Monday, April 17


It’s been quite a long while since I’ve stayed home 24hours. If I recall properly, the last time was…. Hmmm... Oh dear... I can’t really remember when that was!

Been sleeping a lot. watching tonnes of videos and munching on loads of rubbish. (Quadritini is nice though. Especially the choc one) It might be a luxury to many. But it feels kinda weird not being able to walk around properly. Feel so… lame. I need to get out. Need air. Haha, SO not used to this lameness.

Oh, and a big THANK YOU to all those who’ve been nagging at me since yesterday. Thanks! Appreciate it. Well, I’m expecting some oranges if I see you guys around!

Just redid the bandage. (It’s an asset being a medic. You get to treat yourself. Just that you tend to worry more when you’re injured. The possible complications and yada yada. Bah!) Seeing the doc tomorrow morning. Should be fine I guess.

A thought came across my mind. What if I couldn’t walk for the rest of my life? What if I lose both my lower limbs due to some disease or accident? How would I take it? How different would life be?

And also, remembering a conversation with Jee the previous time. If we were all to sacrifice one of our 5 senses, which is the one you would want to keep? Perhaps an immediate and common answer would be the sense of sight? Because it’s the window to our soul and without it, we can’t do many things. Life would be so meaningless.

Well, this sound nuts, but if I were to choose, then maybe my choice would be to lose everything else but the sense of touch. I believe that it is this touch that we have, brings one person closer to another. It is the touch that can really connect heart to heart. Like how a mother hugs her child; how couples cuddle and kiss each other; like how our daddy puts his arms over our shoulder while walking down the road.

Truly, I’ve never heard of anyone losing his sense of touch due to a disease. But certainly, it’s gonna be quite traumatic if I could see the sunsets, hear people talk, smell the breeze, and taste the ice-creams, yet at the same time not able to feel the warmth of the sun and touch of my loved ones. It’s quite scary to think of not being able to actually feel your girlfriend’s kiss or hug. Freaky huh?

All these makes me sound like a real ‘touchy’ person don’t it? *blearhs* How about you? Are you a touchy person too? =)

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