Friday, July 7

Home-making day

Knocked out on the bed from 2am all the way till 1pm. That’s quite a long sleep. Wasn’t totally sleep-sleep though. Messages came in the morning, the phone calls in the afternoon and the racket that has been going on downstairs ever since they’ve decided to change the tiles of the pathways.

Read Otti’s sms at 6am and tried replying, but fell asleep after typing in 2words. Only managed to send the message out at 1pm, when Ber’s call finally woke me up. Can’t really remember what the conversation was about, but vaguely, I think it’s about the florist at Suntec. Something about a hand flower for her sister’s graduation at SMU. =)

Bro was already back home when I woke up. Talked to him for a while and got to know that mum hadn’t had lunch. Went into her room and asked her if she wanted any. Said she wasn’t really hungry, and thought that chwee kuey would be fine.

Unluckily, the chwee kuey stall at the coffee shop had already closed by the time I got there. Was on the phone with Otti and asked her what was a good substitute for chwee kuey and her mum said chai tao kuey. Thought that these 2 are so different even though they are of the same ingredients. Haha. Oh, we still haven’t figure out what’s elbow and ankle in Chinese. =)

Brought cai fan back home and had lunch in front of the tv. Was watching the replay between France and Brazil. Was wondering if France would go all the way. It’ll be a fairytale for Zizou if that happened. Just months back he retired from international football, and now, he’s on the verge of winning his second world cup. How funnily things can happen.

Did some home improvement for the rest of the afternoon. Packed the room, vacuumed and mopped the floor, tidied up the kitchen, did the dishes and burnt a disc for my hi-fi set. Realised that I’ve been listening to the radio and haven’t been really utilitsing it’s MP3 function.

Was supposed to go shopping with mum at 6 but she was still sleeping at 7. Decided not to wake her up. Grabbed my stuff and biked down to the court and played some ball. Not a bad day, considering the fact that I’ve been posting up a little today. No big shots though. Haha. Guess it doesn’t happen everyday. =)

Came back home and cooked some instant noodles for dinner. Added cabbage, mushrooms, tomatoes, anchovies, and an egg inside the pot. It’s been a while since I’ve had instant noodles. At least a year? Haha.

It’s gonna be a long weekend again. =) goodie.


Anyways, it’s Oak’s big day today. Birthday boy! Haha. It’s been a while. Hasn’t it? Since sec3? Well, didn’t really knew this guy even existed at that time, until he joined the Scorpion Scouts. Quiet as he seemed to be, as time went by, this guy has got really funny ideas and the crappy things he does sometimes are just off the hook. Not to forget, his ability to charm the girls he meet. Bro, remember Suyi? Singapore river? That was one helluva night man! Tsk tsk. Oops!

Well, to our FFA, good luck to you! The bestest best in whatever you’re doing! Just too bad you’re in camp right now. Must have pre-arranged it on purpose right. If not, I wonder what kinda nasty stuff would happen to you.

Hey, pick up your guitar and start learning man! Hope to play with you one day. =) Maybe you can start with Wonderwall. Haha.

Take care bro. See you around! Cheers!


Oh, just before I forget, good luck to Raymond (king crab) and Derek for their enlistment to the Army. 10 weeks will be over in a jiffy. Haha. Everyone says that. But I guess it really is fast. Each day would just be nothing more than exercises and more exercises, marching and more marching, training and more training. And the nightly crap talk with your bunk mates before lights out, and handphone talks with your girlfriend after lights out. It’s a routine. But it’s fun in a way. =)

Think you won’t be seeing this unless you broke something and you come back home, or you fall really ill and they send you back to mainland. In that case, I hope that you won’t see this. =)


Just got an msg from someone I’ve least expected from. I think the money I’ve lent her is not the issue here. It’s the underlying problems. And her sister. God help me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.