Wednesday, March 1

Action packed

Phew! Just done with Eric… science! Wondered where Jessica and Glennis found the patience to teach him. Eek! K. Relax. *deep breaths*

Action pack
Duty was a breeze yesterday, until when there was a case of fainting in the auditorium. Rushed to the audit with a senior. Assessed the patient. He was awake and conscious when we approached. From primary survey, found out that it happened halfway through his speech, and started to feel giddy. Saw white spots and felt a gush of blood flow to his legs. And then he knocked out soon after that.

Was thinking that it might be because of some medical conditions, so sent him to the medical centre. Was suspecting hypoglycemia or hypotension. So took his hypocount and BP. Both were normal. Took his other vital signs. All okay. Hence were thinking that he might some underlying conditions. Talked to him for a while as we waited for the doctor.

As we were waiting, a call came and reported for a case of heat stroke. Everyone (myself, and 3 other fellow colleagues) were alerted and on stand-by. When the vehicle came, we stretchered the casualty right into the resuscitation area and carried out our assessment.

Casualty was unresponsive to verbal stimuli. Slightly reacted to pain stimuli. Couldn’t take his body temperature as his mouth was shut tight. Couldn’t insert airway guerdal too. Was surprised that he came in without IV/ drip. It would have been better if there was a drip so as to regulate his body temperature. Stripped the casualty to his underwear, and started pouring ice over his body.

His skin was dry as we touched him. It wasn’t hot though. Wonder why. Cause, we were taught that the skin colour condition of a heat stroke casualty would be “hot and dry”. Guess, the REAL thing is different.

The doctors came in soon. Handed over to the docs. They attached the Life-pak to check his VS, the ECG to check his heart rhythm. They treated the casualty for about 15min, administered 2 litres of fluid through IV, and sent him off to the hospital.

The entire ordeal took around half and hour. Prayed that the guy is fine. Heat stroke, is a serious case. The 3 major types of heat injuries are heat cramps (muscle cramping due to lack of fluid, electrolyte/ salt in the body), heat exhaustion (intermediate heat injury where the entire body starts to cramp up, and muscles fail to work) and lastly heat stroke (the most serious of all 3, where the level of consciousness starts to decrease and the body basically shuts down). After seeing the seriousness of what heat stroke was, I’m gonna take ALL my water parades seriously from now onwards. No more drinking of half bottle when we’re supposed to drink one full. Especially when Ophir is just 2 days away.

And thank Lord that I could actually be of help in treating the casualty, and thank Lord for giving us a clear mind at that time. Luckily we didn’t screw anything up. *phew* Just pray the casualty is alright now, that’s all that matters now.

Went to the army market at Beach road with Neo and Faizal to get our equipment for the Ophir trip. Neo got his back-pack, hammock, and some miscellaneous stuff. And I got myself a new back-pack. Not for the trip though - for casual use. And also a new 1st aid kit. Camouflage type. *grins*

Went to Tekka mall to settle our rations. We bought quite a bit of food. All dry stuff. Canned tuna, longans, Campbell’s, and sachet drinks. After which, we headed down to Coffee Bean at Bugis. Faizal had a mocha, Neo cinnamon, and I had a caramel. Cinnamon totally sucked. Tasted like some traditional medicine.

Started discussing about the remaining equipment required, meeting time and place, and crapped about other irrelevant stuff. Tong Jee came and then we bid Neo and Faizal farewell.

Went J8 and caught Underworld –Evolution. Wrong show to watch. Totally.

The show was rather disappointing. Was expecting an action-packed movie, but it turned out to be so so SO gory. Heads were cut up in halves, bodies torn into pieces, blood spurting everywhere.

The movie bosses compensated the thin plot and sub-par acting by throwing in high-end computer animations, superb make up, and as always, sex.

The monsters looked like an alienated abomination from someone’s disastrous nightmare (to put it simply, disgusting). They looked scary and real too, all thanks to the high end technology and quality make-up we have now. Especially the vampire guy and the werewolf. They were one helluva freaks. Also, there was the love-making scene between the leading actors. Both were naked, but it was filmed in such a way that the critical parts were covered nicely. Not too much, not too little, but just nice to entice the male audiences out there, who’ve been fantasizing about Kate Beckingsale right from the start of the movie.

And not to forget, the 2 naked female vampires, who died 2 mins from when they 1st appeared. Pity, ain’t it? (woops.)

Walked Jee to the interchange after the show. And I continued looking around for my stuff. Walked around, and finally decided to get myself a new sleeping bag and a pair of new slacks. Fwah. Was doing a mental count. Think I spent close to $300 today. Tsk tsk.

Getting really sleepy now. Sighs. Haven’t any news about Jenje since Monday. Her dad didn’t call too. Guess everything should be alright now.

Have mercy on my soul. Amen.

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