Tuesday, May 16

Da Vinci Code

This is by Ken B. of Escondido, US. His letter to “TIME” magazine.

“Your article on Opus Dei made plain the dangers of fanaticism and extremism within religious thought. God wants us to hate neither others nor ourselves. The cure for evil must come from God’s transformation is us, not from flogging ourselves or vainly trying to impose our ways on others.”

The Da Vinci code’s really racking up quite a storm everywhere. There are so much controversy, so much twisted facts. The fact that it is so popular and widely read has raised alarms in Churches and religious organizations as it is feared that the novel (and now the movie) might actually mislead the public or even shake the faith of fellow followers.

Well, here are some ‘theories’ that Mr Brown has in his FICTION book, and the REAL fact.

False theory: Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and they had a child.

Fact: Well, Mr Brown got this concept from one of the Gnostic Gospel (Gospels which are not accepted by the Christian mainstream), Gospel of Philip. “And the companion of the Saviour is Mary Magdalene. Christ loved her more than all the disciples and used to kiss her often on her mouth.” And hence, she is supposed to be the Holy Grail, royal blood line bla bla…

This apparently is from a really unreliable source. It is not written by any of Jesus apostles, nor any of their companions, and thus were written under a pseudonym (which means to gain creadibilty and fame by using other else’s name). And therefore this is untrue and Jesus did not have any marry, neither did he have any children.

FT: The Priory of Sion is a European secret society that is founded to protect the bloodline of Jesus and Mary.

Fact: Founded in 1956, it is actually a society which helps those in need of low-cost housing. If Leonardo Da Vinci were to be the Grandmaster, he would be 504years old as he was born in 1452!

FT: Leonardo Da Vinci left cryptic clues in his paintings to tell of the romantic liaison between Jesus and Mary. Especially the “The Last Supper”, where it was “supposedly” trying to tell its viewer that they were a pair.

Fact: Mr Brown’s interpretation of TLS is that the person on Jesus’s right is Mary Magdalene. But the truth is that the person is John, oen of Jesus’ disciple. He looked rather femininie because he was “invariably represented as a beautiful young man”. So that person IS St John, and NOT Mary.

Well, there are of course many other concepts and ideas that are untrue in the novel. My point here is, this book is totally fiction. Take a look at the bookstores, and you can find all these books under the fiction section. It would be rather devastating shall anyone take the ideas of this book as the truth. There’s more to it. Well, for those who’re about to catch the highly anticipated movie, I hope that you take it just as pure entertainment. You get what I mean.

Quoting from Mr Brown: “The Da Vinci Code is a novel and therefore a work of fiction… Each individual reader must explore these characters’ viewpoints and come to his or her own interpretations.”

There you go. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!