Sunday, July 8

We’re all late for gym today. Oops. Guess it must be the weather huh? =)

So we spent our time cycling and lifting; and not spending money for the air con, and NOT perspiring. You know you know.

Lunched at S11. Funny thing about ‘look up at the sky and take deep breaths’. I don’t see why is that funny, but I guess laughter is just contagious. And about the dust catching ability of big eyes, PE I thought you laughed a mighty bit too loud. Ooops!

And so Wednesday it shall be. Get Hoon along if she can make it? Yeaps.

PE! Please get it done. You go talk to your supervisor alright?


Nua-ed the afternoon away. Watched the 300pound beauty. English subtitles when cuckoo. Switched to Chinese, which I felt was probably scripted by some cheap-skate dubbing company. Wrong characters everywhere. Tsk. As funny as the show can be, it’s got really wrong meaning/messages. Disappointing.

Dinnered at MOS. MOS cheese is still the best.

I love beef. Wooots.


Keep the PJs on. J

Trust me. I’m going to try VERY hard tonight. But chances are… owells. You know. *grins*


And so this is as much as I can do.

We all know what we want. Don’t we? It’s the part where we stretch out and grab it that’s difficult.


Tell me. Are you reaching for it? Or are you turning away?

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