The heart is a bloom
Thursday, May 31
For the monster
The heart is a bloom
Tuesday, May 29
it was a good day.
Took a walk down to J8 and had lunch. Sat at Beans for a latte, waited for Yan for tuition. Think I’ve come up with a better tuition method with him. Shall try it again next time to confirm that it works. It’s tedious but if it works, that’ll be the best.
Met up with ChocM and went down to Novena to meet the other two. Sat in his Honda Fit and we SPED all the way to Pasir Ris. That has to be the most terrifying ride in my entire ride. He was going at 130 for most part of the journey and he switches lanes every 10 seconds. Goodness. Read through the paper on the way there. Like I said, it was good. Really. So don’t think too much about it ya? =)
Got to the chalet and he went to do the checking in. We stood quite dumbly outside, with the bear getting incapacitated and wrappers being blown away. TSK! Haha. Went in after a while, and we played a round of mj. Guess what? The one who doesn’t know how to play won the most! TSK TSK!
Decided to “not disturb” some people and too a walk down the beach. Threw some stones, threw some bracelets (oops!), and tried making some of them skip on the water. Wrote some stuff on the sands, picked some shells, saw people making out on breakwaters, and got some ice-cream, then heading back. There was really nice music for dancing too. =)
Saw daddy driving down the stretch of bungalows as we were getting ready to leave. What a coincidence.
Got back to TPY and had dinner. Thanks for the treat! =)
Talked for a while at the decks before heading home. I meant what I said. Really. Yeaps! Oh, babies falling from the skies was funny. Haha! OOOPs!
NBA at 9am, tuition at 7+pm… void in between. Think I’ll be reading again. Need to get a new book soon. Dang!
Monday, May 28
27th May
Woke up early today to give morning calls. =) Shook off the z-ness and did the stretches. Posterior stretching ain’t really improving. Starting to get frustrated. Well, at least the anterior is still okay. The scarring of the tissue is reducing I think – pain is subsiding. But I want my full range of motion back. Perhaps I’m too eager to get well. That’s not a good thing. Darn.
Caught the match at 8.30… fell asleep after half time. Got bored to death. Duncan got 3 personal fouls by half time… and they spurs expectedly lost. Owells. Tuesday’s fight back time. Went to get breakfast after the third quarter ended. Walked over without the brace. Felt good. Haha. Caught a glance at the courts. No one I knew were there. Have you guys stopped playing cause no one’s organizing the games? Sad la. SAD. You guys must be missing me quite a bit. Muhahahhaa.
Nua-ed on the bed in the afternoon. Did some reading and some silent thinking before getting ready for church. Was ten minutes late for worship, but that was alright. Cause I’m finally back! =)
Has anyone got bad experiences with bus drivers these days? Well I did today. Went to the interchange to take 851 down to Bugis. Was walking towards the 851 bus berth, and saw the bus coming. I was less than say, 30meters away. As I didn’t wanted to miss the darn bus, I walked on the ‘outskirt’ of the interchange, hoping that the driver would see me. But NO he didn’t. Or perhaps he CHOSE not to. I guess it would be quite hard to miss someone limping towards your bus with a brace on his leg, and waving his hands frantically at you. He promptly shut the bus doors and left the berth as the last passenger boarded the bus. I was just 5 meters away from his door when he stepped on his accelerator and drove off. I couldn’t believe it. People at the adjacent berths were giving me that weird look. Maybe they were feeling pitiful for me. But that doesn’t matter. Thing was that I felt really infuriated that I actually felt the urge to walk straight to the office to speak my mind. But somehow anger management kicked in. Pffft.
Went down to Bras Basah in search for chinese-painting books. All the shops were closed except for Popular. The books they sold were all going at about 50bucks. Ouch. Couldn’t bring myself to get it. Got the red ink pad and 2 pin-up boards instead. Walked around a little before heading home.
I’m so sorry that your arms are aching and maybe even falling off. Hahaha. Well, that’s a good thing right? Means that your workout paid off! You must have had worked your muscles out. =)
Have a great week people! Thursday’s a public holiday. I didn’t even know that till just half an hour back. Tsk. ENJOY!
I don’t know why you’re down… and maybe you don’t know how to put them into words, but do take care of yourself alright? Hear from you soon.
It’s that feeling again… not having solutions to problems. I’m sorry that I can’t help much.
Sunday, May 27
26th May
I think some muscles would be aching tonight right you two? Haha. I’m going next week. Any followers? =p
Went for lunch, all had ‘cai fan’. Each of us ended up with 8 different kind of veges on the plate. All thanks to the ‘melon-donation’ Ber initiated. Not bad huh? Went photo hunting. Completed the game twice out of three times. I guess we all agree that we detest the mirror image photo. Rights?
Ber went for movies, after begging PE to allow her to leave her shoes at Bishan. PE went back to drop the shoes and her barangs. Waited for her at Beans, reading the 6th Target. Damn it’s good. I can’t remember what we were talking about on the train… mind switching off due to the lack of sleep. OOPS!
I’m glad that you like the idea of cheese and wine for your project. Happy to be of help to the Creative Director. Hope you do well for this assignment ya? And no, the guys didn’t ‘scream’ the night before due to a collapsing yellow ice-hill.
Did some readings at Stars. Finally finished with Job. Moving on moving on! Yaay. Few more books to go before I finally complete the entire Bible.
Unexpected calls came in at mid-day…………..
Went for late-lunch/early dinner at Bugis. Beef Bolognese and chicken Caesar’s salad. It’s FUSILLI. =) so what happens if you don’t finish the pasta in 3s? Heheh. It’s good to be laughing so much. Laughing IS a good form of medicine. =) and yes, I’m a nice person too. You know?
Bought dinner back for mum and Eric. Chatted on the phone with an old friend. Haven’t met you for a very long time. Do let me know when you wanna meet up alright? The sleeping bag is ready for collection. =) drop me a message if you wanna talk again? Yups.
And to sum off the wonderful day, something not-so-wonderful happened. My application for hostel next year has been rejected. I’m on waiting list though. That’s kinda sucky. Have to travel to and fro from school every single day. That means no more waking up at 7.30am! I’ll have to wake at 6. Well, depending on time-table though. URGH. Goodness. HOON! Buy me a car. Now I won’t even mind a Chery QQ. Someone get me a car. Or MAAAAYBE it’s time for me to get a bike license. Should I?
Dishwalla CD IS correct! And it’s good. All thanks to the monster. =)
God made each and everyone of us different, each and everyone unique, each and everyone with his own life. There would never be two same individuals as we’re each made special.
So refrain from comparing with others.
Walk your life as you want to; walk your life as you’ve been inspired to; walk a walk that would never be the same as the others. It’s your life. Live it.
Saturday, May 26
Was drifting in and out of sleep this morning. The sun was really blazing and shining on my arse. Changed and packed my stuff, headed out to TPY.
I’m sorry that I had to leave early, but I hope that you guys are happy with the little what-nots. Oh, and the note too. =) well, in return, thanks for the…… well, you know. THANKS. The photos were nice… thinking of where to stick them now. any suggestions?
Walked round places for a while before sitting down at the HK cafĂ© at Cine. Someone was trying to figure out how to sign her name properly. It was quite hilarious. And the sheepish-laughter. And oh, the phone call. I’m truly amazed. REALLY. Waited for Alv and PE, and we had our dinner. THANKS BER FOR THE TREAT! Hahaha. Though it was kinda forced upon you, I MUST say you’re the MOST generous. =)
Went up to the Balcony and had some drinks. Talked mostly about not-very-important stuff, but there were the usual teasing-of-them topics, the PE’s designs, the clubs, and of course Ber dancing for us soon. THANKS again for the entertainment! =)
Gym tomorrow. Hope you guys can wake up. If not…
Wednesday, May 23
Well, woke up a little late. Knees were a bit swollen when I got up. Took a shower and iced it down. And guess YAAAY I had guests in the afternoon!! All thanks to someone for being bored during lessons. =) very ‘zi dong’ and ripped out songs from your MP3. Thanks!
And yes! You ARE good at Othello/Reversi. I didn’t even notice that there were 64grids to it. Well done man! And I was thinking MAYBE I was ‘taiko’ and won the first match. I was outwitted most of the time. Damn.
And to the other you, do take care alright? Remember to bring your textbook if you’re coming up again. Let me know when you wanna start the assignment.
Thanks for the studs! Hahah. Didn’t expect two of it. Cool! Now I’ve got studs again. Hooray! And I don’t type fast. I’ve seen faster fingers. Really.
Took a stroll round the neighborhood with Eric. Talked about his school stuff, how to play basketball, and why Pluto isn’t counted as a planet of the solar system anymore. And why the Earth is dying. Sometimes, I just hope that he would have the same amount of interest in his studies like how he is interested in the planets, basketball and wars. Dang.
Caught the NBA match today. Spurs up agains the Jazz. GO SPURS GO! They won eventually, though I missed the last quarter. Shall catch the replay on Friday morning. Think it’s at 2am. I am so going to the arenas if I ever go for exchange in the States. Staples, Madison, AT&T, Palace. Whichever it is! A ‘live’ match would be more than I can ask for.
Had physio again today. Gaining strength in my quads and calf. Hope to be starting on the hamstrings soon. That would mark the beginning of full-scale strength training. Knee got really sore at the end of the session today. The icing never ever felt better. And I am actually surprised that I could balance on only one leg. The left one of course. Thank God. =)
Went j8 for lunch. My FIRST meal out of home since 3rd of May. That’s a whole 20days. Insane. INSANE. Mummy’s food is great! Just that maybe I missed queuing up for my own food. Sounds off huh? owells. Met up with PE. Talked and walked. She got a Nike bag, and I got myself another James Patterson. His 6th book of the Woman’s Murder Club. Putting Adrain Mole aside for now. hahah. I’m already into the fifth chapter. Unputdownable!
Got a 4 bottle-pack Hoegaarden. She got 2 tubs of B&Js. Then we saw Jun Quan. It was funny. And in two weeks time, I’ll be owning a VISA card. How nice. 1% per annum. Just what I needed. =)
Only pissing thing was that 9D*V insisted I go all the way down to Changi to have my memo endorsed. I mean, come on. Can’t you guys just be a bit more compassionate? Crap.
Took a nap when got back home, and now I’m fully awake, waiting for the Champions League Finals. That’s where the Hoegaarden comes in. =)
Movies tomorrow! Yaaaay!
Thanks for getting me the CD too! will pay you back soon. =)
Where did you find it??
Hope you know what you are going to do. It is hard whatever decision you make… no matter what, we’ll go photohunting if you need to let off some steam ya?
Oh, and I really think you should have signed for it. It ain’t that bad know? =)
Stomach flu sucks. I hope you’re feeling better now. But I don’t think you ever knew that this existed.
Hey Ms over-stretched! I’m done with the Godivas! Think I’ve put on a few pounds. But all for a good cause! =)
Ber got a pay-rise! Let’s make her treat us this Friday! Muhahahahahaha.
Happy birthday to you Jenje! May all your wishes come true. God bless you…
Monday, May 21
Chocs and Cookies
Breakfast with dad today. Don’t know how to bring up the topic… He seemed so annoyed with his workers over the phone. Don’t wanna mess things up. Shall try again. Physio was okay. Starting to do some weights. Getting the strength back, but still no full range of knee motion. And the knee’s kinda rigid and sharp pain doesn’t go away when leg is flexed.
Had visitors today! Yaaaay! Thanks for the cookies. I’m sorry if I’ve not been a good host again… ended up playing paper games. Hahah. thanks thanks.
Got a call from yan finally. Tuition starting next week.
The hairy-lazymountain-turtle shall sit on the blur chocolate monster. No rubber hammers please. Thanks. =)
Happy be-lated birthday!
Nice photo taken in the car. Looks very modellish and professional. Cool! ‘merci!’
PE, you’re most welcome. Do let me know if you need anything alright?
And yes, secondary school times are good. I’m also very sure that there’ll be great times ahead of us too! Just wait and see. Good things have to wait. =)
Cuz, I want my unprocessed-cranberry your-kind-of-crap/chocolate. Remember, I want it HOT.
Neighbor who’s 5blocks away… hope your wrist’s doing fine. Don’t worry about the court. When I’m up and kicking, those soccer players will be out of our court. Haha. Get your shooting back and regain your royalty status. Train 3 points too. You’ll have more weapons in your arsenal. Then perhaps I’ll lose on a 1v1 in 6months time. Go do it!
And maybe I’m just lucky to have friends and people around who happen to have time on their hands to drop me a visit. I’m quite sure people will be there for you too! I’m one of them. =) Chill ya? See ya!
People are missing people. China people missing France people, Singapore people missing England people, Bishan people missing Ang Mo Kio people… Dang. Anyone missing me out there?
Sunday, May 20
Have been faithfully doing the stretching and leg exercises, and everything seems to be improving… walking without braces at home now, sleep with my legs bent (FINALLY!) and icing the knee 3 times a day.
And I’ve finished the third essay!! Call me if you’ve got anything you don’t understand. I don’t think you’ll get a A for that, but better than nothing right? =)
Ber and PE came over on Friday night for dinner and stuff. Hoon misses us so much! don’t miss us too much ok? Your sis will be over soon. And so will other people. It’ll be like over sooner than you know.
Oh, FW(5years), did you go clubbing eventually?
Weihong came over on Saturday… he bought a foot-long of Subs too. Thanks bro! Had half for myself and gave the other half to Eric.
And guess what?? I’ve got a special guest today. Hahaha… welcome to the STY.
How’s the song searching going? Do let me know if you need help… though I don’t think I’ve got nice enough songs for weddings… oops!
Flickering lights, online videos, and late night sleeping. Tsk tsk. And you’re most welcome. Just that you sounded super blur in the morning. Haha!
I’m postponing the visits cause I don’t know what to do, what to say, how to behave. I don’t have answers or solutions to all the problems. I can only pray for you, for now. I’m sorry. Perhaps my heart ain’t that big after all.
Friday, May 18
I can walk.
Wednesday doc appt: Good to go, not a serious infection. Stitches got removed, try to walk MORE. See him again in six weeks time.
Wednesday night: Helped Adele with her essays. Completed 1, 2 more to go. Finally got my brain to work a little. Smeagol smeagol.
Had an interesting conversation with those two. Something about tsunamis, floatation, crawling and rolling. Managed to talk on the phone again. I think you should give it a try. Seek help if you need to and just try. As for what is to come, take a step at a time. You’ll be fine.
Thursday morning: Breakfast with dad at Queensway Macs. How cool is that. Had my first physio session. Simple exercise and stretching. Muscles have wasted by HALF. But still got good knee control. Better than expected. Thank God. Could do the strength training with weights. Which is good. Took an X-ray of the knee. Take a look at the screw. Can’t see the plate though. My phone’s only 2MP.
Thursday afternoon: Visitors came. Thank you two SOOO much. Everything was great. And I finally had my cookies and milk after so long. Didn’t have much entertainment. Sorry if I’ve bored you at any point of time. Thanks again!
Thursday evening: Completed the second essay. One more to go. Did much research on the net for this essay. Learnt quite a bit about geography myself. Good old memories.
Now: Just completed the stretching I’m supposed to do 4 times a day. stretching better than yesterday. Gonna take a shower and await for tuition. How cool is that? Giving tuition from home. Muhahah.
Tuesday, May 15
day 12
Another not very productive day. Had a very hard time trying not to finish reading the book. I’m about to run out of things to read very soon. This is not good.
One more day till I see the doc. Fingers crossed. Pray for me please. Thank you.
Tuition from home officially starts this Friday. Finally I’m feeling useful again. I don’t even get to cook at home. How pathetic huh? I guess many people out there would probably do nasty things to be in my shoes, so I shan’t complain much. Anyhows, once again, everything happens for the better. YEAPS!
Hope you guys out there who’re not very well get well soon. Those who are ill, those with troubles at work, those with problems with studies, those who simply hate life… Love yourself a bit more, pamper yourself if you need it, and take a break if you have to. It’s a long way down.
PE, I really am starting to think that there are more frogs outside. More charming too. Ain’t it? hahhaa.
The hijacking of the oven shall proceed. Yay!
Monday, May 14
day 11
Changed the dressings today. Finally… after so many days. Should have done it at the clinic though. But thought 20 bucks and 2 hours to get it done certainly doesn’t beat 5 bucks and 5 minutes. Had a good look at the stitches. They look clean, which is good. No inflammation, no infection. But the calf is not really improving yet. Fingers crossed that it’s not gangrene. If it is, I wonder how my world would collapse. The symptoms are very much similar, and things couldn’t have been worse, really. Putting faith in God that the GP was right, and that I’m wrong and am just overly paranoid. Owells.
I’ve finished watching the 8th season of FRIENDS. I’m officially turning into a potato. Starting on HEROS now. It really reminds me of X-men. But certainly I guess the plot is more intriguing.
Talked on the phone through the wee hours last night. It’s been a while ya? Hope your migraine is subsiding. You really should consider seeing a doc if it really bothers you. Yups. Well, just be nice to yourself this time round alright? You get what I mean. Haha. I know I haven’t been giving the best of suggestions but… you know. =)
And oh, another wonderful get-well gift~! This is so adorable. I’ll find a way to use it. =) thanks ber! Touch-ed.
Fix you. (coldplay)
When you try your best but you don’t succeed; when you get what you want but not what you need; when you feel so tired but you can’t sleep… stuck in reverse.
When the tears come streaming down your face; when you lose something you can’t replace; when you love someone but it goes to waste… could it be worse?
Someone… Fix me please.
Sunday, May 13
day 9. day 10

See the black/brown/red stuff there? Gross.
Did some more paintings again. Yes I’m damn free and I’m trying to be arty farty. Are anyone interested in owning a painting? I don’t do fantastic paintings… but I’ll get some motivation to paint them. Haha.
And Enjelyn, PLEASE bring something back from Peking you s*ingy p*g. Can’t you see your dearest cousin’s lame and crippled? Come on… I deserve something right? hahah. =p (like I said, no leaves/air/water/sand/hotel shampoo or soap please. Thanks.)
Glad that the church choir went well today for you! Hmmm.. Forgot to ask if you were doing for worship or for a performance? Well, bet it must be fun anyway right? Well done!
Wednesday’s coming… Can’t wait can’t wait.
Results out on the 2nd week of June. That can wait.
OH HEY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! =) you know who you are. Think you’ll be getting plenty of gifts and birthday cakes again this year. Take care of yourself alright? See you soon!
OOOoooo. Sudden craving for fresh baked oven cookies. Wish I had an oven.
And all those not feeling well out there, please do take care of yourselves! The weather’s weird these days. Eat well, rest well, and have plenty of fluids. Gosh that sounds like what I’m doing very intensively. Especially the first two. Anyways, take care!
Saturday, May 12
day 8
Got a lovely mid-afternoon snack! Really sweet… Thanks thanks! =) green, red apple, strawberries in a Kraft container. Yum. Hahaha. Too bad you had to be the house-girl, couldn’t have stayed a little longer.
Saw the doc in the night. Have got an infection in the calf… Caused by some blood-flow impedance, bacteria accumulation in the tissues. Urgh. Now the knee’s perfectly fine, but the calf is causing a whole new truckload of discomfort. More antibiotics, more painkillers again. Crap crap crap.
CA, Ber and Jon came over in the night. Hahaa. Thanks for the company people. =) 4 black shirted people sitting round a square table, playing ‘what to bring for a party’ and ‘around the world in eighty days’. Oh, and ‘in between’ too. =)
And hey! Thanks for the new nick ‘sexy legs’. I’m… honored?
Friday, May 11
day 7
YES. I’ve finally stepped out of the house yesterday evening. Not just out of the door and waddle cross the corridors, but out out out! All thanks to Carina and Scott, and yes la yes la… thanks ber…. =) thanks for coming all the way down to pick me up. It feels like it’s been YEARS since I saw the street lights. Marymount road was saying ‘hi’ to me as we rolled over it. Even the air-con in the car smells good. Right. Maybe that’s a little over-exaggerated, but the idea’s there.
Everything went well and got home safe and sound, when everyone else was asleep. Yaaay! Now I can’t wait to get this brace off. Hope the doc gives the thumbs up next Wednesday. Don’t think I can take another week of sit-and-reach stretchings… need to get some sun REALLY soon. I’m so like… faded… that I look like a jaundiced baby. And good thing I got my toe nails cut. Can’t imagine myself doing a full 5min sit-and-reach to cut the nails… and no, I won’t ask anyone else to cut them for me. Don’t ask why.
Oh, did I mention that I changed the bandage with the help of mummy (who’s very VERY tremendously afraid of looking at wounds and stitches)? I got a really FANTASTIC scratching session. ‘Orgasmic’ might not exactly be the most appropriate, but yeah. It’s ORGASMIC. I looked like a dog with a billion fleas under its fur. Okay. Wrong image I’m inputting there. Okok. Try imagining you scratching a cluster of mosquito bites… good eh? Ya. Multiply the goodness by 50. Somewhere there.
Really grateful that mummy didn’t pass out whilst changing the dressings. Brave lady. =)

Check out the hair… that’s missing. My leg feels naked.
Orange sounds good… but that means we’re ending up with the same colour? Haha. Have fun at work! Oh and 28th May? Aren’t you just brewing with anticipation?
Ooooo. I’ve got a visitor today!! Cool. =)
Till our paths cross again.
Wednesday, May 9
day 5. day 6.

Urgh. Think the words screwed up the whole thing. Need more practise. Practise practise practise! Hahah. Anyway, think I sat at the table for too long, that made my left calf go a little weird. It’s painful on touch. Hope I didn’t mess up anything inside. Gross.
Caught the NBA match this morning. Woke up early morning just to watch it. Darn the Nets lost. Spurs too. Craps.
Read the 5th Horseman by JP in the afternoon. Somehow, I just wish he would NEVER stop writing. Can’t wait for his other books, which are coming in late summer. Wondering if I should pre-order them. Sounds kinda mad, but… ya.
Have a guest over in the evening. Thanks for the coffee and shirts. Haha. Deeply appreciate it. I’m sorry that my lift scared you. Not my fault la… It’s getting kinda old. I shall get it oiled when I can jump and climb. ;)
Oh, apologies for the wrong weather prediction this morning. But I certainly hope it brightened up your day! To a certain extent at least? Hahahha.
Cindy cuz! Thanks for your ‘advices’! Certainly got a good laugh at it. BOO! Haha. Nice to hear from you again. Hope everything’s fine for you! =)
And Sheng, there’s no way you can make me curse. NO WAY. That said, you owe me meals.
Chelsea and Man Utd tomorrow morning. Great way to kill 2 hours of time.
Ber, shall we make MJ happen? Let’s play for breakfast treats? Haha. Or candies would be fine with me. Or ANYTHING at all. =)
Feels good, still being be able solve the integration and ODE questions. I’ve not returned everything back to the profs! What great news! Glad to be of help. Hahaha.
Sometimes I wonder who actually reads what I write.
Do you?
Tuesday, May 8
day 4
Anyways, thanks you SOOO much Ber for coming over yesterday. It’s alright you forgot the papers. At least you got the bubble tea! Haha. Say with me… “MO-CHA”. =p spent the afternoon watching some videos, learning ‘happy birthday’ on the guitar, and going through some old stuff. OLD STUFF. I shall re-re-re-re-emphasize that it’s OLD STUFF. Oh, thanks for staying till tuition started too. It actually meant a lot to me. Somehow it gave me strength. Thanks again!
The mass conversation last night was rather interesting, seriously. I felt so important all of the sudden. I saved a copy of it. Let me know if you want it. HAHAHA.
Well, I’m gonna start my painting today. Prepared the brushes yesterday, and today it shall begin.
Oh, added a chatterbox. Drop me a msg anytime. At the box, or under the comments. It’ll be good entertainment for me. =)
PHUAYENG….! Try reading that as a single syllable. Yups! Sounds like a little noise made some silly bird in the safari. But NOO. Haha. That’s our dearest friend Ms Denise Chan! And she’s celebrating her 22nd birthday! Come people, let’s conduct a birthday celebration for her! Ber can play the guitar, Alvin can play the piano, Hoon and play the sax, Ling can do the singing, I’ll take control of the mic volume! Haha. okay, I’m talking nonsense.
Anyhows, happy happy birthday to you. May you have less projects and less assignments this year round, and you’ll that be blessed with wisdom to decide what you wanna do after your current course. All the best to you! Enjoy the celebrations… I’m sorry that the fondue tasted like ‘shit’. We should try a cheese one next time. Haha. SINFUL. Take care!
Troubled one: I don’t know if I was of any help, really. Just keep on looking forward to each day alright? Have faith in yourself and the people around you. Everything happens for a reason. And hey, Liverpool for me next season. I shall be part of the KOP for one season. =)
Battery-less one: yeah you finally got what I’m trying to say. Ooops! I must have been really discreet. Well, I wasn’t really thinking of exactly the same colour. You know you know. Well, it was just a thought really. I don’t think you have to get it. yups, See you in a bit, if you’re dropping by that is. Hope you find your battery soon! hahah. And go get your craving for caramel latte fixed. It’s good. Tata.
Sleepy one: hang in there. You’ve been online since don’t know when. Please be nice to yourself and take care of yourself. The flowers look great.
JO: I knew you’ll fail him. NYP student. Haha. Glad that you had fun. You guys took any pictures? And those heels. Goodness. They looked torturous. Classy though.
Ling: we NEED to talk. You know what I mean. Haha.
Alrights, below are the photos of the little scrapbook we did for our dear dear dear Siokhoon’s birthday. We’re all quite proud of our production, with all the sticking and pasting and cutting and writing… I bet you must have been quite touch-ed. Right? I’m sorry we made you tear a little over at the ulu lala land. Bet hey, it’s gotta be one of your best birthday gift right? *grins*
Oh, the comments ALVIN wrote for Hoon’s not here, cause she simply REFUSES to show us. I wonder WHY. Well, I guess it doesn’t really take a genius to guess why right? TSK. To spare you the blushes, I’m not gonna come up with my own ‘Alvin’s comments’. Hahah. But I think it’ll be quite funny though. OWELLS.
Sunday, May 6
Day 3
Been online the entire day, and have chatted with quite a bit of people. Kinda cool keeping connected with the rest of the world… haha. thanks for all your well-wishes again.
Got a call from Yan, asking me how to do logarithms. Feeling kinda bad not being able to tutor them for this period of time. Exam period. Hope they do fine.
Gonna start my painting again. Haha. Kinda excited about it. Thinking of what to paint. The last one I did was… I can’t remember. OH! Hhaa. I think I know. Do you still have it with you? Framed it up? Hee.
Wow. The fellowship’s gonna come visit me. The whole bunch of them. Haha. So exciting. Pray there won’t be any troubles. pray pray pray.
The one the ulu land: hope your porridge was fine. Haha. good luck for your 2 assignments.!
The one who’s blue all over: all the best for your projects! See you next week. haha. I need help with my router. Whooooooooooooooops! Oh oh! “Upapa upapa… upapa u papa” it keeps ringing in my head after leafy chanted it that day. hahhahaha!
The one who WAS super sleepy: I am quite sure you were SUPER sleepy and didn’t half notice what you were typing. Did you actually calling to ‘bother’ me? Haha. DO CALL if you’re free. Cause I’m quite stuck these days. Oops. And the “oven hijacking”, we doing it? =)
The one who’s bored: see you tomorrow! I think I know what I’m craving for now. Hehehe.
The one who doesn’t care: Screw it. I mean it.
Out of AH.

Minds Cafe.
Operation was smooth and everything went fine. Still kinda unbelievable that I’ve got a screw and a metal plate in me. I’m screwed like said – literally. Well, the LMA stuck down my throat during the op has made my throat really uncomfortable. Still kinda stingy right now. Oh, the anesthetist kinda forgot to plug the tube to the breather. Was like wondering, ‘where the heck is the air’. She must have been wondering why I was still wide awake and kinda gasping after half a minute, till she realized that she forgot the tube.
Spent the night feeling groggy and blur. Knew who came and knew what I said, but I guess the anesthetics didn’t fully wear off, was still feeling kinda high. OH! I was given morphine too! to relief the pain off my hamstring. It was really HIGH I say. No wonder it’s a contraband. Haha.
Remember people smsing me, and remember replying their smses. But, thing is, I don’t really remember who smsed, or what I replied. Oops! Haha. All I can remember about that night was Jenje calling. Apart from that, everything else was a blur. Slept through the night feeling really uncomfortable, not being able to move my leg. It was kinda horrible, still trying to get used to it.
Learnt how to use the crutches the following day. How to stand, how to sit, how to move up and down the stairs. Oh, no pretty nurses there, but there’re pretty physiotherapists. Oops! Haha. so says Joel la. Not long after lunch, Joel came. Then Alv, Ber, PE and ZX came. Seriously, I can’t remember what we talked about, but the conversation about fishing rods, and how Joel’s using it as a underwear hanger’s kinda etched in my head. Hhaa.
Thanks guys! For the sunflower. Thanks for coming too! touch-ed. Think Ber was kinda xian half-way through. RIGHT? haha. or maybe she just wanted to get cosy and sit on the bed.
Got my dressings changed before I got discharged. I must say, if Jo was there, she would have failed the nurse right on the spot. All the sterility stuff… haha. Well, he did right by turning off the fans, not crossing the sterile boundaries, and throwing the right stuff in the right bag; but he didn’t put on his gloves, didn’t clean hard enough, and used the wrong forceps for the wrong stuff. Hahaha. You would have failed him immediately right? Haha. Clean wound, dirty wound. Yada yada. Kinda forgot most of the stuff. =p how’s phantom?
Spent today slacking around the house. I mean, what else can I do right? watched NBA in the morning. Ling and YK came. Talked for about an hour, RT couldn’t make it heard. Oh, so we’re heading to the neighboring islands end of the year ya? Come one people. Let’s make it happen this time round. Haha.
Afternoon was for games, tv, and afternoon nap. Oh! Then CM came. Haha. Thanks girl! For the merci and the dvds. =) now I won’t be feeling that bored. Oh! Thanks for the banana cake too. I think I shall have it for breakfast tomorrow morning. Hehe. 24th right? Welcome to Singapore!
Caught the Man Utd and Man City match. Hahaha. Man Utd was damn lucky to win. Darius should have scored the penalty. Owells. Guess they’re lucky – having been demolished by Milan a few days back. Ooops. Think someone’s gonna kill me. Hahha. Anyhows, I think the title’s theirs. No treble though. Perhaps a double. And Mourinho’s gonna get sacked. Eriksson will take over as Chelsea manager. Just a hunch. But it just might come true. Haha.
Think I’m gonna get really fatten up by the rate I’m stuffing my face and not moving around. Will be some kinda genetically modified super-extra-large-couch-potato of the century. URGH.
Sixists, Hoon’s suggesting pot luck this July before school starts. She’s gonna make ‘jiao zi’. On boh? Ahhaa.
Ber, u’ve been packing your room since don’t know when. I’m not gonna wait for you le. =p too bad! The window of opportunity has closed! Muahhahaha. We ought to bring the rest for photo hunt one of these days.
Ling, all the best for your exams! Good luck.
Ouch. I just tried to prevent my phone from crashing – by using my legs. How smart. Natural reaction. SHIT SHIT SHIT. URGGGGGGGGGH.
Still messed up. Can’t find the answers. Shall try again tomorrow. Maybe the day after? It’s not easy when the mind’s not logical and when everything just takes over. Crap.
Wednesday, May 2
Impending surgery
Anyhows, will be going for the op tmr. Still ain’t exactly feeling a thing as yet. Perhaps I’ll start worrying tomorrow.
For those very nice people who are interested in paying your truly a visit, sms me after tmr 6pm? Will let you know the ward and stuff. Hah. Gonna be at AH for 3-5 days. Goodness me.
Goodnight people. It’s been quite a while. My apologies. God bless!
Happy birthday PE! Hope you enjoyed your little birthday dinner. All the ‘shit’ and ‘kisses’, bread and butter. Chill alright? See you on Friday or Saturday.
“PE…………… I love you……………… *sobs*” hahahhahahah. Oops.
Hoon, you’re very much welcome! Glad that you like the little scrapbook. Could you please do the 5 of us a great favor? Take pictures of it when you’ve got the time? Every single page of it. Cause some of us haven’t exactly got the time to admire it.
And hey, there’s nothing between me and qq. Thanks ah.
Ling, you’re officially on the MIA list. Haha. anyway, you owe me a song! Well, good luck for your exams! All the best. ;)
Alv, ‘bridge’ at the hospital sounds good. Lend me some videos if you have. ‘300’ is a good start. Hahahaha.
Ber, nothing to say. Haha. Lydd?
Jess, great to hear from you. Sent you an email. Do reply when you’ve got the time. =) and please do see a doc. Sleep-typing sounds kinda scary. Ahha.
Sheng, no more lunch time msning. Hahah. But I guess the websms will be coming in quite handy now? Keep on enjoying your 1.5hours of torture! =p evil me.
Eric, if you’re reading this, hope you’re enjoying yourself in Europe. Should be in Holland now right? Haha. See you for Botak Jones soon dude. Remember to bring a Bernabeu or Nou Camp seat back. Enjoy.
RT, hope you’ll solve your problem soon. Though it seems like a tall order to resolve everything at hand, I guess sometimes it just takes a little courage to do what you have to do. It’s your choice at the end of the day. Do take care!
CM, thanks for dinner yesterday evening! ‘wild hogs’ was good eh? Haha. See you soon alrights? You’re officially my ‘entertainment provider’ now. *grins* not that your ‘friends’ is the one I’m looking out for, but you know what I mean. RIGHT? haha. See ya!
Need time to sort out this mess. Mess that I’ve created for myself. Goodness gracious.