It was a good Saturday. Met Ber for lunch, did some last minute shopping for the BIG present. Got all those micro Styrofoam beads to fill up the box. Watched some Simpsons at bud’s, before we headed down for dinner at the Handle’s bar.
Okkar was early. Ling couldn’t make it. And Eileen had ‘lao sai’. Erms! Well, portions were HUGE. Shouldn’t have ordered the blossoming onion. Had a craving for it. but apparently the rest couldn’t finish their own servings. Dang. Packed it back to bud’s. wondering how it’s doing. Figured that Barcardi breezer was not bad. Rum refresher.
Went back to bud’s, where the “cake” and the present was waiting. The “cake” was still steaming while we went up. Thought it was a rather good idea. Kudos to PE!
Hope our dear Hoon likes ALL the presents we’ve got for her. A total of 21. Hope she puts them into good use! *blearh* Happy 21st birthday again!
Next one up it PE. Haha. Chalet next week. Cool.
Drove the van down for tuition today. nearly got into the accident. Would rather forget the incident now. Just have to keep reminding myself that the van’s not the same as a car. It’s SO much bigger. Argh.
Managed to clear some maths Questions with her today. Going up again tmr. News does spread fast. She actually knew that I was at J8 on Thursday. And I think I’m giving all those kids a really wrong impression. Right. They say that they also wanna go relief teaching in the future. Not for the money, not for the experience – but so that they can get to hang out with cute, and pretty looking girls.
Right. stunned I was. What has giving relief teaching gotta do with cute and good looking girls? Just maybe the girls I hanged out with her good looking, doesn’t mean that relief teaching would actually get them GIRLS. Yikes.
Sighs. Forever. Guys are pigs.
Slept through the afternoon before going to service. Am enjoying it more and more as I start to know more people and certainly am getting used to it. Oh and by the way, is anyone interested in our church’s fun fair? It’s on the 12th this month. I’m helping sell the tickets. It’s 10bucks each. Yups. There’ll be food, games and tonnes of fun stuff. Please support! Thanks.
Please, do give me a call or drop me a message if you’re interested. Thanks!
我们知道,为了爱神的人,就是按照他的旨意蒙召的人的益处,万事一同效力。- 罗马书8:28
Okkar was early. Ling couldn’t make it. And Eileen had ‘lao sai’. Erms! Well, portions were HUGE. Shouldn’t have ordered the blossoming onion. Had a craving for it. but apparently the rest couldn’t finish their own servings. Dang. Packed it back to bud’s. wondering how it’s doing. Figured that Barcardi breezer was not bad. Rum refresher.
Went back to bud’s, where the “cake” and the present was waiting. The “cake” was still steaming while we went up. Thought it was a rather good idea. Kudos to PE!
Hope our dear Hoon likes ALL the presents we’ve got for her. A total of 21. Hope she puts them into good use! *blearh* Happy 21st birthday again!
Next one up it PE. Haha. Chalet next week. Cool.
Drove the van down for tuition today. nearly got into the accident. Would rather forget the incident now. Just have to keep reminding myself that the van’s not the same as a car. It’s SO much bigger. Argh.
Managed to clear some maths Questions with her today. Going up again tmr. News does spread fast. She actually knew that I was at J8 on Thursday. And I think I’m giving all those kids a really wrong impression. Right. They say that they also wanna go relief teaching in the future. Not for the money, not for the experience – but so that they can get to hang out with cute, and pretty looking girls.
Right. stunned I was. What has giving relief teaching gotta do with cute and good looking girls? Just maybe the girls I hanged out with her good looking, doesn’t mean that relief teaching would actually get them GIRLS. Yikes.
Sighs. Forever. Guys are pigs.
Slept through the afternoon before going to service. Am enjoying it more and more as I start to know more people and certainly am getting used to it. Oh and by the way, is anyone interested in our church’s fun fair? It’s on the 12th this month. I’m helping sell the tickets. It’s 10bucks each. Yups. There’ll be food, games and tonnes of fun stuff. Please support! Thanks.
Please, do give me a call or drop me a message if you’re interested. Thanks!
我们知道,为了爱神的人,就是按照他的旨意蒙召的人的益处,万事一同效力。- 罗马书8:28
To Eileen: Hope your ‘lao sai’ gets better soon. See a doc if it doesn’t get better. And drink lots and lots to replenish those which got ‘laoed’ ya? Haha. Take care.
To Tian: I think you should ice your ankle if it gets swollen. Yups. Try not to move so much. Haha. You’ll get better soon. And, welcome to the club ‘LAME”. Woops! =)
To PE: Was thinking about it. I think you should just screw that guy, (pardon my crudeness) and ask him to bug off if you really don’t want to sign up.
To Bud: Thanks for the ride home. Chill out soon.
To FFA: Have a nice trip. Send us postcards! Haha. (Oh, Chelsea thrashed your beloved Man Utd 3-0. Sad case.)
To my tutees: Good luck for your exams. Work hard, try your best. God will guide you through. See you guys soon.
To everyone else: Enjoy the Labor Day. Public holiday. Hooray! Rot dead in your beds! Love you guys!
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