Tuesday, January 30

the little things

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for you souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NIV


Maybe it is indeed what you call a quarter-life crisis. Just pray that it blows over soon. It feels crappy.


I’m gonna see a specialist this Friday. Chances are they’re gonna operate on it, and replace the missing/damaged stuff with my calf muscle fibers, AND not to forget a couple of screws.

Maybe it’s time I got it done once and for all.

I’m really glad and thankful for a supportive family. Thank God.

Guess what? It’s the first time I’ve got quite a few under me. It’s flattering. It’s nice to know that they like me. But will I be able to pull through? And why can’t I do the same for my own brother? WHY?

And I’m taking so DARN long to finish up the Chronicles. So many names…


I’m not sure if you enjoyed yourself. But I certainly thought that talking over ‘screwdrivers’ and Irish coffees was good. I’m glad to have you around, and thank you for being there. I’m sorry about your lost accessories and footwear. Maybe it’s time to get new shoes huh? :)

I apologise for the smoky environment at the Cable. Hope that work was fine for you today. Your boss still playing with little mei meis? =)

2 person set meal, kopi-c peng GAO, and teh-c peng. Snapple bananas, nutrisoy. It was a good night out. Thank you for the post card. Thanks for the ride. I don’t know how else I can thank you.

Don’t throw the towel(s) in. In anyways I don’t think you can.

And……. I wanna apologise for what I had done. It sounds stupid and perhaps pointless…… but I’m sorry.

You’re a photon, and losing you is not an option.


Thank you for the compliment. My being “patient” has certainly made me ‘bloated’. I await the rest of your comments. Bloat me. =p

And oh, you really have an issue with topless guys huh? Or just ugly, un-cute topless ones? =)


I guess we’ve got to search for another kakee. Thank you so much for messaging me. I have to admit that I was rather surprised to receive your sms. All the best for your mugging! =)

Anyway, we were just wondering if you guys wanna hang out this coming Sat late night at Holland V. I’m thinking of asking faiz, Neo and HanS. Interested?

You can sms me again. Hee.


If you think you wanna change, and if you think you’re changing for the better, then perhaps you just should. There’s nothing I can do, not that you want me to do anything, but I’m certain it will do you more good than bad.

Maybe I have no right to say anything in the first place.


Looking forward to the weekends.

Thursday, January 25


Taken at the Christmas party.
JP was supposed to just take the numbers. But he snapped everything.
Hence the spastic look. And yes I decided to upload it. =p

The better looking photo.

War-cry. Ben looks DARN fierce.

Nicely taken.


plans plans plans

Am supposed to be at the Funfest to help clean up, but guess they’re still fooling around. Shall go down in a while. Maybe you are right. I AM anti-social. Not making the effort to mingle around with them. I ain’t that ‘friendly’ I suppose. Gee, what’s wrong with me.

Had quite a few long talks this week. Talks with important people in my life. I am most certainly touched by you guys, and also at the same time I hope I have moved you in some ways. Life’s never smooth-sailing, but always remember to keep faith; for things one day will go your way. And you very well know it.

Tutorials are really turning into a chore this semester. Mathematics is really killing me, and we’re only into the first chapter. Physics is getting tougher by the moment, with so many concepts to grasp within this short period of time. Life science is a totally non student-friendly module if you’ve got not bio background, and I don’t. Things are already starting to pile up and I’m bracing for it.

Things haven’t really been turning out as planned since the beginning of the week. Getting cancelled and making major boo-boos. Nonetheless, I’m glad we still made it despite the failure of our little blue-tooth. It was great… really. Hor fun was good and so was white grapes and ‘teh peng’ (MS word refuses to let me type t-e-h.. keeps changing it to t-h-e).

Wonder what lies for me during the weekends. I hope my plans don’t get screwed up again. And yes, to the one who’s been counting down everyday, the weekends are almost here. Hang in there! =)


6ists, please read your mail. Thanks.

Oh PE, I read your blog. This time, you get to see ALL of us if everyone makes it. And you can bug Alvin to make one more fondue next time. Miss you too! *saluting the creative director!*

Ling, thanks for the photos. Appreciate it.


Jo, do you play mahjong? Neo, Mark and I are looking for khakees. Or HS? =) msg me!


So where am I now? Where do I stand? Where do I go?

Is this a start of quarter-life crisis? Is it time to start worrying? Worry about things that I have never thought of before?

Why are these questions popping out now? What’s this I am feeling?

Maybe I talk too much. I should shut up.

Maybe I’m too nice.

Maybe I just can’t be bothered.

Maybe there’re no maybes.

Can I be at the receiving end of things too?


XOXO. This means hugs and kisses. Something I’ll never forget.

Monday, January 22


Everyone loves a fairytale. We love witnessing fairytales; and love it even more when fairy godmother decides to bring some fairytales of our own into our lives.

I have my near misses of ‘fairytalish’ happy-endings. So have you. I’m sorry that your fairytale didn’t come true. For all in the world that I have, I am really sorry. I know you’re piece of happy-ending will come, and God will be there for you. *hugs*

Tuesday, January 16

Echoes from around


I’m flattered, but I need a break.
I need the courage to do the things I don’t want to do.


“Always fascinated me that you’ll bend into the things you dislike.”

Thank you. But if I had a choice, I would rather do the things I like. Sometimes circumstances bend a person beyond threshold. I’m just pushing my limits.

I guess we are lucky in our own way. God blessed we are.

Please, keep me updated. I really want to know what is going on, and help if I can.


“Believe in me believing in you.”

One can never be more blessed than having someone like you. *hugs*

Jacket alteration and the ever-postponed shopping should be on the way.

“We’re not people who let their friends go.”

No, I’ll never let you go. Lest if you want to.


“I cannot make it. I’m not as disciplined as you.”

Tell yourself you can’t make it and you won’t. And my strength doesn’t come from me. It comes from above.


“Take a step at a time, and see how it goes”

I’ve heard this before, and things don’t work that way. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I’m all prepared, and ain’t really hoping.


“But I thought I told you before?”

Yes you did. And it slipped my mind. I’m really sorry. I guess I’m upset cause it didn’t occur to me that it was now.


“How fast time past … Stop emphasizing la…”

Indeed how fast time past. You only live once.


“Natural selection is a process that alters the genetically determined characteristics within a population over time”

It’s a revolutionary theory nonetheless. But how much does it mean to me?


Monday, January 15

I was supposed to post this last week.

Something to share with the ale drinkers out there. =)

From askmen.com:

Tidbit #1
In November of 1999, The New England Journal of Medicine stated that light to moderate beer drinkers would decrease their chances of suffering a stroke by 20%. They also stated that those who drink one beer a day compared to those who drink one beer a week experience no difference in reducing stroke risks.

Tidbit #2
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (May 1999) reported that consuming moderate amounts of beer would lower one's chances of coronary heart disease by 30-40%, compared to those who don't drink at all. (Beer contains a similar amount of 'polyphenols' -- antioxidants -- as red wine and 4-5 times as many polyphenols as white wine).

Tidbit #3
Alcohol has also been attributed to increasing the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) in the bloodstream, as well as helping to decrease blood clots.

Tidbit #4
Beer contains vitamin B6, which prevents the build-up of the amino acid homocysteine, that has been linked to heart disease. Those of us who have high levels of homocysteine are usually more prone to an early onset of heart and vascular disease.

Tidbit #5
A new study performed at the TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute in Utrecht indicates that those who drink beer had no increase in their homocysteine level, but those who drank wine or liquor had an increase of up to 10%.

Tidbit #6
Beer provides a 30% increase in vitamin B6 into the blood plasma -- something that neither wine nor any other liquor can do.

Tidbit #7
Beer is both fat-free and cholesterol-free.

Tidbit #8
Beer has a relaxing effect on the body thereby reducing stress and helping you sleep better.

Tidbit #9
Beer has proven to have positive effects on elderly people. It helps promote blood vessel dilation, sleep and urination.

An average beer contains the following:
· 0 mg cholesterol
· 0 g fat
· 13 g carbohydrate
· 25 mg sodium
· protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins B, B2, and B6
· alcohol


But hey! Moderation is the key here. Our liver can only process one can of beer in about an hour’s time, so too much of it at one time ain’t good! And not to forget, excessive binging causes obesity due to high calorie content. Over drinking would most likely cause obesity and all the other diseases such as heart failure would follow suite.

So enjoy the benefits by drinking wisely! =)

PS: I’m NOT promoting the drinking of alcoholic drinks here. I’m trying to let you understand the benefits of MODERATE drinking for all the drinkers out there. CHEERS!


We really have no idea what on earth you are doing. And yes, I do feel USEFUL and USED, now that someone had mentioned it to me. But I’m hoping that YOU are the one who sees this. Not someone else. Stop treating us like some abandoned pets, where you would only cuddle as and when you feel like. We need love too.


There’re many things that I don’t agree with. And I can’t make any sense out of it.

Are some things really meant to be? I didn’t know it would be so hard to change. I guess, nothing much has changed, hasn’t it?

How long would it last?

Saturday, January 6

Stretching my memory

It’s been so long since I last updated. So much had happened and my memory doesn’t stretch as far as I want it to be.

Memory search.

1.Food was great. Really. You should have your own café/restaurant. I’ll be happy to clean the toilets for you. Thanks for the mini-tumbler/bottle. I’m already using it. Hope Nalgene’s good for you too. Oh, Monopoly was hilarious. Especially with HS around. Sher’s interestingly funny too.

2.Busy with subject registration and time table planning. It’s really crap and makes me think that ‘bidding’ for modules ain’t that bad either.

3.Oh, we got our results too. 3.84. Am satisfied, but certainly could have done better. But I shall not complain. Bs for Econs, Maths, and Physics. B+s for EC, Computing. A- for Chemistry and Lab. Really thanking God for this. Amen. Guess all those horrible monsters have been beaten flat huh?

4.Had dinner at home. Finally. Good food, happy times. Hoegaarden with dad. What more can I ask for?

5.Walked round town with Ber/PE/Ling. Bought everything BUT the shoes she set to buy. How amazing. Got myself a pair of jeans from U2.

6.Overcame one the strongest temptations I’ve met. 500bucks and 2handphones for my taking. Just glad that it went back to the rightful owner. Praise Lord.

7.Lunch at food court. It’s a start. I know you’re uncomfortable. But like you said, we went through it.

8.Guest in hall. Appreciate it that you came all the way down. Nice photos! And I don’t look like a bear. Do I? =p

9.Basketball with hall seniors at Bedok. Played 2 round and rain poured. Guess they were impressed with my nifty passing and shots. Maybe I can make it to the hall team next time season. BAH. Maybe not. Shall stick to rug and polo.

10.Primary school visit. Got directed the St Nic’s, which was the wrong school. Got help from the staff there and got to the right place. Thank goodness the teachers I wanted to see were ALL there. Mrs Martha Wong, Mrs Serene Ho, Mrs Tay and Mr Ng. Had lunch with Mrs Wong and took a couple of photos. It felt amazing to see them again..

11.Tuition with Des. Helped keep the clothes. Hilarious I tell you. Alv and Hoon, you should hear about this. Tell you when we meet. =)

12.Dinner, new mahjong table inoculation and Tim Sum supper. Discovered that Ling ain’t as nocturnal as we are. Needs beauty sleep and shuts down unwittingly after midnight.

13.Tuition with Yan and invitation to their church. Shall find time soon.

14.Lunch at Pasta Mania. Glad that we talked. Guess we’re not that different after all. Saw someone I didn’t expect to see. Didn’t know how to react. Avoided any eye contact. (If you’re guessing Glen, it’s not.)

15.Finally found the MLTR album. Took me so long to find it. Ott, thanks for helping me ask around. Supposed to borrow from your bro if I’m not mistaken.

16.Seminar in church today about the history of the Gospels. Interesting and intriguing. Had dinner at 925 with the peeps and then arcade after that. PHOTO HUNT. =)


School’s starting next week. Feeling sucky. Mugging’s gonna commence once again. New demons this time round. Fiends. Monsters. Whatever you call them. It just never ends.

Wondering how the migration is going for you two uniform wearing people. One green and one BLUE (sorry I mistook it as white). Hope it is good.


We really hope you know what you are doing. I really don’t wish to see a “See, I told you so” scenario to happen.


Pray for the best; prepare for the worst. God bless. *hugs*