Saturday, June 30

day 2

Day two was a total waste of time. There were some sort of system problems, and we were not sent the notification for the 2 week stay. So the eleven of us ‘lobo-ed’ for the whole day, fought the Z monster during the lectures, and made fun of the people who were giving the lessons. It was mean, but I guess we really had nothing better to do. Those people in front were better known to us as ‘interesting characters’ and ‘poor chaps’. So that makes IC and PC. If you get what I mean.

Can’t really remember much of the boo-boos, but ‘jumping jacks’ pretty much replaced ‘training sheds’, and the very outstanding ‘… you cannot, non-stop ventilating…’. So are you to ventilate or stop ventilating??

Gave mummy the Body Shop leg-care set. Foot scrub, foot moisturizer, file, massager and relaxing spray. Woooots! She seemed really happy. And so was I. Shall find a day and scrub her legs. =)

Went to the gym on thurs morn. Getting my leg strength back. Goodie. 60pounds on the left. Met up with Jee for lunch… it’s been a while. Your phone is so cool la. =) and I think your job is cool too. I was pretty amazed at how you rattled of the names of the medicines that you’ve been handling with. Very impressive! See you again alright? Do take care and stay strong! Take care of those knees of yours. Don’t bust it up like me. Haha. Swimming is a good alternative. Just ignore those lane cuttings kids. And hey, 150bucks should get you more storage space than 80GB. Search on!

Took a cab down to T-towers and kinda lazed around before headed down for the sun. We were kinda ‘oh my gosh’ when we saw him… you know. Wondering what happened. Anyways, I still think you should talk to him. Yups. Like what I told you the other time? You get what I mean. =)

ChocM, sorry that you ended up dinnering alone. My bad. But I guess MOS’s MOS burger did the trick eh? It’s good. Did I tell you it was a good of friend who introduced it to me? Haha. I never ever touched it before that. It’s yummy eh? =)

Met up with Ber for dinner. Thanks for everything.

Had tuition at Carol’s today. Went though the 04 O-levels papers. Can’t deny that it’s kinda tough. But I guess it’s manageable if the concepts were grasped. I still stand my ground and strongly believe that you CANNOT MEMORISE math and vomit the solutions to the questions. Perhaps similar problems have similar ways of solving. But it’s so versatile and unpredictable… a small twitch in the problem gives rise to a totally different question. So… try not memorizing solutions but rather understanding the math.

Went for movies in the afternoon. TRANSFORMERS. It’s officially the best movie I’ve watched in the past years since Minority Report, LOTRs and Gladiator. Right up there on the top of the charts. Caught the digital version at Cathay. I’m all praises for it. =)

I’m sorry about what happened back home. I guess, just try to live and let live? Like we all know that they don’t really understand what you’re going through. So, just bear with it? everything would all be over in a few months time. Work hard now. Revelations would come soon enough. Hang in there alright?

And PE, please take care of yourself alright? You’re scaring the nuts out of me. See a doc if it doesn’t go away by Sunday.


…Only let them know the bare minimum…

…We’re all selfish. We do our best to protect ourselves first…

… What would Jesus do? …


What beholds in the future is not for us to see.

It’s been an amazing journey... but is it the end? We shall see.

Tuesday, June 26

day 1

Dang. Got shot by my former SI. Thanks ah Jo. Shoot until I’m like so dead. We didn’t miss the first shot on purpose alright? We’re zai. You have to agree. We’re probably your bestest best trainees and fellow instructor. Hahaha.


Woke early and got ready. Made peanut butter/nutella sandwich for breakfast. Put on the greens once again. It’s been a while. Felt weird to be putting on the boots once again. Met my SCB, Neo (so says Markus) at AMK and headed down to Sembawang Road for our refresher.

Surrendered our phones and reported to the mosquito infected place. Had a bout of briefing and started off with IV. How nice. Lecture was given by someone whom I totally have no recollection of, until he ‘introed’ me to the entire cohort. Should have saw my ‘huh… do I know you’ face. Turned out that he was an ex-trainee. Bad memory of mine.

Went off the prime our Hartmann. Was the first pair to finish up the IV on dummy and LIVE. Both missed the first shot and got second one. Kinda disappointed. But perhaps we’ve been rusty. And I have to put some blame on the supervising instructor. Ooops. He insisted on me shooting at a site which I thought wasn’t exactly the best. ‘you have poor technique’ he said. Urgh. SCB and I were shaking our heads. Ignorant brat.

Went up for lunch at the same old stall. They’re still as… erms. Get-on-your-nerves kinda people. Had a CPR refresher in the afternoon and everything else went smoothly thereafter. Met 2 more faces, whom obviously knew me, but I had no idea who they were. Guess I was pretty popular back then. Hah!

Wasted a lot of time sorting things out towards the end of the day. Another classic example of ‘rush to wait, wait to rush’.

One more round in 7 hours time.

Just hope that we don’t have to stay for 2 weeks. We’re totally not prepared for it.


Wow. That phone call was half an hour long. I was rather amazed.

And I really thought I camouflaged myself rather decently. People were oblivious to me as they walked pass. Cool huh. =)


Gym or Sentosa?

it's monday again!

Just before I forget: some people can’t pick rostis’ up with their fork. The potato food flips and tumbles back to the plate with a ‘plop’. And that’s the start of the laughters.


It’s a bluey Monday. Time just whip-panned by. Went to the gym, loaded 50lbs on the quadriceps extension. That’s good improvement. Still quite a distance off the right quads, but guess just have to be patient.

Met up with Jianhong and headed down to Beach road. Talked about NS and reservist on the way there. It’s actually kinda cool to have a cousin who’s also a medic; even though he’s the slacker kind of medic. Oops!

Went to the immigration building and got my biometric passport done. 70bucks to get it done. Apparently it’s not free. Sighs. Filled up the form and headed down to the hawker centre. Finally had the beef noodles that I’ve been yearning for months and also the tang yuan. Goodness. So good. Went up to the army market and got a couple of stuff. 2 pairs of slippers and one stud for myself, and 1 pair of slippers and 3-quads for him. How interesting.

Took a bus to Carol’s and was early for half an hour. Went through the macromolecules for chemistry and spent the rest of the time with math. Was pleasantly surprised that she did all the questions in the TYS for algebra. Good thing that she’s been doing her own revision. Good for her. =)

Though there’s one thing that she did that kinda threw me off my chair. Can’t really remember what lead to this, but starkly, she wrote this one her paper:

5 X 0 = 5

Now that was like… “WHAT?????!!!!!!” it made me wonder what on earth have I been teaching her. Took her 5 seconds to realize the major boo-boo. Owells.

Came back home and packed ‘beef hor fun’ for dinner. Yum. Managed to talk to a few people online. And why the hype on Skype, I’ve got no idea. Seriously. I just thought the whole thing was really cool. And perhaps I foresee myself using it quite a bit after school starts. Work discussions and all. I wonder if that thing does call conferencing. Hmmm…..

Wearing green tomorrow. Just tried my uniform earlier in the day. The sleeves don’t fit anymore. My arms have grown. Darn. I think a tourniquet is not required to get my veins popping tomorrow. I’ve got a tourniquet on for each arm already.



To the one I’m having lunch with: Keep on praying alright? God answers prayers. You know that. Things will turn your way soon. Have faith my dear friend. Have faith.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will fine rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” – Matthew 11:29-30

See you!


It’s good to be sharing, talking. But what lies ahead is unforeseeable. Let’s wait and see. Only time can tell. No one knows what or how, only God.

We’re very stupid people. You think?


And to the one with ‘bad fashion sense’. I thought you were great. Really. And you know it too. No?

“My dear brothers, take not of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” - James 1:19

Remember alright? As will I.
I’ve got twenty cents in today. How much was yours?


Should be sleeping now. Can’t wait for the IV. Needle needle poke poke poke! Yaaay!

Sunday, June 24


Hello! Wow. It has been quite a while. Oh dear. Not good at keeping this up at all.

For one, Miss Yeo should already be at the states now. It’s a good thing that you have got wireless there. Guess there’s no need for your LAN cable now. Well, that’s good news huh? Save yourself from the possibility of blowing the place up. Haha. =) Enjoy yourself! Do update us as and when you can alright? Take care!

Friday was for tuition, and the tanning that didn’t happen. About the thing whole getting ‘upset’ issue at Subway and stuff… put it all behind ya? We’re always learning. Right? =) and yes, I’ve lost twice. Haha. I shall have my revenge soon enough. Just you wait.

Met up PE and Ber for dinner. Cai Fan again at Republic. Walked around, looking at girly stuff. And YAAY. Hoon called. Hahah. =) Was conferencing right in the middle of Metro. How nice. And thanks huh. So much for glittery and gay-looking clothes there.

Saturday morning went gyming again. Was late. Ooops. One was feeling sleepy, other was in pain. Kinda scary. But you’re okay now. Thank goodness.

Met up with Jo, Huang, HS, Faiz and MARKUS at Holland V. We have finally met up after such a long time. Mark’s still the same… itchy neck. Jo looked good. Like your haircut. Huang’s still as generous (thanks for taking the tab). Faiz’s attached to a hot bikini babe. And HS’s still kinda lost at times. Oops! =) It was good talking over beer, lychee martini and green tea. Tiger, Heneiken, Kilkenny and Erdinger. Cool. And nothing’s sweeter than one-for-one. Haha.

Church in the morning today. A really adorable baby sat in front of me. Really adorable. Sat at beans and read the papers. Finished up 3rd degree. And so I’ve completed his entire series of the Women’s Murder Club. All 6 of them within 4weeks. Think I’m reading too fast. Craps. Met the girls for lunch and hanged out a bit before heading to town.

Dinner was good. Too bad we’re all kinda groggy. But owells. It was good nonetheless. =)

I’m back on Skype! Yaay.

A new week ahead. New events beckons.


To you:

No one can stop you from achieving what you want, except yourself. Perhaps you do not see what I see in
you. But certainly, you’ve got what it takes to be right there at the top. Have faith. Go for it.

Wednesday, June 20


Good day! Happy day! Woke up to finish the slices of pizza in the box. Heated up a couple for grandma. Cool huh? My grandma likes PIZZA. HIP LEH!

Packed up some stuff and went tanning at T-towers! Thank for your hospitality once again! I think some of my friends want to go tanning too. hahaha. Interesting. Sun was good today. Left with 4 chapters to go for 2nd Chance. Was reading it whilst perspiring profusely. This book is SO good. Thank God for Patterson. Haha! Lapped a few freestyles before hitting the showers. Yeah. And so we have darker backs than fronts. HOW? And so you’ve found the weak spots. But don’t forget that you’ve got more. =)

Had dinner at Kim San Leng with YK, Ling and Ber. It was a ‘ducky’ dinner. Significant things happening would be the uncle with the purple hair, me trying to catch my tao kua with my thighs, and Hoon breaking my heart into small pieces all the way from China. Thanks ah.

Thank you, Ling, for the Disney gifts! Haha. Good choice of gifts for the special two. =) well done! Have fun at States! Be careful of the LAN cable. Don’t plug it into places you’re not supposed to… things REALLY might just explode. Haha. You know what I mean. =)

Had coffee at beans. Got kinda put off by the joint again. The bean card could NOT be used as the server was down, and they showed no effort in trying to rebating customers who actually owns the card. Maybe I’m being too fussy and have got a problem with the manager. But yeah. Ooops!

Hot chocolate, chocolate chip walnut cookie and mudpie. Ooomph! Yummy.

We shall meet again this Friday. Low budget again. I think we should just go on low budget for ever. Agree? At the end of the day, we realize that it’s the people that counts… food’s secondary. And so S11 is good. They serve better lemon tea too. =)

Till then!


Damn it. Too bad I missed the sushi today. Heard it was good. But glad that you guys had fun. Thanks again. =)


Let’s do the Psalms together.
That’s a start.


‘stop stepping in and out of people’s life’
Thank you for caring. Really appreciate it. =) makes me feel so blessed to have you around. LYDD!

Monday, June 18

swelling up

This is not good. I’ve got so much calories packing in over the past 48hours and the guilt is swelling. Sheesh.

Taiwan sausages, laksa, MOS cheeseburger, fries, milk tea, sugar cane juice, peanut butter sandwich, Carlsberg, Corona, and pizza.

OH MY GOODNESS. Darn it man… anyone wants to go gymming?


Had physio today. Was supposed to wake at 7 to catch the bus, ended up waking half an hour late. Rushed like a mad hound, packed and waited for the cab. Well, is it just me or, have we got lesser cabs around in Singapore? Amazing. 15mins flew by before I finally got a cab. The blue Hyundai. Kinda cool. Still having my doubts over Korean cars though. Anyways, I think a few of you out there have got bad experiences with waiting for cab right??? You know who you are. Tsk tsk.

Was late for half an hour. Felt bad. 6weeks have passed and I’m due for all the tests. Right knee has a shift of 5cm, left knee 7cm. Not that bad! =) Feels good to be screwed. Hahaha.

Apart from that, quads are doing fine. So is the hamstrings. Left leg’s having a deficit of about 30% compared to the right. Which is good too! Normal range’s from 30-40%. Good to be at the lower bung.

Had a long session. Left only at 11. Went straight to the gym. Was really crazy, considering the fact that I’m running on 3.5hours of sleep. Anyhows, went cycling and did some lifts. Saw Collin and spoke for a brief moment before hitting the showers and lunch.

Came back home and we went through some physics and chemistry. Tried really hard not to fall asleep. Hope you learn something today. Yups. =)

And here I am, sitting on my bed, blogging, with my lime-kissed Corona. Sun-tanning tomorrow! Wooooooooots! Thanks Celest! Haha.

Ms Yeo, are we still meeting for dinner tomorrow?


At the hawker centre, in the middle of the roads, at the corridors, at the staircases and where else? We’re mad.


The window of opportunity has closed. I’ve done my best, and did what I could. You being oblivious has certainly not helped. Whatever it is, I’m not interested now. Apologies.


Meet-up this coming Saturday for the SMM people is on. Hooray.

Jo, let me know asap k? Thanks.


To all those out there who cannot drink, I seriously urge you to TRY not to drink AT ALL. Cause tendency is, you flush, get high, stutter nonsense, do crazy stuff, and basically being really funny. You get what I mean. =)

And oh, beer is better than magaritas. So is beer better than vodka.

Saturday, June 16


Shocked! Was reading the Chinese papers, 10 year old girl got gang-raped by 3 boys of the same age in Hong Kong! What the HECK! These are KIDS have even barely hit puberty! What on earth is going on around us these days…


HO SHIT. 28 bucks. Monster, no more k? No more. We shall play for breakfast next time. I’m getting very broke-n.

And oh, a red crumpler for you? We shall see. =)


Madm Hoo! How’re you feeling? Don’t think it was dengue right? Anyways, coming Saturday. Free?

JO! You too! =) I’m getting all the SMM people. Got Neo and Faizal already. Trying to get Markus, Song, etc. Say for dinner and chill in the night. Good to go?


Supper these few days has indeed made me fat, filled with guilt, broke, and lack of sleep. But it was good. Really.

If only it never ends.


Over the radio, hummed along.
Sad yet beautiful (wouldn’t you agree more?)


Close your eyes so you don't feel them
They don't need to see you cry
I can't promise I will heal you
But if you want to I will try
To sing this summer serenade
The past is done
We've been betrayed
It's true
Some might say the truth will out
But I believe without a doubt, in you
You were there for summer dreaming
And you gave me what I need
And I hope you find your freedom
For eternity...For eternity
Yesterday when we were walking
We talked about your ma and dad
What they did that made you happy
What they did that made you sad
We sat and watched the sun go down
Then picked a star before we lost the moon
Youth is wasted on the young
Before you know it's come and gone to soon
You were there for summer dreaming
And you gave me what I need
And I hope you find your freedom
For eternity...
For eternity
For eternity
To sing this summer serenade
The past is done
We've been betrayed
It's true
Youth is wasted on the young
Before you know it's come and gone to soon
You were there for summer dreaming
And you are a friend indeed
And I hope you find your freedom
For eternity
You were there for summer dreaming
And you are a friend indeed
And I know you'll find your freedom
For eternity
For eternity… …


I’m more fun. I know you better.
Greatest story ever told.

Hoping that the peach margarita isn’t knocking you out.


Yes! Still think I’m gonna get married the last amongst us. Which means I’m getting ANGBAOS last. How? LIKE THAT HOW?

So Hoon, how do you think you’re going to break the news to us? =)


Reservist on the 25th. Gonna play with needles and tubes again. How cool!

Now where’s my uniform… hmmm. Anyone saw it? Ooooops!

Wednesday, June 13



Tuition at Carol’s, reading at the bus-stop, suntanning without the sun, photographs by the pool, sambal fish and fried wanton for dinner, trip to the 13th floor. And the monster that bites. EEEeeek!


Shaker fries are not that bad. Un-salted fries rocks.

Thanks for the 3rd Degree. Now the hunt for 2nd Chance is on.



Tuition at Benjamin’s, tuition with Yan at Beans, saw Jasper (asked me if I could tuition him. Got kinda shocked.) and also Ruowei (been bumping into her lately), time after that simply warped away. It seemed to have happened all so fast. Sighs.

So the deal’s on anyways. 30years old. ME 30years old. It’s my say.

Got a call from Yisiong and Huiying. Couldn’t meet them up. I don’t seem to have enough time to meet everyone. Dang.



Tuition with Eric I think, NBA in the morning, see if I can drop by Macs, gym in the afternoon, and see what comes.


My contacts are dry, irritating my eyes. My head’s heavy, giving me a bad headache. Sometimes, I just don’t understand why things happen the way they do.

It’s for the better.



Pry it open and put the pieces back.
Unworthy me.

Monday, June 11

10 june 07

I’m sorry.
Those three words in my ears.
Was good to be there again.
Let it be the greatest story ever told.
I’m sorry.

I’m incoherent right now. My brains’ like a cotton candy machine. Everything’s swirled up. This feeling sucks.


Sorry cousin’s and aunt… I feel bad not turning up for the KTV. My apologies. Hope to see you guys soon.


TJ, everything good?


ChocM, sorry for the late msg. Woke you up.


I need sleep. Pillows over my head. Yeah. You are one step ahead indeed.

Saturday, June 9

where am i?

Had CA, Jon and Ber over last night for MJ. And YAAAAY I won. How nice. Free breakfast and entrance to the gym.

Went gym-ing with PE and Ber this morning. Many many people-s. No signs of yisiong or QZ. I wonder if they’re aching today. Especially Ber. Haha.

Lunch at KML coffee-shop. Maybe I should drop by your work place and have the yong tau fu. Cool?

Thanks for helping check out the question regarding the Banking Interest Rates. Appreciate it. Happy clubbing tonight! Hope you know what you want to get for your supervisor. =)

And so I didn’t go for the cousin’s gathering. I’m SO SO SORRY!! I didn’t mean to fly your aeroplanes lah…………… I feel very very bad. Really. Hope it was fun for you guys, and I’m praying that there would be another one coming up soon… My apologies!


We’re mad.
I’ve got no regrets.
So what’s next?


9th June. Remember. =)

Friday, June 8


Thanks for helping me out with the stuff shifting. Hope it didn’t kill your nose. You can pack well. =) It was nice. The entire journey. Apart from the little detour to get the keys.

And yes we ARE crazy people. Are you crazy enough for more crazy things? I am. Thanks again.

5/5. That doesn’t make me a greedy person does it?


Well, it was SLIGHTY more than five minutes. But I hope you didn’t mind. As for the ‘impossible’ and ‘mysterious’, I think I like it that way. I like the way we can explain it. Don’t you? Later!


It’s 4.15am. I’m sticky, yucky, tired and sleep deprived. But I’m happy. I’m glad. And I’m smiling. Cause I’m mad, I’m crazy, I’m insane, and I’ve got my results back. Praise God. 3.92 now. 0.08 more to a 4.00.

Good nights/morning people. See you in a bit.

Wednesday, June 6

screwed up day.

So much for planning ahead… Had my activities for today laid out yesterday night, but nothing went according to plan. But still, somehow everything came out perfectly good and it was a really nice day.

Screwed up the physio appointment in the morning. Went down to Clinic K only to realize that my appointment was scheduled to be on Monday, which was 2 days back. That practically overturned what was planned for the day. Made another appointment with the physio (tmr) and headed to the bus stop. Had no plans in my head at that point of time, and choc.m couldn’t make it for dinner, decided to board whatever bus that comes first. And so it came, hopped on it, and I ended up at Orchard. What a surprise! Sat at Taka beans, hot some hot chocolate just read my book. I’m a couple of chapters away from the final page.

And what a pleasant surprise! PE came. Had lunch at Republic, and went down to Borders. Got myself a new book. Patterson’s again. He’s good. Really. Found his shelves all thanks to PE’s sharp eyes. Got a call from Ben’s mum whilst looking at some CDs. Gonna have 3tuitions with him next week. Wooooooooots.

Got a call from Jess while paying for the book, and we met for drinks/sorbet soon after. PE left for home to complete her assignments. Think your flu’s really killing you. Pop some vitamins will ya?

Took a train back to Bishan, and decided to hit the gym since I had my shoes on and had a towel in my bag. Saw Joshua at the machines and caught up a little. Invited me to play with him on Sunday evenings when I’m good to go. Can’t wait can’t wait! Went to the bicycles (whatever you call those) and started cycling. And FOO! Jee Keng was on the bike beside mine! How cool. Talked for a bit, before all the panting from pedaling came in. He’s training up for his enlistment next week. Don’t remember me training up for army at all. Went in blind, flabby and over-nourished. Came out even more blind, flabby and nourished. TSK.

Walked back home with Josh and stopped at the night market for some Ramly. Bought some and went to TPY to share the yummy food! And got to know someone bought some hot-pink stuff. TSK TSK TSK. =p

And I’m back home now, wondering why did I even try planning the day, when it apparently screwed-up totally, but yet it somehow turned out to be fine. Amazing. =)

i'm not EVEN a bit darker.. am i?

Morning calls! Yeah I know you didn’t cut the line. We shall put the blame on St*rhub alrights? =) Got out of bed at 10… had a really hard time getting out of it. Called Des to push the tuition back a little. Rushed over to get my hair cut and got lunch. Came back just on time for tuition. And so we did simultaneous equations today… elimination and substitution. Think s. eqns are getting kinda mundane… oops. But still managed to sit through the entire session, getting him to do the questions. Not that bad. BER! He knows his stuff lah… he just needs to do it. He just needs practice…so I think you’re paying me to sit beside him and do the questions with him. =)

Packed up some stuff after tuition and headed down to TPY for sun-tanning. Dropped by Popular and got 2 TYS for Benjamin. Thanks for the reminder! It totally slipped my mind. Haha. Thank you! Went straight to the pool and the sun was SCORCHING. Put my stuff down and started reading. Got into the water soon after, swam a couple of laps. Front-crawls and butterflies still worked. Didn’t bother trying breast-strokes. Was sure I couldn’t make it. And so we played a little of water, played with that ‘Jacuzzi’, looked at little kids (though I was really partially blind without glasses), and talked nonsense basically. Washed up and hang around for a while before heading down for dinner.

It was great. Though you got a little lost. Can’t blame you… it’s been a while. Had dinner at HK Café. Tea, mee sua and hor fun. Walked down the row of ‘balls’ and had drinks at Starbucks. Well, I’m glad that you had fun. And thank you too. I’m sorry for what’s going on at home, and thank you for listening too. It’s good to see you again. See you around. =) thanks for the bookmark, and insecty-looking crackers.

Have got physio tomorrow morning. Have to wake early. Damn early. And I’m still awake. Urgh.


Eh the one in China. I cannot believe that you’ve got nothing there to fix you flu except for Panadol Flu. Hope you’ve dropped by Watson’s. Please get well soon! Chat again online soon. =)


Hot hot hot! Let me show you off alrights? =)

Tuesday, June 5

june 05 - monday. blues.

YES. We’ve finally packed up our study room. Dad was nagging and nagging about Eric’s part of the room. Dragged his fat arse into the room and got him packing his stuff. Did some tidying up on my side and *MAGIC*! It looks so much better now. More room to walk, to do weights, to mug, to read, and for MJ. Coming Saturday night it shall be. =)

Brought him to the movies as a little reward/treat for doing his part. Caught Shrek 3. I shall not be a spoiler for PE now, but I think it is erms… Ya. Seems to me that the 3rd installments to all movies ain’t that great. To me at least. Or perhaps I’m asking for too much. Ooops.

Woke up late this morning (didn’t know we talked for so long), and woke up with a really swollen knee. It felt much warmer than the other knee. Had to ice it before heading to Carol’s for tuition. Brought lunch up for us, and did some work. Was trying hard not to fall asleep throughout. Had to walk around a couple of times to keep awake while she did her work. And guess what? It totally slipped my mind! The bible was still in my bag when I left her place. Darn. DARN. Have to wait for next week. Think I’m getting old. Age is catching up and memory powers are waning.

Brought a meal up and had to be quite as mouse. Didn’t get my cheese. TSK. Sat around and waited for time to pass. Resisted the urge to fall asleep. Went through some mags and looked at some photos. Kinda interesting. The whole thing was like a stealth infiltration mission. “don’t step on a crack!” kinda feeling. Took off at 4ish and headed up to T-towers. Mingled for a while and had to leave before I was too late.

Saw Jess on the way to the station. That’s your mum?? Didn’t look like her. Oops. Or was she someone else? Anyways, managed to get to City Hall on time. Ber’s cracking her head over which cufflinks to get for Boss. PE came a while after, and we met Ling and YK at Sakae. It was basically eat, talk, laugh, cam-whoring (well, maybe that’s just me), and realizing how lame YK can get. Glad that he decided to join in the fun and make a fool out of someone else. =) well, too bad you’re the birthday girl. And you’ve been MIA for so long. Haha. Thanks for the Crumpler that you’re gonna get Ber and I. haha. It’s ‘The Hoax’. Orange and yellow for Ber, Oatmeal and red for me. Thanks. =) I wonder how many plates of stuff did we have. PE did you take count?

Had some hot chocs with marshmallows after dinner and after getting the cufflinks. We sat, drank, talked, laugh, cam-whored and laugh again. All thanks to YK. Inflation, recession and depression. That’s true. =) And PE, no, I don’t wanna gym for 3 hours this coming Saturday. That’s crazy.

Got 2 unknown numbers calling me late into the night. It’s really funny. Two of you… calling me at about the same time. See you guys soon. =)

Back to painting tomorrow. Big project this time. Feeling ambitious. Or maybe I’ll just end up finishing my book again. Bah. Procrastination! Hate it.


I don’t know why you were laughing, and I guess somehow I wanted to know why. But since you don’t have an answer… well. Leave it as it is then. It’s just weird la. I’m sorry but it’s never occurred to me before, so perhaps I’m a little perplexed and jumbled by it. My apologies.


Please, the one on t-towers, please rest up and sleep. You really look like you’ve been ‘boxed’ in the eyes. So please sleep. And see a doc if you think you’ve got insomnia. Yups.


Spankie, owl-ing ain’t the healthiest of things to do around. But since it’s bo-bian, try and hit the sack early la. You’ll need it cause you’ll be ‘overstretched’ again tomorrow. =)


Wow. I’ve got a fan. Thanks thanks! Haha. Haven’t heard from you for sooooo long. Work hard for your dreams! Hope to see you where you wanna be. OH, if you do it well, it’s a big-buck earning career. Trust me.

Sunday, June 3

3am post...

Just downed a packet of instant noodles. It’s been a really long time since I’ve cooked a pack of maggi. All thanks to the late night cup noodles during the exams. Added some lousy mushrooms in. Didn’t really boil it enough… kinda spongy in the end, but owells. Everything seemed kinda tasteless in the end.

It’s 3am now. Been glued to the tv since 11. Organizing some thoughts in the head. Well, organizing quite a lot of thoughts in the head.

And so the day started with receiving an sms at 3+ from Ber, saying that she won’t be gyming today. Fell asleep after reading it, without replying. Woke at 9 and got ready, met up PE. Sorry that I was late. Home clock was kinda cuckoo.

Did the usual cycling, some lifts and stretches. Hope you won’t be having any aches today. =)

Parted our ways and took the train down to Orchard for lunch with Ber. Walked around the place, waiting for PE to come from the birthday gathering. Took a peek at the Crumpler again. GIAN. $168. tsk. Got the stuff we wanted to get eventually, and walked round Robinsons. Ended up waiting at Coffee Bean as they shopped for their STUFF. Plugged into the player and read the papers. And I couldn’t help wondering why haven’t my phone beeped. Owells. Now that it’s cleared, =)

Headed home, took a shower and got back out again. Had dinner at mania and walked around. Saw some familiar faces, and hopped onto the bus back. So much for the terrorists and bombs huh? =)

Yes, dinner tomorrow night. Hope it won’t turn out to be an ass spanking session. And somehow I think I would be late. Depending on what time church ends. Owells. My apologies in advance.

And Ling, Monday night ya? I think you’re fully packed la. Don’t deny that. Heh. =)


A couple more weeks. You’ll know why.

Friday, June 1

1st june

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ms YEO SIEW LING! 22 years old! OLD LIAO LA…. Hahaha.

Well, now that your exams are over, and it’s your birthday, I think it’s havoc time for you. Do enjoy yourself and hope to see you soon. PLEASE let us know when you are free, cause your schedule seems do be already fully packed. All the best to you and may you have plenty for fun to the Hong Kong and Wyoming!



Finally had my Botak Jones fix yesterday afternoon. That was after the Macritchie Reservoir canoeing activity with the Youth section and Young Adults peeps. Was the ‘first aider’ for the day. More like because I couldn’t get wet. How sad. But owells! It was good doing something for everyone. =) Went down early to book the canoes for everyone, waited for them to arrive and sat through the safety talk. The applause was nice… and very much appreciated. Haha. Got kinda embarrassed too. Oops!

Off to Jones at 1230. Was late to meet Ber and PE. ZX caught up not long after. Went down to AMK ave5. Ladies had fish and chips, gents had double botaks. Quite a bit of fries were left over, and fishes too. Rain was hitting hard on the roofs throughout the meal. Hope you guys liked your plates. =) One more time when Hoon and Alv and Ling are back. =)

Took a cab down to Raffles City. Maybe there was too much carbo floating in me. Fell asleep in the cab. But STILL, I knew what was going on. That explains my responses to your questions. =) walked around Marina in search of stuff… but finally concluded that we shall give up and get it on Saturday instead.

Took 56 back home. Thanks for the little chit chat. You’re right, that is what I should be doing. But getting myself to do it is a whole new issue. I can hardly imagine the consequences. Perhaps just live and let live. Ball-less.

Got back home, did some remedy on the swelling knee and knocked out for a bit. Woke for dinner late into the night and caught some tv with Eric.

Morning called this morning. Someone was still late. Tsk! =p Dragged my arse into the showers, took a cold shower, a good shave, threw on some clothes and went for tuition with Yan. Yes, I think this new method is working. Progress has never been better. We shall keep at it for now. I’ll think of something else when it gets mundane. Had lunch at KSL. Went for the World Book Fair at Suntec. Got a bible for Carol… it was really nice and was on discount. Wanted to get one for myself but didn't. All blames to my smaller than ever wallet.
Waited for PE, who was supposed to turn up at 3.30. But due to some mishaps, finally got to see her at 4.40. Like I said, everything happens for a reason. The crowd was less intense at that time at the IT fair. Got a new router and a 500GB hard disk. Happy man. Suggested taking 162… I think she’s gonna blog about it later. Cause we waited for an hour for it, and it never appeared. Oops! Took the train instead. My bad my bad. Hahahha. But it was kinda fun talking about car logos la. RIGHT?

Came back home and set-upped everything. So now I’m running wireless! That means I can do basketball/soccer and MSN/internet at the same time! HOOOOOOO!

We shall hit the gyms again tmr. See you guys! Haha. Oh ber, sorry about just now. =)


That’s a compromise! =) And I stand to gain. I think. OOPs!