Oh sheesh. Over slept and missed the morning lectures this morning. Only managed to wake up at 11. Tsk. Have to watch the webcast. Owells.
Well, if you don't know, this little man is called Hard Gay, and this little toy is sitting on my table right now. =) thank you! It's really sweet of you to get. Hope it didn't make you go bankrupt. =)
Taking the next ten minutes to do a little update before I leave hall for tuition with CM. As far as I can remember, we had a hike with the youth people at church last Saturday. Started from the Singapore Island Country Club, we trekked into the forest, walked the HSBC tree top walk, and then all the way out to the Rifle Range Road. So much changes have been done to the entire trail. It’s so much easier to walk now, as compared to a few years back when there weren’t paths and steps but just more and more mud trails and dirt roads.
Hiked up Bukit Timah and down to Beauty World. Completed the journey before the set target time. Had dinner and Macs before everyone went on home. It was fun, and thank God that the weather was good and PSI wasn’t that bad. =) waiting for cousin to us the photos we took throughout the trail. Busy man he is.
Sunday was mugging day as usual, mugged for econs and more econs. Well, the test didn’t eventually turn very well, but hope for the best I guess. Anyways, school on Monday and Tuesday was as usual, apart from the late meetings that we had. Some posters we had to change and cards we have to send. So much for the welfare committee. Haha. Interesting things we do.
Oh, Tuesday was sheng’s birthday. Haha. Happy birthday to you girl! Though I didn’t really get to SAY happy birthday, but you get it. Right? =)
Had dinner on Wednesday at Marina and we had Sakae. Caught up a bit and moved on for coffee at Beans. I’m rather surprised that there’re a people out there who reads, and I’ve got no idea that they actually do. And these are people that I actually know. How nice. =) And I’ve yet to find out how you found out about this. (Chancing and “stumbling” upon it is quite, well, difficult. Try googling it. You can’t see it ANYWHERE.) Anyways, hope you enjoyed dinner. (I’m not quite sure if I slept ‘smiling’, but just maybe I did)
Walked back to Raffles City and we went our ways. Caught the train back and horror of horrors, the train service ceased when we got to Jurong East interchange. Someone jumped onto the tracks at Chinese Garden and ALL passengers had to alight at Jurong East. The bus station and taxi stands started to swarm with people and it took me almost an hour to get from JE to BL. It was bad. But I managed to catch the highlights afterall. =)
Lab on Thursday was quick and easy. Managed to finish it and got back to hall to slack a bit before computing lectures. Chailin dropped by and we had lunch at the lounge. This “yan can cook” guy was on tv and we were laughing our heads off whilst watching. Funny character and sometimes I wonder how do you actually make a living hosting culinary shows as such. I mean, WHO watches it? (well, apart from the both of us who were too lazy to change channels for that 15-20mins of lunch) It’s AMAZING as to how moronic things can get in the show. Oops!
Evening was good. Ott dropped by and we kinda “bitched” a little. Well, a lot. Supper was great and I guess, mayo with the dumplings still rock. (better than that vinegar ginger thingy). Hope yoga went well for you today and no worries about that b*tch. She’s just, well, you know. =) and you’re better than that. Like you said, “you’re everything I don’t wanna be”. (I’ve got no idea how you say it in Thai, but you get the drift =) ) Have fun!
Owells, got to go now. Tuition’s at 1530, Suntec. Need to pack up and get ready. All those reading this (that’s inclusive of YOU. You know who you are.), enjoy your weekend! Enjoy every moment of it. Because before you know it, it’s already MONDAY. Haha. Well, pardon me if I spoiled your party moods, but I’m kinda dreading each day. EXAMS ARE COMING! And things are picking up pace rather quickly. And I’ve yet to catch up on some stuff. Anyways, HAVE FUN!
PS: Jo, I hope you’re having fun in Turkey. How’s tea? Haha. I’ll find your little thingy and pass it to Ott. Thanks for helping get my shades! Help me thank Oli too ya? =)
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