Sunday, September 28

Super sheeps!

Super Sheeps! 超级小绵羊!!!

Hahah. I thought that was a great name! And so Super Sheeps it shall be… the new name of our small group!

It was a really really good sharing session today isn’t it? So many amazing testimonies and personal thoughts shared among us! Especially Zy’s interesting & creepy encounter and Hl’s many wow-ing experiences… I hope we’re all now even more spurred on to experience God! =)

I’m really very glad to have you guys in the small group. Everyone’s quite comfortable today, even though it’s our first small group gathering. It’s especially so when we’ve got THREE super hyper people in the group (I’m considered NOT hyper. I’m just a bit over-reactive at times. Ha! And Zy, lying is not right…. TSK TSK! HAHA!) Thank God that we’re all so encouraging towards each other, and at the same time so opened to share! Let us keep it up, and continue to pray for each other please… It’s going to be a fantastic time ahead!

To my small group leader, if you’re reading this, which I know you WOULD soon enough, I really want to tell you… WELL DONE! I’m very touched to see how you’re constantly trying your best to lead the group today… you know, I thought that you would get pissed off just now, after you know… the little incident that occurred right after you shared your creepy experience? But I was wrong…! You did very well bro, to keep yourself, your anger in check. That’s great man! Haha… Continue to serve with passion ya? It’s good to have you as our group’s small group leader! (but pls, go do your science papers hor… =P )

To my ass. small group leader (I don’t know why, but I just have taken a liking to call you ass. leader now…heh!) you certainly have brought much ‘laughter’ and ‘high-ness’ into our group. Continue to spur us on with your funny antics ya? Haha. (And I think I’m handsomer than MS’s sons! =P)

See you guys soon!


Ooooooo… I miss you soooo much……. my dearest guitar………. Haha!


You still look very tired. Please SLEEP!!!

You’re halfway to being a full-blown panda now… all you lack is the chubbiness and the fur…. And maybe a bamboo shoot in your hand.

Anyhows, SLEEP! And eat right! =)

And oh, aren’t you proud of me? Haha. Figured out the drumming… heh!! (k la! You’re a good teacher. =P )


at work!


Red & red, black & black, red & black, black & red…

It doesn’t matter. Right? heh.

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