I’m nuts. Have got duty tmr and I’m still here blogging. Can’t help it I guess. Haha. Been a long day back at work. New people, new faces. 250+ of them. Feeling the weightage coming down again. The responsibilities. Haha. getting kinda tired of it. Owell, it’s our job I guess. God will give me strength. =)
Been a good Sunday yesterday. Managed to catch some sleep. slept at 4am, woke up 12. that’s 8 hours huh? Felt kinda groggy when I woke. Helped Eric with his “I’m a young MATHMATICIAN” science project card thingy. Still remembered I completed the entire set of “I’m a young SCIENTIST” cards, except for the Geologist one. Kinda regret it now. Didn’t complete it cause I couldn’t find the darn stones for display. Urgh.
Went to yan’s for tuition. Tuition with him is getting more and more fun. Apart from the usual maths and science, we’re kinda incorporating guitar and even Bible studies in! haha. yeah. Bud might be getting jealous over this huh? But no worries bud. Cheers! But just sometimes, feel bad taking money from his parents. I’m more like a, brother and mentor than a tutor. Sighs.
Went straight to church. Thought I would be late. Flirted with the temptation of flagging a cab. Managed to resist that temptation. Got to church in time, and even managed to grab a choc bar along the way. Cadbury’s almond. Yum. Sighs. That brings back the issue of getting fat again. Can’t help it can I? Dang. Church was good, the sermon was great. Pastor talked about the 4 areas that cause our characters to deteriorate.
Lack of faith/ prayers
Well, it makes so much sense. Doesn’t it? Everything speaks for itself.
Rushed down straight to Redhill after service. Went to play basketball with Ruotian’s basketball team. They play quite well. Each have their own strengths. Joe was there too. Figure that Joe and RT look good together. Happy for them. =)
Oh did I mention the team manager? *psssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!* woops.
Sighs. Men. Committing adultery so easily. Why does God have to make us such VISUAL creatures?
ROC meeting
Met up with Hong, Ann and Muts for ROC meeting. Finalised the programmes. gonna have a meeting this coming Friday. Everyone seemed rather hyped about this camp. Hope everything runs well. =)
Okay. My dear 6ists went out without me. Thanks a lot guys. Now I feel left out. especially the episode just few days back? when I was PSed by so many of you? SIGHS! Evil people. Thanks argh. Thanks. =p
Well, I know you guys went out to get me my bday gift? (well, hey, I got to know all these from Ling’s blog. Can scold her if you want. =) ) thanks a million guys. Really. Touched. Haha. Really looking forward to this Thursday’s meeting.
Was thinking about last year. How did I celebrate it last year? Haha. Still remembered we had dinner at Bishan S11. Zi cha. Bud didn't make it though. We had fun. We were all happy and laughing. Had a choc fudge cake. My blue shirt was messed by the cake. We took photos. We all hugged. We smiled. That was my 20th birthday. How wonderful ain't it? Ha. How things have changed. How times have changed. How hard can a heart turn? Crap. Birthday wishes never come true do they? I guess not. At least not for me. Not for the past 20years. Not gonna make one this year I guess. =) Just pray that God bless everyone.
Been a good Sunday yesterday. Managed to catch some sleep. slept at 4am, woke up 12. that’s 8 hours huh? Felt kinda groggy when I woke. Helped Eric with his “I’m a young MATHMATICIAN” science project card thingy. Still remembered I completed the entire set of “I’m a young SCIENTIST” cards, except for the Geologist one. Kinda regret it now. Didn’t complete it cause I couldn’t find the darn stones for display. Urgh.
Went to yan’s for tuition. Tuition with him is getting more and more fun. Apart from the usual maths and science, we’re kinda incorporating guitar and even Bible studies in! haha. yeah. Bud might be getting jealous over this huh? But no worries bud. Cheers! But just sometimes, feel bad taking money from his parents. I’m more like a, brother and mentor than a tutor. Sighs.
Went straight to church. Thought I would be late. Flirted with the temptation of flagging a cab. Managed to resist that temptation. Got to church in time, and even managed to grab a choc bar along the way. Cadbury’s almond. Yum. Sighs. That brings back the issue of getting fat again. Can’t help it can I? Dang. Church was good, the sermon was great. Pastor talked about the 4 areas that cause our characters to deteriorate.
Lack of faith/ prayers
Well, it makes so much sense. Doesn’t it? Everything speaks for itself.
Rushed down straight to Redhill after service. Went to play basketball with Ruotian’s basketball team. They play quite well. Each have their own strengths. Joe was there too. Figure that Joe and RT look good together. Happy for them. =)
Oh did I mention the team manager? *psssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!* woops.
Sighs. Men. Committing adultery so easily. Why does God have to make us such VISUAL creatures?
ROC meeting
Met up with Hong, Ann and Muts for ROC meeting. Finalised the programmes. gonna have a meeting this coming Friday. Everyone seemed rather hyped about this camp. Hope everything runs well. =)
Okay. My dear 6ists went out without me. Thanks a lot guys. Now I feel left out. especially the episode just few days back? when I was PSed by so many of you? SIGHS! Evil people. Thanks argh. Thanks. =p
Well, I know you guys went out to get me my bday gift? (well, hey, I got to know all these from Ling’s blog. Can scold her if you want. =) ) thanks a million guys. Really. Touched. Haha. Really looking forward to this Thursday’s meeting.
Was thinking about last year. How did I celebrate it last year? Haha. Still remembered we had dinner at Bishan S11. Zi cha. Bud didn't make it though. We had fun. We were all happy and laughing. Had a choc fudge cake. My blue shirt was messed by the cake. We took photos. We all hugged. We smiled. That was my 20th birthday. How wonderful ain't it? Ha. How things have changed. How times have changed. How hard can a heart turn? Crap. Birthday wishes never come true do they? I guess not. At least not for me. Not for the past 20years. Not gonna make one this year I guess. =) Just pray that God bless everyone.
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