Wednesday, November 29

lub-dub.. lub-dub... lub-dub....

OG-Vikings @ butterfactory
(happen to see this on

Two more papers to go. Have been staring at the DNA and RNA strains for a very long time and it ain’t making much sense to be at this point of time. Maybe I’m semi-brain dead. Maybe I’m distracted by the many other things around here. Shall go back to the strains in a while.

Was sooooo restless and bored just now that I took my own pulse (for the fun of it. can you believe it?). It counted 53. After which, guess what? I googled “pulse-rate”. Yes I know I’ve nothing better to do. But it got me reading those sites for a while. Apart from the things of the heart that I already know from the old, ‘greener’ days, found some rather interesting information.

"... Many factors affect normal heart rate, including your age, activity level, and the time of day. The chart below shows the normal range of a resting heart rate (pulse rate after resting 10 minutes) in beats per minute, according to age. In general, the lower your resting heart rate, the more efficient your heart is and the healthier you are.

Resting heart rate
Age or fitness level
Beats per minute (bpm)

Babies to age 1:

Children ages 1 to 10:

Children age 10+ and adults:

Well-conditioned athletes:

Your pulse usually has a steady or regular rhythm. An occasional pause or extra beat is normal. Talk to your health professional if you notice frequent skipped or extra beats. Normally, your heart rate increases slightly when you inhale deeply and drops slightly as you exhale. You can check this normal change in your pulse rate by changing your breathing pattern while taking your pulse...."

“…The average resting heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute, while well-conditioned athletes can achieve between 40 and 60 beats per minute. The maximum pulse rate is 220 minus your age, and the target for a healthy pulse rate during, or just after, exercise, is 60-80 per cent of this. Therefore, if you are aged 50, you should aim to build up fitness gradually until you reach a target pulse rate during exercise of between 102-136 bpm (beats per minute). If you are aged 55, your target should be between 99-132 bpm, age 60 = 96-128 bpm, age 65 = 93-124bpm, age 70 = 90-120 bpm, and age 75 = 87-116 bpm… “

“…Abnormal resting heart rate.

Resting heart rates above the levels indicated on the chart may be due to activity, fever, stress, an overactive
thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), anemia, stimulants (caffeine, amphetamines, decongestants, asthma medications, diet pills, and cigarettes), and various forms of heart disease. If your heart rate is consistently high, consider seeing your health professional for a complete physical examination.

Resting heart rates lower than the listed guidelines may be due to an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), heart medications, or various types of heart disease. Fitness programs that include aerobic exercise (such as running, swimming, cycling, and fast walking) will gradually lower your resting heart rate. Contact your health professional if your resting heart rate is often or significantly below these guidelines, especially if you have periods of lightheadedness or if you occasionally pass out.

A weak pulse may be a sign of a problem with the heart's ability to pump as much blood as the body needs (
heart failure). It may also be a sign of shock or a circulation problem, such as a partially blocked or narrowed blood vessel. A weak or absent pulse in a leg may be a sign of significant blood vessel disease in the leg (peripheral arterial disease).

A healthy blood vessel feels soft when checking the pulse. A hard blood vessel suggests hardening of the arteries (

That’s it for now. Maybe you can try checking your pulse for the fun of it. It’s fun! Trust me. Get to know your body a LITTLE better. Maybe I’ll try checking my respiration rate later. Or BP. Or sugar level. Hmmm. Or maybe I’ll do a check on SCC? RBS? LOC? Oh dear. It’s all coming back. I think my catheter’s kinking. Crap. Need to release the tourniquet.

My guest is coming in a while. And I’ve got MACS for supper today. Sinful, but heck, I deserve it.


You’re a cute, high-class penguin. No doubt. Happy feet needs you. =)


I’m looking at you through this square box. It pinches. I’m asking him to vaporize the rest. But it’s not working. Dang I’m an idiot.


Everyone’s going to Vivocity. Wonder how’s it like there. Can imagine the people and the noise. Probably worse than JP.


I need a drink.

Sunday, November 26


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking,
so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We were all meant to shine, as children do.

It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.


Its 4.30am and still I am wide awake. Mugging has never been so intensive in my entire life. But all thanks to my dear guest, we’ve found time to chill out a little. Dinners, ‘cai fans’ and DVDs with a green bottle of Heine were the best we could manage, but I guess we made the best out of it. Great to have you here mugging together. =) It was fun.

A big “thank you” to all those who has constantly been encouraging me these 2/3 weeks. There are so many of you out there who’ve actually found time to send messages and MSNs and make phone calls… thank you so much. I feel most blessed.

Well, 1st of December is coming, and the biggest “monster” is coming up in about 36hours time. Can’t wait for that to be over really, and I can’t imagine there’s going to be another SEVEN times of this. All for the honors. Owells.

To the one I haven’t been talking to, and had been riding some “crimson waves” of late, Nalgenes on the way and I’m proposing beer and soccer one of these days… SOON. Good? Oh, 50bucks already into the HK fund. =)

To the one who’s migrating, I guess you’ve heard this a Zillion times, but still, I’m going to say it again: things always happen for the best, and maybe it’s not time for you to cross the borders yet. And guess what? I’m actually banking on you donning the no 3. haha. Wonder how you’ll look. Oops!

To the one with the tattoo, yeah, the tattoo is cool. I didn’t really believe you actually did it. But in anyways, you’ve got to live up to it. Time to shed the old you and be a new angel or a new person or whatever you want to be. I know no one actually understands how you feel, and you’ve been putting on a smile even when there’s a frown underneath it. Like you said, it takes time, and I hope that real smile will come back real soon. :)

To the one I’m supposed to go shopping with, thank you for your invite to your church’s magic show. It’s really nice of you to treat me to it. Thank you. And shopping day is coming soon. Vivo City ya? Haha. It’ll be good to exercise some self-control over your little ‘wants’. :) know? Xoxo.

To the one who’s forgotten how to speak, hope they brought something nice back for you. Hope you get your dream job soon. It takes time. It’s called “Structural Unemployment” in economical terms. It’s a good thing. *grins* Google it and you’ll see. And still considering my proposal? Hope you are. =)

To those who’re still having exams, the best of luck to all of you. As much as I know that this isn’t the most encouraging thing to say, but anyway, it’s gonna be over before you know it. All you have to do is mug, mug real hard, step into the hall, puke the crap out of you, hand in the script, smile and leave the hall. Smile again when you get home. Do again if you’ve got another paper. Start cursing only when you receive the result slips (an activity that I would most likely be engaged in). Meanwhile, enjoy the holidays that are coming.

To those holidaying, HAVE FUN. Really. I mean it. But don’t tire yourself out. Cause I’m joining you in a bit.

To those who celebrate Thanksgiving, hope you enjoyed your holiday. Christmas is coming, and it’s gonna be fun. I know it’ll be.

Alright, I’m knocking out. Still can’t believe that I’m still typing. Good night people. Good morning. Good afternoon. God bless.


If you’re wondering what that passage right at the top about, it’s from a movie. Coach Carter. Recall it? I do. I knew someone told me to look for these verses after we caught the show. But I bet it’s not important anymore. But anyway, it’s here. Hope it serves as some kinda inspiration to you. God bless. Happy Thanksgiving. Keep warm. It’s cold out there. *hugs*

Monday, November 20

I am feeling guilt ridden!

Econs was bad. Maths was worse. Maybe it will turn out better than I think it will be. Somehow, I’m remaining hopeful. BUT, chances are rather… Owells.

I’ve been slacking since the end of the math paper. I thought I deserved this little break over the weekend. But obviously I know there is much to be done. But sometimes, it just gets so sickening waking up at 8 in the morning and mugging all the way till 3am the next morning, for every single day, and end up screwing up the papers. Haha. And so, mugging shall once again commence tomorrow! Tonight, I shall enjoy my little remaining ‘enjoyment’ time.

Well, technically I have been enjoying myself quite a bit this weekend. Maybe it’s the lack of touch to the ‘outside’ world (well, anywhere outside my room in hostel counts), everything ‘outside’ suddenly felt so ‘new’. And hanging out with my ‘dear’ certainly beats hanging out with MS CALCULUS a trillion times. Right dear? Haha. Better not let your boyfriend sees this. He’ll fly from London back to wallop me.

Dinner was great, dessert at Maestro Bistro was fantastic. Waffles and crepe. With ice creams, sour green apples, nuts, caramel, bananas and peaches. And of course, that waitress. OOPS. And I just realized I’ve got this thing for waitress. Still remember the one at Hog’s Breathe. SHEESH. I’m going mad.

Spent Saturday helping Jasmine with her Calculus (yeah that’s right. ME helping someone else with Calculus. What an irony.), got my eyes checked at the optician, chatted to PE for a while (so do you still miss him? Hehe), bought Rojak for mummy, played basketball, and wasted the night away watching soccer.

Sunday started off with more basketball, playing better than I expected myself to play, witnessed Joe getting ‘slammed’ on his butt twice, and the other guy getting a gash on his head, requiring easily at least 4 stitches. Went to Faizal’s for lunch. Met up with Jo, HUANG song and HAN song. (Pardon the CAPS please. Just in case of another mix up. HAH). Had lunch and caught Fast and Furious. Too bad Jo and HUANG had to leave early. If not they would have witnessed me spilling the glutinous rice over that beautiful white furry floor mat. Felt so bad dirtying it.

Walked down to the station with Hafiz and HAN. Did some catching up before making my way down to church.

Met up with Amanda (mum’s friend’s daughter. I’m obliged to help cause mum TOLD me to.) and helped her with her Econs. Tsk. Yes yes. ANOTHER irony. Heck.

And so here I am, 12midnight, trying to fix my desktop, blogging, chatting with XS and feeling absolutely guilty about not studying this entire weekend. Owells. Like I said, I THINK I should take a break. I THINK.

Full speed ahead tomorrow. I HOPE. Lazy bug’s crawling in me again.

Tuesday, November 14

NOT random today

No random postings today. Anyhow, I’m glad that my randomness has brought about a certain degree of entertainment who read the previous entry. My head is bloating from all the nice things you guys said. And of course not to forget, the indifferent response from a certain person made me wonder what does it take to make that individual conjure a non-neutral response? Tsk.

Time check says that it is half hour past midnight. Technically today is already Tuesday. And Econs will come tomorrow. Hope that I have got more time to prepare, at the same time praying that it will be over soon.

I just realized I have been reading James Patterson’s more than I’ve been reading my textbooks. Four blind mice, The Beach House, Black Friday, London Bridges, Big Bad Wolf, Honeymoon, Maximum Ride(The Angel Experiment), Mary Mary, Beach Road, Cross, Maximum Ride(School’s out Forever), Judge & Jury. That is twelve of his books, since the beginning of this year. Guess that makes me a fan of his! Haha.

Shall go back to Mr Calculus. He misses me. And I need him so badly. URGH. (Sounds so wrong.)

I’m predicting a mental melt-down coming next week, when the following week will land-mined with THREE papers. God help me. Tsk.

PS: I saw/found something in my room today that I was not supposed to see. I am not surprised, nor am I impressed. It just irks me. Somehow, it does not feel right. Like hello? MY ROOM?

Monday, November 6

This is the most RANDOM entry EVER

Know what my central nervous is saying right now? Read on only if you’re REALLY FREE and have got NOTHING TO DO. Cause I wasted twenty minutes typing this crap and it’s really an eye sore to read. This is what happens when you get insane after facing the notes and textbooks for long hours.

“In less than 10 days, all hell’s going to break loose here. Evil creatures and ghouls and monsters are going to terrorize our minds and sanity with ever-tormenting brain wreckers and soul sappers! Listen up fellow Brain Cells! As what is going to be read is of utmost importance, and it may be our very last chance of survival!

On Wednesday, E-con-monster will strike! Armed with his terrifying theories of Taxes, Government Policies, GDPs, Marginality and many more, we are expecting him to wipe out half of our BC population. But fret not my dear friends! Legends say that as long as we SUPPLY him the CAPITAL he DEMANDS, and that EQUILIBRIUM is achieved, we can greatly reduce the BC fatality!

Now don’t be too happy as yet! Because two days later, the ferocious voo-doo-you-mad-the-mad-ticks will suck our very lives away! Records show that this vicious creature wields the hellish weapons of ‘DIFFERENTIATION’ and ‘INTEGRATION’, stolen from the mythical monster Calculus. Not only so, this creature is also well-known for using war tactics such as ‘COMPLEX NUMBERS’ and ‘3-D VECTORS”! Voo-doo-you-mad-the-mad-ticks is one creature not to be messed around with. Estimated fatality could be up to more than 80% if we do not take the necessary precautions! It is proven that techniques such as ‘PRODUCT RULE’ and ‘QUOTIENT’ rule can shield us against the damages of ‘DIFFERENTIATION’; and ‘BY PART’, ‘SUBSTITUTION METHOD’ and ‘PARTIAL FRACTIONS’ is sufficient to protect us against ‘INTEGRATION’! So my dear friends, I urge you now to practice very hard the techniques to wield this creature away!

After which, we will rest ourselves for 5 days, and get ready for the toughest battle yet! The ultimate demon-Fiziks shall come through the gates of hell and spread terror amongst us! Well known for his population-sweeping rituals, his curses are forces to be reckoned with! He would usually start of with the ‘OPTICS’ curse, where the entire BC will be thrown into utter confusion; just the situation he likes. Then, he’ll curse our arsenal and live-stocks with ‘MAGNETIC FIELD’ and ‘ELECTRIC FIELD’, draining our morale! Lastly, he’ll cast his ultimate spell ‘QUANTUM PHYSICS’ to make us all go bonkers and start killing each other! Yes indeed, it seems disastrous and all so hopeless now. Especially when the magical book of ‘ten year series’ is long lost few months back; things are so going to get ugly. Just perhaps, maybe, probably, chanceful, if luck permits, the scroll of ‘FORMULA SHEET’ can help us. But the chances are small my dear mates. Do not pin too much hope on it.
If there are any of us remaining 3 days later, we’ll have to suffer the wrath of KAY-mystery. As if the previous three weren’t bad enough, KAY-mystery promises to bring the ORGANIC fiends of ALKANES, ALKENES, ALKYNES, ALKOHOLS and ACEEDS to tear us apart! Not to forget: MOLES, ELECTROCHEM, EQUILIBRIA, SOLUBILITY are the some INORGANIC ones he likes to summon. For those who are still alive, fighting this horrendous creature, remember hard that the ORGANIC fiends are vulnerable to COMBUSTION as it turns them to harmless and environmentally friendly COtwo and HtwoO! (well, too much COtwo is not good also la.) As for the INORGANIC ones, we have yet to come up with any feasible solutions. So, good luck!

Lastly, if lady luck is smiling down on you, on the 1st of December 2006, the very last monster ‘EFFECTIVE COMM’ shall cross the borders. For it is said by many other BCs of the other Brains that ‘EFFECTIVE COMM don’t need to study one lar!’, we shall heed their advice and not waste much effort preparing for it. During the battle, we can very well take out our spellbook ‘COMMUNIKATE’ and look for counterspells to defeat this very last creature!

And so, once ‘EFFECTIVE COMM’ returns to where he belongs, all peace shall be restored! And the very dwindling few of us shall start to reproduce and rebuild and regrow our population once again! Well, that is if we survive. HENCE! My fellow BCs! Start your preparations now! Be prepared to engage in the war and fight for our existence! May you all sum up your DNAs, RNAs, glucose, oxygen, and other electrolytes, and throw in your deathful best to put these demons to knife point! May your nerves be with you! Good luck!”


If you’ve managed to complete reading everything, you are really DAMN free. Good luck for your exams if you’re having them. Have fun at work if you’re working. And DARN YOU whoever is slacking and doing NOTHING right now. But fret not, for my time to slack shall come. FIRST DECEMBER!