And so the day has come, I’m no longer Sergeant Vincent, but MISTER Vincent. No more green uniforms, no more shouting at people and making them do push ups, no more free meals, no more free lodging, no more allowances, etc! I’m making it sound as if I actually miss life back in school. To a certain extent I do. But in exchange, I’ve got freedom, I get to sleep late every night, I get to wake up late every morning (Or maybe afternoon. Piggy, I know.), I get to choose what I want to eat, I get to wear my home clothes (Or not wearing any, when I’m at home of course), I don’t have to clean and room my scrub my floors every week, and certainly, no more of people asking me to do things that I don’t wish to do (like shouting at people and making them do push ups.. haha)
It was nice having people around congratulating on my freedom. Yet I don’t feel the thrill and excitement that I had been anticipating couple of years back. Now this pink card called IC lies in one of the slits of my wallet. There ain’t so much hype. It’s just like another day of my life. Managed to pass the TY card to dear SSG Amin too! Really have to thank him big time. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have stayed in the school to be an instructor.
Was surprised to see Fahmi in the office earlier today too! Really happy for him, that he made it through the instructor selection. Wish him all the best in the wing. Think he’ll be a good instructor with his prior experience in CCA back in Whitley.
Oh, and thanks Ivan! For accompanying me and walk around the compound ‘looking for signatures’!
The weekend was certainly packed and fun. Shopping, bridging, changing tires, dinners, meetings, and more bridging.
It was fun walking around shops shopping for stuff but my legs weren’t too kind to me. Just wondering when would be the day when I would be able to jog down the park again. Sighs. Bridging at Alv’s is definitely gonna be one of our favorite pastimes. I think Bridge requires full concentration of the mind. Sometimes, things are not what you perceive it to be. But yet again, there are times when people actually exercise the “can eat just eat” policy when it totally confuses you. Guess that’s where the fun comes in? haha.
Helped Alv changed his car tires. Well, I guess changing of tires ain’t too tough a task if you have the strength and the right equipment. Quite idiot proof. =) A good lesson learnt. It’s still puzzling me why didn’t Hoon hit her horns back then though. Said she doesn’t like to do it. WHY?! *question marks*
The meeting went alright. Now we await for the results to roll in. I guess, it is very much dependant on the rest of the committee right now. Perhaps as Chief, I haven’t been pushing them hard enough for results. Maybe I’ve been too soft, too nice? But certainly it’s too late to think about that. Looking forward, things are going to be rather packed and rush, but hope that thing turns out well.
We spent the time after meeting bridging again. Alv, Aug and Meiding. It was fun but I started turning real dumb towards the end of the game and just couldn’t be bothered what I threw. Sad thing was I actually missed church for this. Sighs. And Alv, it’s not about confessions here. Haha. It’s more than that. ;)
I see that I’ve got to do this tag thingy. I’ll do it soon Steph. How ‘kind’ of you to tag me! Haha. Maybe I’ll spend some time in the afternoon tomorrow to do it, before meeting them for X3. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Neo. Gonna miss my Malay lessons though. But for a good cause nonetheless!
Cheers people. ORD loh!
It was nice having people around congratulating on my freedom. Yet I don’t feel the thrill and excitement that I had been anticipating couple of years back. Now this pink card called IC lies in one of the slits of my wallet. There ain’t so much hype. It’s just like another day of my life. Managed to pass the TY card to dear SSG Amin too! Really have to thank him big time. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have stayed in the school to be an instructor.
Was surprised to see Fahmi in the office earlier today too! Really happy for him, that he made it through the instructor selection. Wish him all the best in the wing. Think he’ll be a good instructor with his prior experience in CCA back in Whitley.
Oh, and thanks Ivan! For accompanying me and walk around the compound ‘looking for signatures’!
The weekend was certainly packed and fun. Shopping, bridging, changing tires, dinners, meetings, and more bridging.
It was fun walking around shops shopping for stuff but my legs weren’t too kind to me. Just wondering when would be the day when I would be able to jog down the park again. Sighs. Bridging at Alv’s is definitely gonna be one of our favorite pastimes. I think Bridge requires full concentration of the mind. Sometimes, things are not what you perceive it to be. But yet again, there are times when people actually exercise the “can eat just eat” policy when it totally confuses you. Guess that’s where the fun comes in? haha.
Helped Alv changed his car tires. Well, I guess changing of tires ain’t too tough a task if you have the strength and the right equipment. Quite idiot proof. =) A good lesson learnt. It’s still puzzling me why didn’t Hoon hit her horns back then though. Said she doesn’t like to do it. WHY?! *question marks*
The meeting went alright. Now we await for the results to roll in. I guess, it is very much dependant on the rest of the committee right now. Perhaps as Chief, I haven’t been pushing them hard enough for results. Maybe I’ve been too soft, too nice? But certainly it’s too late to think about that. Looking forward, things are going to be rather packed and rush, but hope that thing turns out well.
We spent the time after meeting bridging again. Alv, Aug and Meiding. It was fun but I started turning real dumb towards the end of the game and just couldn’t be bothered what I threw. Sad thing was I actually missed church for this. Sighs. And Alv, it’s not about confessions here. Haha. It’s more than that. ;)
I see that I’ve got to do this tag thingy. I’ll do it soon Steph. How ‘kind’ of you to tag me! Haha. Maybe I’ll spend some time in the afternoon tomorrow to do it, before meeting them for X3. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Neo. Gonna miss my Malay lessons though. But for a good cause nonetheless!
Cheers people. ORD loh!
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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