Wednesday, November 19

Done... Finally

Dad just got into another car accident today. Thank God that he’s okay. I guess his distaste for taxi drivers has got gotten worse.


Hmmm. Really, I think you brought it upon yourself. Guess it’s just another classical example of ‘you reap what you sow’.

Point is, why blame others when it’s plainly just: you?

Get a grip man. Time to wake up.



Alrights, IA coming to an end. Holidays are coming. Really need a break soon. Like, a long break.

Remembering the day when I had 7 or more hours of sleep… … nope. Can’t. Too far back.

I’m done with the report. Like finally. God’s grace that everything went smoothly. Thank God once again. =)


OMGoodness FW! You’re graduating soon! Pray that you get a job. Pray really hard ya? Jiayou!


All the best for your upcoming tests!! =)

Stats suck!


Blood donation this Friday! Anyone?


When the night seems so long, throw your hands to the skies

You can sing a new song, wipe the tears from your eyes

You are weak, but He is strong

He can heal your wounded soul, and calm the storm inside.

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