Sunday, April 23


Drove the van around again today. starting to like bigger vehicles. Gives you this authority on the roads. Haha. Still think the manual gears are better than the autos. You don’t get lazy while driving. And it’s economically plus environmentally friendly! Makes you look cool too. Bahhaha.

Went tuition yesterday with Celest. Had only one hour of physics. She’s having this backache that seemed really bad. Couldn’t sit up for long. Said that she slept in a wrong position. Didn’t know that it can actually cause such a bad back problem. Better sleep supine next time. No more prone or semi-supine. Scary.

The reasons why Singapore is a WONDERFUL place to live in: apart from the nice food, the convenient public transport, efficiency of its people, and yada yada yada… one important thing is that we’ve got FANTASTIC Chinese sinsehs.

Right. I am not really an avid believer of Chinese medicines or medicinal practices. Didn’t really trust those herbs and acupunctures and suction cups. Well, perhaps I still have my reservations for that stuff. But I’m rather amazed by what the AMAZING guy did yesterday.

Making sound like an infatuation isn’t it? well, before my mum brought me to this Chinese guy at TPY, I was limping and my left knee couldn’t bend for more than, say, 15 degreed? I had to keep my knees unbent whenever I walked and I had never dreaded staircases so much in my life. BUT, after 15 minutes of massaging (which I thought was mindless when he was doing it) I thought Jesus had came and placed His hands on me. Well, perhaps He did! Thank Lord!

Miraculously, after 15mins of rest from the massage, which they call 推拿 , my legs could actually bend ALL the way. And the steps weren’t that treacherous.

Hope that it’ll heal REAL soon. Can’t wait to run. Argh. Still bandaged.

With my HEALED knees, rushed down to Admiralty to meet up Zhi yong, Yaoliang, Shihong, and Zhiming for the blood donation drive. It’s fun! EVERY ABLED PERSON SHOULD DO IT. It’s painless, fruitful, takes up only 15mins max, and MOST importantly, your donation of 500ml-1500ml (that’s a small amount, considering the fact that we’ve got 5-6times more amount in our body) might actually help save a life. It’s YOUR blood saving LIVES. What greater sense of satisfaction can you have than saving a life?

Owell, interested people can check out and for details. Give me a call if you want company. I am more than happy to give you the moral support! *grins*

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