasn’t feeling that well. Couldn’t take mind off certain things. It’s taking so blardy long. Just what the heck am I doing. Took a quick shower and had dinner. And before I knew it, I was asleep at 2030 and slept all the way till 0730. Felt guilty sleeping that long, but it felt so good. That refreshed feeling and that charged up brain made me felt that I could do almost anything right then.
Met up with Ms Chong and bud at Whitley. Discussed about the camp budget and clarified certain issues. Spent the rest of the time talking. If I recalled correctly, a total of 4 school bells went off throughout the entire conversation. Quite a lengthy talk, but certainly fruitful. Got to know so much more about ‘teaching’ as a career. The prospects are not bad, and it seems that the system is apparently quite flexible nowadays. Is this really right for me? Ponders.
Went Chjimes for lunch. Managed to tempt bud to have lunch. Seemed that he wasn’t really into lunch as he “had oats for breakfast, not that hungry”. But, owells. Took a train down to City Hall. Took a walk down to Hog’s breathe Café. Nice place. Waitress… nono.. Food was yummy.. And, price was just alright. And it was the first time I had beetroot. This, dark red looking vege which he said that will make our excrement red.
Thought it tasted weird. Seriously. And his mum actually makes juices out of it. Must have some really good stuff in it.
Literally crapped out time away. Gotta know some history about him. Interesting facts. Well, all thanks to the “you never ask what…”, found out that there actually quite a lot of stuff I though I knew, but I actually didn’t. Haha. Yet again, that’s history. What’s gonna happen next, God knows. I guess, let’s just be contented with what we have now. Comparisons are useless and certainly damaging.
Came back home and slogged the time away. Watched some youtube and took a shower. Went for meeting with them at macs. Apparently we have to revamp and reorganize everything. It’s gonna take a helluva effort and time. But it’s gonna be a fun one. Things are so gonna change. But hope that Mr Blocked Nose doesn’t disturb much. Oops.
Wisdom tooth extraction tomorrow. Hope that I can still talk and not have a swollen cheek when I meet them up tomorrow night. Bound to be the focal point and source of entertainment. Haha. Wish me luck. “5% of hitting the nerve underneath”. Hope that I’m not that lucky.
Sleepless nights are best spent thinking of nothing. Because when I start thinking, I can’t seem to fall asleep...
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