Wednesday, April 22

This is bad.

This is bad.

Legs still aching from the Sat/Sun basketball madness.
Skin on nose is peeling from all the sun-tanning.
Dandruff is back, again.
Throat is getting pretty sore, and I ran out of remedy.


ZY, congrats! Hope you get to learn something there ya? Enjoy!


6 more days....

Monday, April 20

I didn't speak today!

Yeaps.. Apart from chatting a bit with dad over breakfast, I've not spoken to ANYONE face-to-face the entire day! Dang... When was the last time that happened? Eek!

And again! We're seeing this photo once more. Loving it! Haha.

2 down, 2 more to go. Didn't really touch my notes over the weekend. Resolved to uphold the resolution I made during the leaders' retreat: attend worship during exams. That's something that I've not been doing for the past 3 years. One more weekend to go!

Busy times ahead. Gotta shift back home right after the exams end. Making way for the Youth Olympic games... ... I wonder why NTU students ain't that excited about the YOG at all. Well, me inclusive that is. No brouhaha. No nothing. Guess we're all so absorbed in our own survival fights that these are more like distractions rather than something else.

Jobs are hard to come by these days... Praying praying praying. One more year to go... need to know what to do next.


Freak. The Spurs lost!


I really enjoy the time when we just sit in a cafe/restaurant, have a little something to bite and chat. Looking forward to the next one. =)


Tenting, anyone?

Thursday, April 16

Taking a break from 3003...

Just some photos stagnating in my laptop.

Got this off facebook. Nostalgic.

Rainbow @ HV (before Youth Leader's meeting...)

Small group gathering @ my place
Onion cutting

Tuesday, April 14

Update before i sleep...

Some really over-due-ed photos...

New small group "12 + 1" many many not in the picture though...

My 24th celebration with the dearest:
Alv's missing here. Certainly been missed by all...



REACH: Bowling @ OCC

MS3005 Design Project Team: Efficient materials for H2 storage
(Phew! It's over!)
Job well done!

Drum class (beginner) certificate presentation...

Good Friday eve
ZY , you look so happy touching YY's feet! hahah....Now YY doesn't look too happy touching yours... haha
I love your new hairstyle. =)
My nieces... Cute as ever.


Birthday boys!

Wednesday, April 8


Revising for 3003 now. Corrosion...

Think that's what's happening to my blog eh? Wasting away.. heh...


Scientists ask: "Why?"

Engineers ask: "Why not?"

Well, I say... materials science & engineering students ask: "WHY ME!?!?!?!"


Truly, I'm beyond bored & mad.