Thursday, March 16


Alright guys, I really really wanna apologise for today’s hiccup. Supposed to meet at Yishun right? Initially everyone was okay with it? Till around 6 Alv said he can’t make it, then Ber msged said that she can’t make it cause it’s too far and she’s tired. Then not long after that, Ling’s msg came and said she can’t make it too cause I think she wants to watch TV. Then Hoon’s sms topped it off.

My apologies to everyone. To Ber and Hoon, sorry for sounding kinda pissed and harsh. Was in the midst of a meeting, and everything came, so, ya.. apologies.. To ling, sorry that I didn’t msg earlier that we’ve decided not to meet up. Was too clogged up with everything I guess. Lucky you didn’t come down. And lastly, my MOST sincere apologies to PE. I know that you were SO SO looking forward to meeting everyone. So sorry I couldn’t deliver my word. Really thought that everyone was turning up. Turned out that only you and I are making it. Really really sorry… Guess you brought your camera and everything. Sigh. Anyway, smile alright? =)

It’s been a long day. Feeling kinda tired and.. ya. Tired. So, guess I was… off. Sorry peeps. Will be meeting up next week ya? Haha. and that time ALLL of you better make it. If not I’ll be REEALLY nasty.. cause I’m getting older on that day. Am expecting nice boxes in nice wrappers alright. *grins*

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