Friday, July 28
NO time
Days are so packed lately it’s kinda tiring. Lectures and preps for hall and camps. Busy busy busy.
Nacho Libre is funny. Catch it. =)
The tiramisu at Breko really cannot make it. And I just had to have the bigger portion. Felt sick when I got back home that night.
One last math lesson tonight. Shall I go? Or should I spend my time packing up my stuff at hall?
Camp starts tomorrow. Lasts till Thursday. Long long camp huh.
Owells. Anyway, have fun people! Especially those enjoying your holidays… Enjoy whilst it lasts………….
Monday, July 24
These are some of the photos taken at Ling's chalet. Finally found the time to post them up. =)
Today’s lecture turned out to be an eye-opener to the world of MATRIX. Not that movie matrix but the mathematical method of solving linear equations by means of matrices. It’s really amazing how those mathematicians could actually think of something so profound as such. I guess, without this little thing called the matrix, the world very much wouldn’t be like what we know it to be right now.
Yesterday was pretty fun though. Went to church and had dinner at Paragon Thai Express. Been a while since I’ve had Thai. Dry beef rice was good, and the shrimp paste kangkong was yummy. And AGAIN, it reminded me of Weihong. Tsk. Not exactly the kind of thoughts one would want to have whilst having dinner.
Got another top from U2. Was on some crazy offer and was selling for twelve bucks. Well, it’s pink in colour and thought it was kinda striking in a way. But guess I’m just trusting your taste? =)
Well, it’s weird to have people hitting on you or checking you out isn’t it? Maybe to some of us, it’s a good thing because it shows that you’re rather eye-catching and attractive and etc etc etc. But the thing is, it is really off-the-hook when you’ve got people of the same sex checking you out, ain’t it? Not in the “manly” checking-you-out way where “he’s got muscles bigger than mine. I ought to exercise more often” goes through his head; but rather the disgustingly “unmanly” way where “OMG, he’s got a nice body and nice butt! OMG” is perpetually going through his bonkers head.
Funny thing is: I’m not really attracting people of the right ‘group’ of people. I thought it was already bad when little girls (and I DO mean little) tend to cling onto me, and older aunties (yeah. OLD), well… let’s not touch on that. Anyways, now it’s getting really spooky when GUYS are checking ME out. Okay. And so I thought it was my imagination at the beginning. But just when other people confirm it with me, the skies just came crashing. This CANNOT BE HAPPENING.
It’s funny to think of it. Really it does. But it also is rather disturbing. EEeeyer! *shivers running up and down the spinal cord* Lets just hope this thingy will pass by soon.
Oh, I’m gonna donate blood tomorrow! And I’ve found a kakee to do that. Woo-hoo! Once again, I’m calling out to all the people out there who want to donate blood and have got no kakees to do so, join me! =)
Sunday, July 23
Short post
Was going through some A levels integration just now. Decided to take a break and here I am. It’s 2am and I’m getting cranky.
The past few days have been fun and time sure past by really quickly when you’re immersed in work. Was supposed to meet Zhiyong today and also attend the camp tmr. But think I can’t make it. tsk.
Played ball in the afternoon. Mic and Fangfang came down. Think they’re legally married right now. How fast. Just a year back they were ‘separated’ and now they’re married! How fast things change man! =) all the best to them.
OWells, I shall leave now. I think I need something to eat. Hmmms.
Anyways, this entry seems really short and weird. Like out of no where. Haha.
OH! NEO! Your guitar clips are fantastic man! =) I’m rather inspired to make my own. Haha. And the Canon in D duet thingy you were talking about? Maybe you can send me if u’ve got a softcopy? Thanks!
And oh! I’m gonna QUOTE again. Too bad if you don’t like it. But I think it sounds rather cute in a way. It goes like “When God throws you lemon, you make lemonade!”. Well, depends on how you look at it. It’s meaningful la. =) Don’t blame me for quoting again! *bleahs*
Tuesday, July 18
Lost calculator
Apart from the misplaced calculator, all was fine yesterday. Started the day off with a visit to the POSB bank. Queued up and was promptly attended by this girl called Jolene. Applied for the Go! Card and also had my account authorization changed from the thumbprint to my signature (finally!). As she was getting my card ready (she did it twice ‘cos my name was misspelled as “VICENT” the 1st time round), I was briefly introduced to this new debit card, CapitaCard. Basically, for the first 2 years, applicants enjoy fee waiver, there’s no minimum income required, and card holders enjoy quite a bit of privileges in terms of rebates and rewards.
Check it out.
Off to Popular to stock up on my stationery, and down to town I went. Sat in Take Coffee Bean to get my differentiation done. Could only managed three quarts of what I planned to do and it took my 3hours. Tsk. Along came Otti and the yummy chocolate chip macadamia cookies from Amos. Thanks girl! =) Walked around for a bit and went to Far East to get something for mum’s birthday. Saw Edelene and Huiting along the way. Was kinda surprised that they actually stood at the escalators and waited for us. Thought they might have just waved and walked along. Haha. Had a quick chat and parted. Edelene seemed really redly burnt though. =)
Got a ride down to One North for my lecture. It’s a new lecturer this time. He’s got a totally weird accent and he simply forgotten to introduce himself throughout the entire lecture. The only thing we know about him right now is his name, his weird accent, and that he’s got a fabulous brain for calculus. Ever wondered why differentiating Sine X gives you Cosine X and the other way round would produce a negative Sine? Well, he could prove it. Better still, ever wondered why differentiating exponential x gives you the same thing back again? He showed it. Kaiyong was commenting what a show-off he was. Haha. Juat maybe he is. Thing is, he’s a prof. I guess he’s got the rights to. We’re just pesky little bratty sponges trying to absorb as much as possible from him.
The lecture ended early and we walked out to the bus stop as usual. Took the 74 back and as it passed by SIM, a swarm (I really mean a SWARM. Easily 30odd people) came up the bus. The bus suddenly smelt like smoke (think was from the students smoking at the bus-stop. They ought to be caught and fined and caned) and it certainly was much much rowdier. For a moment, thought I was gonna up for a ‘rough’ ride back.
But surprisingly, along came Ee Cheah and she sat beside me. What a coincidence! It had been quite a while since I’ve seen her (or any other of the classmates, apart from Jee). Caught up on our recent happenings, and talked about the class gathering I missed last Thursday. Was kinda sad that I didn’t make it because apparently almost the ENTIRE class made it except for Peishan, Jee, JJ and I. EVERYONE else was there. Dang! Realised that the girls are mostly graduating next year (business and accountancy courses are 3 years. Pooi!) and they would be working real soon, as compared to the guys who’ve got another 4 years of studies ahead of us.
How sad. But then again, everything happens for a reason. =) Sometime we just have to wait a little while more to find out what that reason is.
It’s now officially become a ‘rest and slack’ day for me because my calculator is down. Think I should fine something productive to do right now. Like watching videos and playing games. Haha. Sounds good. =)
Sunday, July 16
Beer mugging
Little did I know, got a msg from RT that she won’t be able to make it to the court. Kinda sian diao for a moment. But was alright. Watched a pastry-related, HK drama with Eric before going out to the court in the afternoon. Hung around for a while before it started drizzling. Rode back home and realised that I didn’t have my keys with me. Had to trouble mum to come back and pass me the keys. How absent minded!
Went off to Cine and was kinda pre-empting that people’s gonna be late. True enough, Hansong’s the one late this time round. Said he had to send the Bruneians for some national celebrations at Hyatt, and thus delaying his time.
Met up with Faizal first and were frantically calling him as Song was really late. Got to know that Jo and Otti were watching the same movie at the same time in the same theatre. At that point of time, we didn’t have any bags with us, and wanted to bring ‘outside’ food into the theatres. Thus, shamelessly I had to call the ladies (who were already in the theatres) and asked if we could borrow their bags. Felt paiseh that they had to come ALL the way down (on escalators) to pass the bag. Thank you so much! And I’m really sorry.
Got the pancakes and drink and stuffed them into the krumpler and Zal had popcorns (using the $1 discount coupon we got from purchasing the tickets). Rushed up 6levels (escalators again) and went for the Pirates of the Caribbean. The show had already started when we went in, but figured that we didn’t miss much as there were still people coming in after us. =)
Oh, it was a good decision to pick the tickets that are nearer to the aisle (when you’re sitting at the side columns). Reason being it’s nearer to the middle (for the better view), and that if you’re late, you won’t be causing much commotion to the others as compared to when you’re sitting right at the corners. Thanks ott!
After the show, parted with the girls and we headed down to Far East for dinner. Disappointingly, Neo couldn’t make it as he had to study for his Advance Theory. Sad. Went down to Cable Car bar down the street. We had draft beer and pours. Zal tried Bloody Mary (I think it tastes like tomato juice more than anything else) and I had a Whisky (which I think as officially made its way onto my black-list) and Song had Vodka lime.
Hung around from 8+ till 11 before calling it a day. Shall meet up again when the EPL starts. =)
Was thinking of meeting the rest up (6ists) as everyone was outside but no plans were actually formalized.
Took a 14 down to Siglap and met up with Otti. Had bar chor mee and chrysanthemum (with extra herbal taste to it) tea. Sat around and talked before returning home at 3am.
Knocked out and slept like a log till now. tsk tsk. Tuition’s at 6.30pm later. Means I won’t be having dinner at home. Again. Owells.
It’s a good Sunday today. Sunny and full of energy. Shall get some light on the skin. =)
Saturday, July 15
Cswimming Club

Went down to the Chinese Swimming Club to swim with Otti. First time there and the outside looked the exact opposite of the inside. Anyone driving by would probably think that it might be another temple-like-building, but inside… Different.
The membership for this club costs 13K++. Now that’s quite a lot. That’s excluding the monthly subscription fee. It’s a hefty sum to pay. But the facilities are good though (toilets are woohoo good – they provide hair gel too!) Personally, I think it’ll be a waste shall anyone be member of the club and don’t actually frequent it.
Thing is, it’s my ever first time stepping into a club like that. A kind of lifestyle, luxury that I’ve not tasted before. It’s a classy feeling, a good feeling. But somehow, something’s just weird. Maybe because I don’t understand why people pay so much for it. Maybe it’s something else. I can’t put a word to it. But it’s not a bad kind of feeling though.
Lasted only 4 laps before my eyes turned really red. Bloody red to be exact. For a moment I thought I had conjuctivities. Took a shower and had lunch at the cafeteria. The serving was kinda big, especially the cheese wedges. Fish and chips was not too bad, chicken rice was good too. Shall try the other food next time round. And not forgetting the dessert.
Took a bus down to Taka and walked around. Got a white/pink t-shirt from U2 (again! I think it’s my fav shop now.) and spent a while ‘trying’ it out in the fitting room. Whilst ‘trying’, it felt like it was a war just outside. Haha.
Then off I went of for the maths lecture. Tried hard not to fall asleep for the 1st half an hour as he re-capped the previous lecture. Things started to get exciting when he started making silly mistakes on the projectors. Guess he was tired too. Haha. It’s weird when you have a lecturer asking his audience to help him check his answers as he goes through the examples.
All was well today. And I’m tired. Pirates tomorrow and will be hanging out with the guys. Can’t wait. =)
Did I mention that I’m having an ant problem in my room? And that I would really wanna thank the people who helped in making the tomato ketchup the way it is now. It’s yummy. Ain’t it? =)
Friday, July 14
Each lecture spans from 6.30pm to 10pm, with a 15min break in between. It’s really long and it certainly has been a long while since I’ve attended any lectures. It feels weird at first, especially when we are required to get used to the lecturer’s style and monotonous lecturing really quickly; and also weird because he’s going at a really fast speed. 2 lectures have passed, and I can safely say that he’s already covered 25% of what we’ve learnt in the entire 2 years in JC. Well, that is not as bad if one looks at it from the perspective that it’s a ‘revision’ course. But thing is, it’s gonna get faster during the REAL thing. Scary huh?
It doesn’t really help when the assoc. prof (prof Chan) starts to ‘briefly go through’ mathematical concepts that we’re gonna learn in the years to come. All those funny notations and weird looking equations really freaked some of the audience out. But I guess, just take things a step at a time. It won’t be that tough I hope.
And oh, did I mention that engineering is a MALE dominated course in NTU? SIGHSS. =p lucky bastards are those we’re studying business and accountancy. Pffffft.
Quite a bit of things have happened recently. Some worrying, some pleasing.
Whatever it is, I’m grateful that I’ve got people around me, to be there for me, to hear me out and drop hugs and little ‘kisses’. Thanks people… really. You know who you are. Thank you so much. =)
It’s gonna be a HOT day tomorrow. I hope. Going swimming and some maths revision. AGAIN.
Well, this time, I’m aiming high. It’s my last chance to run the race. And I’ve got my aspirations to achieve. Hope I make it. =)
God bless all!
Sunday, July 9
Chilly day
Caught the match between Germany and Portugal with mum last night. Slept at 5+ and woke today only at 1. Made brunch (Post cereals and milk with a nice banana on top. Yum.) and sat in front of the Tv. Was flipping through stations and settled on a really old 007 show.
Rotted till 4 and then drove down to get my knee checked AGAIN. It’s rather irritating. Somehow, I’ve got this feeling that I might not be able to run for a very long time. Or maybe even perhaps the rest of my life. It’s scary, considering that fact that improvement has been really slow lately, and the pain just wouldn’t go away. Praying that it’s not true. Sighs.
It was already 5 when the checkup ended, and service had already started by then. Thought that the traffic would be really treacherous and would have to ‘fly’ once again. Thing was, the roads were really wet and it was kinda raining kittens and puppies. Was expecting myself to get there in probably half an hour if I ‘flew’.
Amazing thing was, out of 10traffic lights I encountered on the roads, I think only 1, the most 2 turned red on me. The rest were all good-to-go. I thought, at that rate, I wouldn’t have to speed no more, and I could actually get to church before my stipulated timing. Figured that I was God’s way of telling me not to rush through the traffics, especially when it’s really wet and put my life and other people’s at risk. =)
Evening time was really chill and finally I had dinner at home. It’s been a really long while. Really long while. Easily 2 weeks? Owells. Strummed the rest of the night away and now I await my guest to watch the Finals.
I’m banking on an Italian win. =)
Happy bday Alv!
Came back home and changed, went down town to meet up with Otti. Supposed to meet at orchard, but to save time, we met at City Hall instead. Went to Prints to get my notebook, and we took a train back to Bishan.
Drove to Whitley and picked Ber up. Went down to j8 and got the papers bag for Alv’s present. Along the way, we overheard a guy asking permission from his girl-friend to go ‘walk walk at mini-toons’. Hilarious.
Then off we went to Alv’s. Wasn’t confident enough to a parallel parking on the slope in a van. Abandoned the idea of parking along that road and drove further into the car park. Quite a lot of people were already there when we got there. his friends, ex-classmates, relatives, etc. saw Alvin Goh and Chong Rui. Didn’t really got to talk to them.
Sat among ourselves (sexists+yk) and had something to bite. I can’t remember what triggered the entire incident, but we managed to make Ber do that ‘wobbly leg’ demonstration. Funny. Guess we were the most happening group there once again. =)
The food was not too bad and the chocolate thingy was great. Yummy. Wonder how many did we actually finish. It’s been a long time since I’ve had coke. Downed 2 cans during the entire stay by the pool.
Played bridge and Ling tried to learn this time round. Think YK’s a really patient and nice BF and Ling sometime just have to bully him. =p
Switched to the tables after the phototaking session (during which I managed to catch up a little with Huiying). Switched to ‘heart-attack’ after 2 rounds of bridge. Matthew and Chris joined us.
Help packed up the place and started releasing the air off the balloons. Each accidental burst of balloons made the girls scream. Tsk tsk. Moved up to his room and started a round of ‘snap’. Before which YK showed us some card tricks which we needed 3 demos to see the secret behind it. Oh, and we also had a round of ‘edelwise’. I can’t believe we actually sang that song, and did the actions! It was spontaneous and well, really unexpected. Ber and I were laughing our heads off.
Snap was fun in a way. Hoon, YK, Ling and Aug were doing a little ‘demo’ before all of us played. It was funny in a sense that it was really entertaining because Hoon screamed each time someone ‘snapped’. And even though when she know that she’s supposed to have her hand out, it always happen that it’s among the last few to do so (sometimes it doesn’t even come).
Like what Chris said, it’s more fun watching Hoon than to watch the game itself. It was entertaining from her part. =)
Everyone joined in the later part and Ber was the slow one this time. Got a cut on her pinky after the game. Someone didn’t cut their nails. Tsk tsk.
Bade farewell to them soon after the game ended. Drove ber back to her place and I flew right back here. Time to take a shower now. the game’s in 45mins.
Anyway, Alv! Figured that you got my sms just now. Well, kinda tired to do a dedicaton for you right now, but I think you know what I wanna say ya? Hope you had fun and make full use of the presents we got you! =) cheers bud!
Friday, July 7
Home-making day
Read Otti’s sms at 6am and tried replying, but fell asleep after typing in 2words. Only managed to send the message out at 1pm, when Ber’s call finally woke me up. Can’t really remember what the conversation was about, but vaguely, I think it’s about the florist at Suntec. Something about a hand flower for her sister’s graduation at SMU. =)
Bro was already back home when I woke up. Talked to him for a while and got to know that mum hadn’t had lunch. Went into her room and asked her if she wanted any. Said she wasn’t really hungry, and thought that chwee kuey would be fine.
Unluckily, the chwee kuey stall at the coffee shop had already closed by the time I got there. Was on the phone with Otti and asked her what was a good substitute for chwee kuey and her mum said chai tao kuey. Thought that these 2 are so different even though they are of the same ingredients. Haha. Oh, we still haven’t figure out what’s elbow and ankle in Chinese. =)
Brought cai fan back home and had lunch in front of the tv. Was watching the replay between France and Brazil. Was wondering if France would go all the way. It’ll be a fairytale for Zizou if that happened. Just months back he retired from international football, and now, he’s on the verge of winning his second world cup. How funnily things can happen.
Did some home improvement for the rest of the afternoon. Packed the room, vacuumed and mopped the floor, tidied up the kitchen, did the dishes and burnt a disc for my hi-fi set. Realised that I’ve been listening to the radio and haven’t been really utilitsing it’s MP3 function.
Was supposed to go shopping with mum at 6 but she was still sleeping at 7. Decided not to wake her up. Grabbed my stuff and biked down to the court and played some ball. Not a bad day, considering the fact that I’ve been posting up a little today. No big shots though. Haha. Guess it doesn’t happen everyday. =)
Came back home and cooked some instant noodles for dinner. Added cabbage, mushrooms, tomatoes, anchovies, and an egg inside the pot. It’s been a while since I’ve had instant noodles. At least a year? Haha.
It’s gonna be a long weekend again. =) goodie.
Anyways, it’s Oak’s big day today. Birthday boy! Haha. It’s been a while. Hasn’t it? Since sec3? Well, didn’t really knew this guy even existed at that time, until he joined the Scorpion Scouts. Quiet as he seemed to be, as time went by, this guy has got really funny ideas and the crappy things he does sometimes are just off the hook. Not to forget, his ability to charm the girls he meet. Bro, remember Suyi? Singapore river? That was one helluva night man! Tsk tsk. Oops!
Well, to our FFA, good luck to you! The bestest best in whatever you’re doing! Just too bad you’re in camp right now. Must have pre-arranged it on purpose right. If not, I wonder what kinda nasty stuff would happen to you.
Hey, pick up your guitar and start learning man! Hope to play with you one day. =) Maybe you can start with Wonderwall. Haha.
Take care bro. See you around! Cheers!
Oh, just before I forget, good luck to Raymond (king crab) and Derek for their enlistment to the Army. 10 weeks will be over in a jiffy. Haha. Everyone says that. But I guess it really is fast. Each day would just be nothing more than exercises and more exercises, marching and more marching, training and more training. And the nightly crap talk with your bunk mates before lights out, and handphone talks with your girlfriend after lights out. It’s a routine. But it’s fun in a way. =)
Think you won’t be seeing this unless you broke something and you come back home, or you fall really ill and they send you back to mainland. In that case, I hope that you won’t see this. =)
Just got an msg from someone I’ve least expected from. I think the money I’ve lent her is not the issue here. It’s the underlying problems. And her sister. God help me.
Lazy blog
Met Otti at the bus stop and walked around for 10mins. Met Ling and Chunming at the restaurant. Hoon and Alv came promptly. Spent sometime talking and chatting about stuff Australia.
I think it’s cool to study overseas. Wish I had the chance. Owells.
Anyway, thanks! Ling and ber. =)
"SINGAPORE: The National Environment Agency says the smoking ban at hawker centres and coffeeshops, which started last Saturday, has resulted in about 250 warnings given out. Five smokers were issued fines in the first 4 days when they refused to put out their cigarettes. Another 137 were issued warnings and cooperated with the Agency's officers. NEA has inspected 771 food outlets with outdoor areas and 121 hawker centres, and warned 116 of them for not having proper smoking corners. It said officers would continue their inspections, which are also conducted based on feedback from food outlet owners and members of the public. Feedback on smoking offences or applications for smoking corners can be sent to our NEA Call Centre at 1800-2255632 (1800-CALLNEA). - CNA /dt"
Thursday, July 6
Short post
It was too late for milkshakes. Guess we’ll have to go another day. *winks* Took a bus down to Prata Place and had sardine Murtabak and mutton briyani. Had a really nice walk back. Junctions are weird, ain’t it?
Caught France winning Portugal this morning.
Breakfast at Macs was good. Glad that we made it on time.
Ride back was bumpy.
And a new day begins. Sleepily.
Tuesday, July 4
Neo for the fantastic ‘dinner’ you manage to get from the cookhouse. (Sentosa bo jio…wa lao…)
Jee for the 20% discount offers (shall go shopping one day!)
Ber for the cheques (I think I need another one. can help?)
Ling for inviting me to the chalet (hope you had fun!)
PE for not using your Ace of diamonds to ‘eat’ my 4diamonds (*winks*)
Yew Keong for getting the wings cooked (the potatoes were disastrous though! haha!)
Hoon for helping me print those documents and bringing it to the chalet (sorry to trouble you!)
Otti for the ride and the chocolates (supper was good! thanks for everything else too! *hugs*)
Alvin for the company at the chalet (chatting at that hour is rather insane though. see ya on sat!)
God for all these people (and many many more!) you’ve placed into my life!
Every beginning starts from another beginning’s end. Yeah? Keep on moving.
Sunday, July 2
“ ’cause you’re everywhere to me. When I close my eyes it’s you I see. Everything I know that makes me believe, I’m not alone. I’m not alone.”
Had a sudden urge to play the ball. And hence, changed into my kit and hit the courts. Almost a dozen guys were already there playing. Joint in promptly, 4-on-4s. Still can’t run though. But thought I’ve adapted quite well to the passing-shooting game. No more under the basket heroics; just show-stopping jump shots and fade-aways.
Teamed up with SK, Genesis and taiko. Played against Monk, Kopi-O, Gavin and this stranger whom I heard is an actor. Took 3 straight matches before finally losing one. Lam and Amos joint in soon after. Too bad Mic wasn’t there. Tsk tsk.
Rushed back home at 7.30pm and took a bus down to Bugis to meet Raymond and people for dinner. Was supposed to meet them at 7.30pm but I only left my place at that time. How punctual. Luckily they had to queue for the restaurant, by the time I got there dinner only started not long. Not that bad I guess.
Was surprised to see Ray’s girlfriend there. She was really nice and removed all the prawn shells for us before cooking them in the steamboat. Alv came soon after, but he didn’t eat anything. Said he had some dessert somewhere else. With SOMEONE. TSK TSK TSK.
As usual, dinners with Hong around never fails to be crappy (or should I say crabby) and full of hysterical laughters. Time sure flies by really quickly and it’s their time to get enlisted. Just glad to have them around. Life seems so much more colourful with pals like them.
Took the train up north and had a talk with Alv. We figured that it’s been quite a while since we’ve met. Did some catching up and had a little talk about that someone who’s having this little crush on him. Hilarious.
Dropped at Woodlands and took a bus to CA’s place. Will never forget the face of that guy standing beside me at the bus interchange. Priceless. That ‘huh’ look. Owells. So much for butts and clavicles. =)
Met up with Derek, Jon, CA and Ding. Had some raspberry Vods and watched bits and pieces of Fantastic4 and Doom. Was very lucky to have “live” score updates of the 2 matches through sms. Thanks Otti.
Came back home and caught the hightlights of the Brazil-France match at the WC breakfast programme. Slept at 9 and woke at 1pm.
Going off to the church now. Hope I don’t fall asleep. And hope that I won’t be late again. Urgh.
Simple things make me happy. And yeah. Life is short. Just make the best out of each day.
Anyway, the notion of mistletoes running on the fields is really cute. And what was it for the other team again? Red and white. Hmmmmmm…
Good day everyone! A new week’s right ahead and I can’t wait. =)
Saturday, July 1
Orange Road Cones
Went for a haircut first thing in the morning. Thought that my hair was a little too long even though many people said that it was ‘okay’. The hair dresser kept complaining that I’ve got very thick and fuzzy hair. Just went ‘mm’, ‘orh’, ‘mm’, ‘orh’.
Had tuition at Celest’s and completed the Blast Furnace with her. Went to the gym and had a quick swim thereafter. Rushed down to Orchard, and managed to be there on time surprisingly. It’s been quite a while since I was on time. No, actually I was 5mins early.
Met up with Otti and walked around to find that bag I wanted. Found one at NUM but was a bit too costly. Decided not to get it. Ended up talking at Starbucks. Was there at around 6.30pm, and chatted over Green tea frappe and potato salad. Ber dropped by to pass the cheque and saw her date for the night. *grins*
Went off at around 8.30pm and took a train down to Bishan NTUC. Saw someone at the train station while waiting for the train. It felt awkward and weird, and it somehow made me kinda ‘depressed’ for a moment. Anyway, thanks Otti for the hug. It was really nice of you. Just trying to make the world a better place to live in for everyone ya? =)
She wanted something from the Australian section but couldn’t find it. No luck this time I guess. Headed back home and had a quick change, then took a bus down to her place and then drove down to Jo’s. Saw some photos and had a long chat on the bus down to Siglap. Saw the cute and funny penguins on TVmobile. It’s amazing how people can actually come up with idea like that. Simple, yet funny. Somehow reminds me of “The march of the penguins”.
Caught the 1st match with Jo and her dad. Germany won on penalties. Her dad was banking on an Argentina win. Thought that it was a rather ‘okaaay’ match. Not really THAT interesting. Thought the messages were more enticing. It was disturbing but fun. Haha. And oh Otti, ya I was looking at the reflections. Sorry about that if it bothers you.
Had Bedok Bar Chor Mee for intermission/supper. It’s the first time I had a soup BCM. Had been eating dry ones since I can’t remember when. Surprisingly it tasted yummy. Somehow, started having flatulence problems after supper. Must have been the onions in the potato salad.
Caught the 2nd match. Jo’s dad went back sleep before intermission and Jo fell asleep near half time. Left the 2 of us watching the ‘giraffes vs deer’s’. Deer’s won anyway. *bleah* Spent more time talking than watching though.
Match ended and left Jo’s. Was wondering how to spend that 45mins before I catch my first bus. But guess it got all sorted out somehow. Time just flew by somehow. Amazingly fast how it flew out of the car.
Drove back to her place and waited for my bus. Took 13 all the way back and knocked out a little on the bus. And here I am. Trying hard not to fall asleep.
Decided to give the Scouts a miss today. Don’t think I would be much of a help anyway. Shall have a quick shut eye and wake up at 11 to get ready for tuition which is at 12. Really don’t wanna be late this time. Think they’ve got service at 4pm.
Shall set 2 alarms. Nites.
Pink rose, Odyssey, MF bodyline, red hair, 21st birthday, shiny bling bling stuff, scapula rising sun, 50cents, lost and found money, best friends, back rubs, saving one at a time, latte, toilet discovery, tissue beside the bin, 20cent warm water, big big temple, penguins, guitar, beer, first impressions, shoulder massages, small frame, defined clavicle, Volvos, combined science, walk; don’t run…. ….
There’s much more. I can’t remember the rest in the state I’m in right now.