Last week's Botak outing. Top: my double botak w Cheese. Mid: SY & Rick. Bot: Eric & I.
Have I already mentioned that I’ve finally got my CD’s? And the new bag. Gifts for myself this birthday. Hahas. The bag rocks. Thought it’s already a little dirty. It’s quite interesting how Rick and the guys could actually have a discussion on how a Crumpler should be slinged. By the side? Or cross the chest? Haha. either works for me I guess.
And oh, those 2 Dishwalla CDs. My oh my. Probably the best CD’s I have. Wonder why they don’t sell it here. No no. Actually they do. But at $48 for one album, it’s kinda crazy. Got the 2 for $65 at amazon.com. Hooray!
Was reading the news on CNN.com yesterday. A baby was born after his father was dead for 2 years. Well, on the first read, I thought it was going to be some sorta freak/miraculous kind of news. But turns up that baby’s mum conceived through father’s sperm which was kept in the sperm bank before he went to war in Iraq. Miracle? Guess it very much depends on how you look at it.
There’re so much implications, so many issues here if you were to put some thought into it. But just plain looking at it superficially, I think it is a really sweet and brave thing for the mum to do. Raising her child all alone, conceiving the child in the first place for the love of her husband. It is wow.
But still, I wonder is this a right?
Well, I’ll leave that to God. There are many things in our lives that we cannot fine explanations, and we often engage ourselves in certain activities without knowing the reasons why. But that’s how life is I guess. Not going to let tomorrow’s worries bother me. For today has got its own troubles. Or so says Jess: “be prepared to be wowed each day”. Sums it all up.
And so this week started with the Materials Science test. Guess I did okay, probably a B+ or A-. Thing was, everyone thought they could have done better. My inclusive. It’s kinda sucky when you take a test and you don’t know where you actually got wrong. The learning process is lost here. But owells. That’s how it goes around here in NTU. Getting along with it.
Abandoned Joel on Monday evening and went for tuition. Got an sms from Sheng. She was having this problem with her tuition kid. Kinda funny. Haha. oops! Went back home, did some work and prepared for Tuesday evening. It was gonna be a short 15-20mins, but there’s just so many things to consider. The place, the time, the stuff. Even the weather. Everything. It was a good thinking process though.
Got a ride to AH from Dad. Saw the surgeon and it’s confirmed that the surgery would be on 2nd May. People, please come visit me if you can. I’m gonna be there for 5 days. FIVE DAYS. I can’t imagine myself stuck in the bed for 5 days. I guess I’ll be clicking my laptop away. NO. wait. Do they allow laptops there in the first place?? Dang!
Gave tuition in the evening. Ran a little late and had to rush back to Bishan. Managed to be there on time. Guess everything went as planned. But… I don’t know. Having mixed feelings about it. Perhaps I’m expectant. But I think it comes down to the point, where I’m just too… URgh.
A card, a cross, a cake, a lighter, 2 candles and an MP3 player,
Yes my dear friend. Perhaps I should give myself a chance. It’s amazing how you can suck info out of me with the circumstances we have now. You really are good. =) it’s a trait that you ought to have huh?
Giving myself a chance now.
Oh, I’ve got my first birthday gift! Haha. But I guess it doesn’t it. Or rather I won’t fit it. XL? Haha. I’m not that huge, no? I’m big. But not exactly that big. Haha. oops. Thanks anyway, if you’re reading this.
Thanks Jo for helping me ask about that NS thingy. Haha. Called MIND*F and they were very nice to help me settle everything. THANKS! =)
Teengae mutant ninja turtles movie is opening on my birthday! Haha. Childhood memories! Well, reminiscence. RIGHT Ling? Haha. I can’t remember what you typed yesterday night, but I’m sure Joel and I had a VERY good laugh. Something like… remimise? YA. That’s it. REMIMISE. Oops!
No botak for lunch today. Eric’s having beef tonight. He’ll start barfing red meat if he went today. SY’s having it tonight. Rick’s probably still asleep. Haha. So, back to my staple. CAI FAN. Haha.
Have a great weekend ahead people. I know I will have a good one. Coffee tomorrow afternoon (I won’t be late!), dinner at home (it’s been a while), supper somewhere (fluttering again), church on Saturday and chilling out with the peeps after, basketball on Sunday, meeting up with the 6ixists, minus one who’s in China. We’ll Skype you. Don’t worry. Haha. Heard there’re more people coming. Goodie. Sheng u coming?
Last but not least, as you can see I’ve changed the template. And I kinda like it. But the thing is, the chatterbox is gone, and I’m too lazy to install it again. So, please leave comments at the bottom of the posts if you wanna tell me something alright?
Thanks a lot! God bless you nice people out there.
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