Day two was a total waste of time. There were some sort of system problems, and we were not sent the notification for the 2 week stay. So the eleven of us ‘lobo-ed’ for the whole day, fought the Z monster during the lectures, and made fun of the people who were giving the lessons. It was mean, but I guess we really had nothing better to do. Those people in front were better known to us as ‘interesting characters’ and ‘poor chaps’. So that makes IC and PC. If you get what I mean.
Can’t really remember much of the boo-boos, but ‘jumping jacks’ pretty much replaced ‘training sheds’, and the very outstanding ‘… you cannot, non-stop ventilating…’. So are you to ventilate or stop ventilating??
Gave mummy the Body Shop leg-care set. Foot scrub, foot moisturizer, file, massager and relaxing spray. Woooots! She seemed really happy. And so was I. Shall find a day and scrub her legs. =)
Went to the gym on thurs morn. Getting my leg strength back. Goodie. 60pounds on the left. Met up with Jee for lunch… it’s been a while. Your phone is so cool la. =) and I think your job is cool too. I was pretty amazed at how you rattled of the names of the medicines that you’ve been handling with. Very impressive! See you again alright? Do take care and stay strong! Take care of those knees of yours. Don’t bust it up like me. Haha. Swimming is a good alternative. Just ignore those lane cuttings kids. And hey, 150bucks should get you more storage space than 80GB. Search on!
Took a cab down to T-towers and kinda lazed around before headed down for the sun. We were kinda ‘oh my gosh’ when we saw him… you know. Wondering what happened. Anyways, I still think you should talk to him. Yups. Like what I told you the other time? You get what I mean. =)
ChocM, sorry that you ended up dinnering alone. My bad. But I guess MOS’s MOS burger did the trick eh? It’s good. Did I tell you it was a good of friend who introduced it to me? Haha. I never ever touched it before that. It’s yummy eh? =)
Met up with Ber for dinner. Thanks for everything.
Had tuition at Carol’s today. Went though the 04 O-levels papers. Can’t deny that it’s kinda tough. But I guess it’s manageable if the concepts were grasped. I still stand my ground and strongly believe that you CANNOT MEMORISE math and vomit the solutions to the questions. Perhaps similar problems have similar ways of solving. But it’s so versatile and unpredictable… a small twitch in the problem gives rise to a totally different question. So… try not memorizing solutions but rather understanding the math.
Went for movies in the afternoon. TRANSFORMERS. It’s officially the best movie I’ve watched in the past years since Minority Report, LOTRs and Gladiator. Right up there on the top of the charts. Caught the digital version at Cathay. I’m all praises for it. =)
I’m sorry about what happened back home. I guess, just try to live and let live? Like we all know that they don’t really understand what you’re going through. So, just bear with it? everything would all be over in a few months time. Work hard now. Revelations would come soon enough. Hang in there alright?
And PE, please take care of yourself alright? You’re scaring the nuts out of me. See a doc if it doesn’t go away by Sunday.
…Only let them know the bare minimum…
…We’re all selfish. We do our best to protect ourselves first…
… What would Jesus do? …
What beholds in the future is not for us to see.
It’s been an amazing journey... but is it the end? We shall see.
Can’t really remember much of the boo-boos, but ‘jumping jacks’ pretty much replaced ‘training sheds’, and the very outstanding ‘… you cannot, non-stop ventilating…’. So are you to ventilate or stop ventilating??
Gave mummy the Body Shop leg-care set. Foot scrub, foot moisturizer, file, massager and relaxing spray. Woooots! She seemed really happy. And so was I. Shall find a day and scrub her legs. =)
Went to the gym on thurs morn. Getting my leg strength back. Goodie. 60pounds on the left. Met up with Jee for lunch… it’s been a while. Your phone is so cool la. =) and I think your job is cool too. I was pretty amazed at how you rattled of the names of the medicines that you’ve been handling with. Very impressive! See you again alright? Do take care and stay strong! Take care of those knees of yours. Don’t bust it up like me. Haha. Swimming is a good alternative. Just ignore those lane cuttings kids. And hey, 150bucks should get you more storage space than 80GB. Search on!
Took a cab down to T-towers and kinda lazed around before headed down for the sun. We were kinda ‘oh my gosh’ when we saw him… you know. Wondering what happened. Anyways, I still think you should talk to him. Yups. Like what I told you the other time? You get what I mean. =)
ChocM, sorry that you ended up dinnering alone. My bad. But I guess MOS’s MOS burger did the trick eh? It’s good. Did I tell you it was a good of friend who introduced it to me? Haha. I never ever touched it before that. It’s yummy eh? =)
Met up with Ber for dinner. Thanks for everything.
Had tuition at Carol’s today. Went though the 04 O-levels papers. Can’t deny that it’s kinda tough. But I guess it’s manageable if the concepts were grasped. I still stand my ground and strongly believe that you CANNOT MEMORISE math and vomit the solutions to the questions. Perhaps similar problems have similar ways of solving. But it’s so versatile and unpredictable… a small twitch in the problem gives rise to a totally different question. So… try not memorizing solutions but rather understanding the math.
Went for movies in the afternoon. TRANSFORMERS. It’s officially the best movie I’ve watched in the past years since Minority Report, LOTRs and Gladiator. Right up there on the top of the charts. Caught the digital version at Cathay. I’m all praises for it. =)
I’m sorry about what happened back home. I guess, just try to live and let live? Like we all know that they don’t really understand what you’re going through. So, just bear with it? everything would all be over in a few months time. Work hard now. Revelations would come soon enough. Hang in there alright?
And PE, please take care of yourself alright? You’re scaring the nuts out of me. See a doc if it doesn’t go away by Sunday.
…Only let them know the bare minimum…
…We’re all selfish. We do our best to protect ourselves first…
… What would Jesus do? …
What beholds in the future is not for us to see.
It’s been an amazing journey... but is it the end? We shall see.