Wednesday, March 8


Procrastinating! Been saying that I want to do a log for the Ophir trip. Just can’t find time to do it! Urgh!

Something new
Well, did something new again! That was yesterday. Haha. This might sound kiddy- I cycled on the road! *applause!* haha. Had never cycled on the roads before. As in, big wide 2 lane roads! Always thought it was dangerous. But, we cares anyway, if I were to die because of a car accident, would have already died years back during the OTHER car accident.

Was fun to cycle on the roads. The thrill was immense. Racing with the cars a
nd buses. Did I mention I didn’t have any safety gears on? Oops. Not to flaunt. But just that I don’t have any helmets or joint protection gears with me. Well, that excludes my army camouflage helmet anyway. *grins*

Nonetheless, guess once is enough. Till the next time I feel daring enough, most likely won’t be cycling on the roads like that again. Playing with fire. Kinda contradicting with the previous paragraphs. Haha. not talking sense. *shrugs*

Dinner w Ber
Met up Ber for dinner last night. Chatted at MOS. Talked about Bernard and many other stuff. Walked around Kino and Borders for her stationary and my organizer(realise I need one this year. Things are getting packed all of the sudden. Tsk tsk). Walked down to PS and had drinks at Cartel. That’s when I realised one thing:

Girls like to rest their boobs on the table when they’re leaning forward. Especially on dining tables. Especially when they have to lean forward to talk or to eat or whatever. Seen it SOOO many times. Saw Ber doing it. Saw many others doing it. It’s not wrong, but, guess girls just need some rest ya? Those 2 things are quite.. erm. Heavy? I don’t know. Hehe. *grins*

Application for NUS/NTU and T(A)
Was busy filling up online applications for NUS and NTU. Hope I get into the course I REALLY want. Not engineering. Haha. Was so blur just now that I nearly sent the NUS form in with my gender specified as ‘FEMALE’. Goodness. Glad that I doubled check. Always a good habit to do that.

Spent hours digging out my certs and testimonials. Dug out many other stuff I’ve not seen for years. Saw JC lecture notes, with the blanks written by Glennis. Still remember those days when I pon lectures and she would help me fill up the lecture notes. Saw the post cards she wrote for me every month’s anniversary. So sweet. So so sweet. Now we’re like strangers. Guess, this is how it goes huh? Getting into a relationship spoils the friendship? Sucks.

Saw this shopping list that jess and I drafted out months back. We made it a point to sign at the bottom of the list. She signed off as wife and I signed off as hubby. The list said “sling bag, shoes, br*, boxers, clothes……………..” smiled silly at that piece of paper. It’s still in the file I where I 1st saw it. Guess it’s another piece of memory to keep. For a very long time. *shrugs*
Anyway, this is a great song. Guitar at the beginning sounds good. Check it out. =)

Faraway by Nickleback

This time, this place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, too late
Who was I to make you wait?
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there’s just one left

Cause you know
You know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming' you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore

On my knees I’ll ask
Last chance for one last dance
Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up

Cause you know
You know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore

So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long

But you know
You know, you know

I wanted
I wanted you to say
Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have love you all along
And I forgive you

For being away for far too long
So keep breathing' because I'm not leaving' you anymore
Not leaving hold on to me and never let me go
Keep breathing because I'm not leaving you anymore
Not leaving hold on to me and never let me go
Keep breathing hold on to me and never let me go
Keep breathing and never let me go

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