Tuesday, May 8

day 4

You know what I hate most about this entire recovery period? Not the fact that it’s gonna last for a painful 3 months which effectively burns away my holidays; not the fact that I can’t step out of the house for 2 weeks and having to rot away; not the fact that I’m turning myself into a potato putting on pounds from all the yummy food mum has been stuffing me with; not the fact that I’ve to sleep like a dead pharaoh in a sarcophagus not being able to bend my knee; but for the fact that for 2 times each day, my sit-and-reach skills are being pushed to its extreme limits as I try to pull on my shorts after my showers! Rights, I can almost hear laughters from you people out there right now. =) showering is such a chore! Gotta wrap the entire brace and bandage up with food wrap, walk like a penguin into the bathroom, enjoy the trickle of water for 5 mins or so, then painstakingly trying to pull on the shorts without getting it wet, and of course without bending your knees. Goodness me. You should try it some time. For the fun of it! hahah. I’m getting the hang of it somehow, and I bet my sit-and-reach for NAPFA has increased like 200%. I would probably be able to do a split by the end of these two weeks.

Anyways, thanks you SOOO much Ber for coming over yesterday. It’s alright you forgot the papers. At least you got the bubble tea! Haha. Say with me… “MO-CHA”. =p spent the afternoon watching some videos, learning ‘happy birthday’ on the guitar, and going through some old stuff. OLD STUFF. I shall re-re-re-re-emphasize that it’s OLD STUFF. Oh, thanks for staying till tuition started too. It actually meant a lot to me. Somehow it gave me strength. Thanks again!

The mass conversation last night was rather interesting, seriously. I felt so important all of the sudden. I saved a copy of it. Let me know if you want it. HAHAHA.

Well, I’m gonna start my painting today. Prepared the brushes yesterday, and today it shall begin.

Oh, added a chatterbox. Drop me a msg anytime. At the box, or under the comments. It’ll be good entertainment for me. =)


PHUAYENG….! Try reading that as a single syllable. Yups! Sounds like a little noise made some silly bird in the safari. But NOO. Haha. That’s our dearest friend Ms Denise Chan! And she’s celebrating her 22nd birthday! Come people, let’s conduct a birthday celebration for her! Ber can play the guitar, Alvin can play the piano, Hoon and play the sax, Ling can do the singing, I’ll take control of the mic volume! Haha. okay, I’m talking nonsense.

Anyhows, happy happy birthday to you. May you have less projects and less assignments this year round, and you’ll that be blessed with wisdom to decide what you wanna do after your current course. All the best to you! Enjoy the celebrations… I’m sorry that the fondue tasted like ‘shit’. We should try a cheese one next time. Haha. SINFUL. Take care!


Troubled one: I don’t know if I was of any help, really. Just keep on looking forward to each day alright? Have faith in yourself and the people around you. Everything happens for a reason. And hey, Liverpool for me next season. I shall be part of the KOP for one season. =)

Battery-less one: yeah you finally got what I’m trying to say. Ooops! I must have been really discreet. Well, I wasn’t really thinking of exactly the same colour. You know you know. Well, it was just a thought really. I don’t think you have to get it. yups, See you in a bit, if you’re dropping by that is. Hope you find your battery soon! hahah. And go get your craving for caramel latte fixed. It’s good. Tata.

Sleepy one: hang in there. You’ve been online since don’t know when. Please be nice to yourself and take care of yourself. The flowers look great.


JO: I knew you’ll fail him. NYP student. Haha. Glad that you had fun. You guys took any pictures? And those heels. Goodness. They looked torturous. Classy though.

Ling: we NEED to talk. You know what I mean. Haha.


Alrights, below are the photos of the little scrapbook we did for our dear dear dear Siokhoon’s birthday. We’re all quite proud of our production, with all the sticking and pasting and cutting and writing… I bet you must have been quite touch-ed. Right? I’m sorry we made you tear a little over at the ulu lala land. Bet hey, it’s gotta be one of your best birthday gift right? *grins*

Oh, the comments ALVIN wrote for Hoon’s not here, cause she simply REFUSES to show us. I wonder WHY. Well, I guess it doesn’t really take a genius to guess why right? TSK. To spare you the blushes, I’m not gonna come up with my own ‘Alvin’s comments’. Hahah. But I think it’ll be quite funny though. OWELLS.

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