Tuesday, February 27

I see soft-toys...

I think I’m kinda mad. Well, not ‘angry’ mad, but more like ‘crazy’ mad. Walked all the way back from Carol’s. Think that’s quite a distance. Well, I guess I needed that time for some quiet thinking.

YES, I am having my recess now. Well, this ain’t no 40minute recess. (RIGHT? Sheng?) It’s a one week break from studies, and a relax time for us. Well, SUPPOSEDLY one week break for us. Most of us end up getting more stressed during the week. Me inclusive. All the webcasts, tutorials and test preparations… URGH. But still, NO, I don’t wanna switch roles with you. I suck at what you do. Hahah.


Well, it’s been quite a while since I’ve literally ‘heard’ from you. Deeply appreciate the call. Really thank you. Must have been quite late over there ya? Calling everyone on your Singapore phone list? =) Thanks for remembering.


Went jogging with dad on the second day of the celebrations when everyone was over. It felt good to be running beside him. Remember how I used to admire his stamina and stride, now it’s the other way round. How time has just slipped and past by. Now, I’ve gotta slow down for dad. It’s a certain kind of emotion and feeling that propels me to feel proud, and at the same time, sad.

Well, though lacking the finesse, dad’s determination is quite apparently strong. No matter how tired, how bad his knees hurt, he ran. And ran. Just to keep up and complete the distance we set ourselves to accomplish.

Hats off him.


So how’s it over there at the big big ulu ulu la la land? =) Our apologies for not the ‘un-opened’ café. Hope that pasta was good. All the funny talk and stuff. PE’s little bumps, walking round BJ looking at CD’s, shoes and women’s panties… all part of the evening.

Not to forget ‘tang shui’ at Liang Seah. Well, I know Ber pronounced it another way, which was quite funny. Anyone remember how it goes? Haha. Iced milk tea with chin chow, durian pudding, bitter strawberry, pomello with ice, yuan yang (almond… urhg.) and Chun Ming’s rice and honey drink. It was nice. Really. Though someone was really stuck onto the TV. =P

It’s amazing how we got everyone to sign the card. Under the table, toilet breaks. We certainly are opportunistic huh?

I know you like the card, and I’m quite sure that you love the hippo to pieces. Took us quite a certain amount of walking effort to get everything together. Quite tormenting for my not-so-good legs, but the end result is good huh?

All the best. Hope to hear from you soon! =)


To dear madm,

Hope the crumpler serves you well. Now I’m inspired to get one myself. Brown or gray? Haha. Anyways, all the best to you for you training. I don’t know when you’ll be seeing this, but when you do, *hugs*.

Penguin needs a name. And I thought strapping a seat-belt across was really cute. Saw the china guy smiling as he walked past? Bet you didn’t. Should have taken a photo.


I can’t address you here by how I would usually do cause that’s gonna cause quite a stir and contro

versy. But anyways, indeed, yellow shirts, blue jeans and sling bags are quite scandalous. Haha. It was really uncanny!

Hope that ‘draft’ was good enough for you. I’m not quite sure if it’s helpful enough. But I certainly think that you need more materials to support your paper.

Thanks for the coffee. So I’ve treated once, you’ve once. Next one’s on me. And thanks for the lamination. Though I think I need to get it done again if it’s gonna stay for long. =)

Not to forget, three months. Even somehow I think it won’t happen, cause I’m suspecting that my op would be soon. Haha. So I was thinking that we might have to push the deal back a little. To be fair right? =) Anyways, I’ve thought of what I want for your part of the deal if I ever succeed. Not gonna tell now. Let the suspense rock. =)

And no, I’m not getting rings on my ears. NEVER. No diamonds, no ring. Thanks.


“shi zi lu kou” was great. Got to eat some nice food and had fun. Well, except for the song singing in the middle of Toa Payoh where EVERYONE’s watching. Haha. We could have won the thing. But thought that since we’re there, might as well make full use of the time we had and enjoy ourselves. It was fabulous. Oh, Bryan came along too. =)


I’m busy waging wars with myself. Who’s gonna stop the fight for me? Or shall I just keep fighting inwards. Till all the angels and devils die.


I want a crumpler, the CD’s, and a pair of new shoes. But most of all, I want my leg back.

Wednesday, February 21

Super delayed post

Erms. This is supposed to come up on Saturday.. but it didn’t happen cause something was wrong with the server.. owells.. =)

YES YES YES!!! I’ve completed my lab report!!! Well, people say that I’m gan-cheong cause it is only due in 2 weeks time. But hey, might as well get it over and done with right? All those microstructures… Urgh… even dreamt of it last night. Haha.

Up next shall be life sciences. 6 whole lectures to study coming Thursday. Why can’t they just put it the week AFTER CNY? There goes all the holiday mood. Pissed.


Happy happy happy lunar new year to all my dear friends who celebrate it out there! May you have a prosperous and happy and fruitful new year!

Especially to those who are going to new places, may you have a blessed and safe trip!

Have had two reunion dinners so far… one with the church guys, one with my family. Both steamboats, plenty of healthy stuff. Was glad that our friends from China came for our youth gathering/dinner. Gonna have ‘shi zi lu kou’ this coming Saturday… it’s gonna be fun. And guess what? It’s at Toa Payoh. Haha. Know that place almost inside out. =)

Dinner at home was… well… different. Shan’t elaborate here.


Coffee, hot chocolate, and a plate of potato wedges… I like that. I like the talk. And I really hope that you’ll be amongst the first to come when I’m in deep shit. Hah. Cause somehow I sense one big pile coming up real soon.


Black full-seed it shall be. Hopefully I can get it soon enough. No promises though. Are you free next weekend?

Well, have things blown over? And I’ve got no answer to your question. All I can say… is I don’t know. I feel bad, to a certain extent. For you, for myself. It’s a whole lot of stuff cramped up in a small skull. I’m sorry.

Like I said time and again… maybe I’m not deserving.


It’s so hard to be who you want to be ain’t it? Especially when the people around you are disapproving.

“Dare you to move. Salvation is here.”

I’ve taken the first step. But can I continue walking?

Tuesday, February 13

on a scale from 1-10.... 6 or 7

Knee’s not of the best condition right now. Will pull through, nonetheless.

Pain is Devil’s way of telling me that I’m dying;
It is also God’s way of telling me that I’m alive.

I’m glad that I’m alive. =)


Felt so tired in the afternoon that I plopped right into the bed after I turned on my lappy. I apologise for the super late reply. Ya… I should have set the status to ‘AWAY’. Anyways, glad that you found your tape! Fancy having it stuck on the ceiling huh? And that thing in the sewers? Sure you don’t want it back? =)

Have been mugging since this afternoon. This sudden urge to catch up with my material science. Already 2 setbacks this semester, trying and hoping that the 3rd one doesn’t come. Or maybe I’m asking too much from myself sometimes… not that smart to begin with… BCD from the As, a meager ‘entry to U’. Shucks. I’m entertaining negatives thoughts. ARGH.

One more test up tomorrow. Already read through everything once. Wonder how things will go.

Roomie’s out for steamboat with his course-mates. Said he’ll be back by 9 – it’s already 11. Not that I’m missing him, but wondering if he’s alright. Hopefully he’s not drunk. URGH.

Back to the notes and powerpoints. Ta.


Jo, hope you enjoyed your rest and feeling already much better! =)


Ms Scatterbrain.


Monday, February 12

Monday afternoon.

I just left my laundry out to dry. And it seems that it’s about to rain really soon. Darn.


The weekend is over just like that. Saturday was spent tuitioning and mugging. Well, minimum mugging actually. I’m glad that I’ve got a positive influence on her kid. It’s nice to have parents calling and hurling compliments at you. It’s flattering, yet at the same time the invisible pressure increases. Owells.

Went down to Bishan park to take a look at the Scouts pioneering projects. The place was over flowing with Scouts and Cubs. Pioneering projects from HI and Catholic High were the most impressive (as usual). It was a war between the two schools.

There were really nice bridges and towers too.

Come to think of it, pioneering would be the pride of the younger Scouts. As compared to their peers from NCC or BB, pioneering skills certainly make the young Scouts stand out. It’s a test of discipline, team work and endurance. The staying out under the sun for hours and hours to construct something out of poles and ropes bonds them more than nothing else. The rope burns and silly ‘tie poh han to the tree!’ ethics certainly are memories they’ll keep for a very long time.

Thinking back, the small, medium, and huge projects we all made… it’s been quite an adventure. Hour-glass towers, monkey bridges, flying-foxes, and simple tripods… how time has passed. It is time for the younger generation now.

Went for physio last Friday and my leg muscles have never ached SO much. The many repetitions and increasing weights. I’m quite surprised at the strength of my legs. Maybe cause I’m heavier. Haha. Owells. Did some balancing exercises and endurance training. Then had current impulses sent through the muscles to improve growth. Weird sensations but quite an experience.

Can’t wait to get well.


Things haven’t really been going on really very smoothly huh? First’s the dumb math test. Then the leg. Got elbowed in the eye and I’ve got a bruise under my right eye. And now the Mat science test. Yes, it’s a B+. But it could have been so much better if I paid more attention to the details. Well, looking on the bright side, at least I’m conceptually correct.

No ber, I didn’t get hit cause I was disturbing another guy’s girl. Like I said, I was protecting a girl from another guy. =p


YES!! I’ve got a new ‘smell’. Thanks PE! I smell damn nice la… haha… Anyways, the 5 of you, please check your email really soon. I’m organizing the next gathering. Haha. YES ME AGAIN. =p

And Ling, yes I know how to write your Chinese name. =) Well, just for the record, you’ve got the ‘most-difficult-to-write’ character. The most strokes, the most not proportional. But hope it turned out well.

And Hoon, you got to stick your card on your wall in China I tell you.

I think we should ask CH out one of these days to whack him upside down, for that trick he pulled on us. 29th Feb. How smart.


Congratulations to the both of you. I’m not sure about Celest’s grade, but I’m sure proud of you. B3 for science… haha. That’s more than decent. Hope it’s what you’re expecting. Never mind the rest, you’ve done well. Congratulations! God bless you and may you pick the right path ahead of you. *hugs*


They've decided to use AGAPE. =) I'm touched.


YAAAY! It didn’t rain. Or rather, it’s not raining yet. DRY CLOTHES….! DRY FAST!!

Wednesday, February 7

I'm gonna get screwed.

Busy busy busy. We’re already into the fifth week of the semester and I still don’t really feel the sense of urgency I had last semester. GOSH I think I’m slacking. Tsk. But somehow, I’m always busy. And I wonder why.


Saw the specialist. Good news and not so good news. Not so good news – I’ve got an left anterior cruciate ligament. Good news, I can still walk and run and swim; just no pivoting for the time being. Could have been worse. Well, thank God. Really. The hamstrings are actually constantly firing and compensating the instability of the knee. And after some weird strength tests, they are actually as strong as the quads. How freaky is that. I’VE GOT POWERFUL HAMSTRINGS MAN. (If not for those hams, I probably won’t be able to run, or maybe walk much.)

Well, that’s not exactly something to be proud of though.

Oh, my right (good) knee has got a tendency to shift for about 2mm, which is normal. My left one has a shift of 13mm. That’s a whole freaking 1.3 CENTI-meter! Well, that’s 10 to the power of negative 2 - CENTIMETERS!

Hope the MRI and OP comes soon. Wanna get it fixed and done.

Anyways, thank you people, for all your care and concern. They’re all heart felt. =) Your words of encouragement, moral support and prayers are deeply appreciated. Thank you!


Wonder how it feels like to have screws in the leg. Haha. I’m screwed. Literally. Or rather, I’m gonna get some screwing. ;)


Well, I lost my phone just yesterday. Some immoral person just took from my bag. It’s a freaking LOUSY phone with a totally scratched surface, and it’s been used for almost 3 years! Come on! Why not choose a better one? Urgh. There goes all my contacts and nice messages that I’ve been keeping all these years. Maybe it’s time to let go of them. But there’s just so much sentiments. Sighs.

Well, on the brighter side of things, I’ve got a new phone. A hundred and fifty bucks. Not that I had a choice. At least this time round, I can take proper photos with my phone. Yeah. Maybe you’re right Ott, it is God’s little gift for me.


Met a few people I’ve not seen for a very long time. Siew Hui, Pei Shan, Cheryl (it was funny. Right PE?), Andrew, Raihan, Ignatius. Good to know that they still recognize me, and I do them.

Well, there’re people I’m trying to see. But the opportunity just doesn’t come. TSK. And hey, I’m not sly/scheming/deceitful. It’s being smart/opportunistic/and of course, it is pure brilliance. =p


YES. We’ve finally went out TOGETHER. Every single one of us. SIX in all. Yes, six, not five. It was great. Really. Though it didn’t really started out right, people being late and tempers flaring and stuff, I’m really really glad that we enjoyed ourselves at the end of the day.

Initial destination was abandoned due to the crowd. Ended up Sakae. Well, that’s where we saw Cheryl. Haha. Sat our table the food started rolling in. PE was full in a while, Ling couldn’t finish her Chawamushi, Hoon made DISGUSTING looking wasabi + soy sauce (which PE describes as shit), Alvin had to eat the shit, and Ber was feeling hot all the time and made funny noises while eating.
Not all words ending with “ing” are action words. Hehe. There’re plenty of examples in this post. Should have spent some time to thinking about it, instead of me doing that dumb “struggling” in studies “action”.

It was great to just sit and chat. Well, we got to know someone was playing some sticky gun and got burnt, another had nice colours on her hair, and another suggested that soya sauce in chawas are good, but the one with nice colours couldn’t taste the difference.

Took the train back and wow, “how did these few hours flew past just like that?” I thought.

Did some funny things on our way back and damn, it was a failed mission. Haha.

Anyways, I hope you guys like the cards. Yes PE, yours is the nicest. Maybe because it’s symmetrical. But I’m VERY sure that Alvin has got the best photo. No doubt about that. Right bro? And yes, you can continue pondering why the heck you actually agreed to take a photo like that. With all the make up and stuff.

Dang you look sexy!


I don’t understand why they do such things. Why can’t they just be more sensitive/sensible and understanding? They were once so close… now they seem so far. All the respect is gone. I’m so gonna be superficial when the time comes. An act. A performance.



There’s no one who can love you the way I do. No human can love you more than I do. But you chose to leave, taking bits of me away.