Saturday, September 30


I wonder why everyone (well, almost everyone) wants a sofa seat at the coffee-bars/house/place/shops/clubs/beans/bucks. What’s so enticing about the nice and soft and warm and comfortable and good-to-sit-and-chat sofa/couch they have here? Well, I guess it’s because these are nice and soft and warm and comfortable and good-to-sit-and-chat sofa/couches.

Thing is, everything that’s nice ain’t gonna stay nice forever. I’m not talking about some abstract ideology or sociology or psychology; I’m talking about sofas/couches at the coffee-bars/house/place/shops/clubs/beans/bucks.

Having sat here for almost an hour, trying very hard to tunnel the concepts of chemical equilibrium into the hard skull of mine, I’ve noticed the behaviors of the many patrons coming in and out of this place. Being the typical KS, no no… COMPETITIVE people of Singapore, we exercise the policy “get seats first; buy food later”; very much unlike our not so competitive friends, who usually “buy food first; look for seats later” and chance the risk of NOT getting a seat and thus end up walking around the place with a tray in their hands, looking… well, out-of-place.

Next, what I’ve observed is that once in the bar/house/place/shop/club/bean/buck, our eyes unavoidably lurk to the areas where the sofas/couches are – the areas where the nice and soft and warm and comfortable and good-to-sit-and-chat sofa/couches are. I don’t blame them because these seats are really nice and soft and warm and comfortable and good-to-sit-and-chat seats; as compared to the normal not-so-nice and hard and cold and not-that-comfortable stools which probably would give you a back and/or butt ache if you sit long enough. Interesting thing is that the lurking of the eye syndrome apparently strikes almost everyone: INCLUDING those who come in patrols or sections or squads or even companies (think army-lingo.) (I’m just short of seeing a battalion and division.) Well, with any little cow sense that they have, I bet they would have somehow noticed that the very FEW sofas/couches would probably NOT be able to fit ALL of ‘em. But I guess they just can’t help it. For whatever reason, TOO BAD GUYS.

Well, if they can’t find a nice and soft and warm and comfortable and good-to-sit-and-chat sofa/couch, they would usually settle for the normal seats. Now these seats ain’t that bad I say. Good stuff from some not-too-bad furniture stores (think b*rang-b*rang or IKE*). There’re the light but sturdy rattan ones (the ones with left over crumbs of pies, cakes and salads from the previous ‘sitter’, and the one before this, and the one before that, and the one… you get it ya?); the shiny even sturdier ones (which sometimes leave a frost bite on your backsides or thighs if your bottoms are thin or you’re not having anything underneath that bottom); the semi cushioned seats that are glued to the walls (and mostly with pen and liquid paper graffiti left by the hardworking students who were studying here before); and the colourful and clean looking plastic ones (which are obviously my favorite). They would get their drinks and food stuff and duly settle down and finish up what they have on their plates and in their cups (obviously some took a step further and left their mark in the rattan seats.) Things start to get really comfortable and the nice aromatic coffee gets things heated up. Cozy is the word. Things get cozy after a while.

BUT (I know I’m not supposed to start a sentence with ‘BUT’, BUT who cares anyway? I’m not taking English as my majors.) even as things gets cozy and our asses are warmed up to the seats, when someone from the sofas/couches signals the slightest intention to stand and leave, you can see how quickly we grab our coffee cups and cheesecake plates, getting ready to usurp the FINALLY available sofas/couches! It’s like an instinct of many of us; a little skirmish that had always been at the back of our heads from the very moment we settled for something less than the sofas/couches.

Now, I’m not saying that EVERYONE is like that. It just so happens that this is what I observed today. Maybe it’s cold here tonight; and everyone wants the nice warm seats. Who knows, people might be rushing to the cold aluminum stools when the heat gets high up one day.

Thing is, if you’re one of those suckers who are constantly eyeing the sofas/couches, maybe it’s time you take a closer look at the nice and soft and warm and comfortable and good-to-sit-and-chat sofas/couches you are sitting on.

Well, the one I’m on now has got even MORE crumbs in between the cushions of the sofa as compared to the rattans a couple of stains on the left and right, and sometimes you should wonder if there’re crumbs in here, and it’s all nice and warm, ain’t that a perfect breeding ground for, you know? Let your imagination run wild a little here peeps… … Good thoughts? And oh, ever saw that girl who took off her shoes and hung her leg over the arm rests or simply rested her feet on the arm rests (or did she even bother taking the shoes off?). Or some smart Alec sitting on the arm rests, talking to the one sitting on the sofa? Or maybe some other inconsiderate freak who wipes his/her ketchup/chilli sauce/thousand island/cheese/mayonnaise/coffee/tea/tears/perspiration/sweat/mucus (YES, liquid & solid) onto the arm rests. How convenient for ‘em eh? Yeah. And you jolly-well put your face on that same arm rest, figuring that it’s a really good spot to take a nap.

My point is all sofas aren’t like as what I’ve described above. Some are, and there ARE really nice and clean ones (cleaner and probably better than the ones we have at home). It’s still your arse sitting there, not mine. You take the pick. =)

And oh, I was sitting on the rattans before I shifted here. Go figure!


Goodnight people. I have no idea where did all THAT come from. Just a moment of crappiness I guess. Coffee still rules and well, the sofas are still as comfortable as ever. Enjoy your weekend and if you’re feeling blue, find a sofa and have some nice coffee. It’s good for the soul. Really. Quote me.

Well, that’s if you can find a sofa.

Tuesday, September 26

Holiday my A**.

anyone remembers this? =)

It’s supposedly the term break, or “one week holiday” one would put it. But it ain’t seem a bit like a holiday. Even “study week” might not be a capable enough classification. There seem so much to be done, and time just scoots by really quickly.

Quantum P’s still half the nightmare when I first met it 3 weeks back; ‘electricity’s is now gnawing on my nerves. Chemistry and that 100plus lined computer programme that I’ve got to formulate aren’t that friendly too. And sheesh, we’re only at half a semester of a possible 8 semesters. Or maybe more IF I fail the modules.

Right. I’m whining. Shall stop. =)

It was another good weekend. A weekend out with the Song and Faiz, Jo and Ott. Had a bit too much to drink thought. All thanks to Jo and Ott who couldn’t finish their drink. =) Had a sum of a pint, my bottle, her bottle, and her bottle. Caught a couple of soccer matches, and witnessed Mr Kuyt’s first goal for Pool. Funny thing was Faiz kept missing ALL the goals that were scored that night. He was either drinking, eating, or talking, or just plain stoning when the goals were scored.

Bizarre moment happened when I asked for the waiter, who came over and put his hand on my right shoulder and told me he would be right back. My first thought was that he was a nice guy, but upon enlightenment from Ott, HE WAS GAY. Craps. Order placed the orders when he came back, and I didn’t even LOOK at him. Totally grossed out.

All the malt fluid made me felt like crap when I got back home. But it was good in a way - Slept like rag till the next morning.

Cycled down to the court to meet up with the ball people on sunny Sunday morning. Been quite a while since I’ve saw them. Qz, hao, Mic, Hui and fangfang. Qz had completed his OCS course and is thinking of ways to be downgraded; hao still wears his funny shades when he plays; mic and fangfang looks like the same old couple they are; and hui’s second child’s a BOY! Haha. Future athlete we were saying.

Knocked out again in the noon, and woke up late noon to write the darn programmes (not the hundred plus lines programme). An overdued programme that out tutor skipped during tutorials last week due to the lack of time.

Had dinner out at AMK with mum and dad and Eric. It’s been a while. And it was fun. Places of many memories. Especially the different people we have dinner with. Brings about many thoughts which was… Well, forget it. I wonder if they still remember the place. I guess not. Think they don’t even remember who we are no more. A part of us, no, a part of me lost. Just like that.

Came back to school and the mugging has begun. I’m feeling sleepy and I’m gonna call it a day. Goodnight people.

PS: 6ist, we meeting for supper? Yes? No?

Tuesday, September 19

I wanna sleep

Wow. What a roller-coaster the past few days have been. Emotions and funny feelings came and went.

Anyways, a happy (belated) 21st birthday day to cuzzie! Yes, we’ve finally met up. And thanks for your invite to your party. It was great. =) Hope you liked the present and the purple-floating-lights. Haha. Was just wondering why you wanted purple. Owells! Oh, the gold marker refused to come off. I had to SCRUB and SCRAP it off. Thanks ah! I bet ALL your other friends are cursing and swearing. *grins* Well, what’s the name of your friend again? =p (and did I mention that we really look spastic in that candid shot of us talking?)

That was on Friday night. Took the bus back, and well… not-so-happy things sorta happened. Decided to call it a day and went straight home. Sorted out some thoughts and tucked into bed. Hoping that the following day would be better.

Woke up only in the afternoon, and started mugging after having some peanut butter bread. Kept thinking of Alvin’s extremely HUGE peanut butter while making my sandwich. Re-did the 2 physics tutorials and re-read the lecture notes on Optics 2 times to prepare for Monday’s Physics test. Kinda stressing myself out at that point of time. Skipped the fellowship gathering and stayed home, till late night.

Met up with Raymond, Hong and Maurice. Had dinner and cakes at Cartel. 6 cakes for 4 guys. What a sight. Should have taken photos. Owells. Thought that carrot cake was not my type. Shall stick to Aunty Amy’s and they cheesy ones. Caught Prada and thought that the show was just alright. But the wardrobe on showcase was fwah. Outfits that people walking down Orchard wouldn’t wear; outfits that seem worth a semester of “cai fan” lunches for me, or maybe even more.

Drove them back home and had a moment to myself before knocking out on the bed. How quickly the weekend was passing by, I thought to myself. Woke and did some readings once again. Thought Eric how to draw bamboos using the Chinese paint brush. It was funny how he kept complaining why his bamboos look so ‘skeleton’ as compared to mine. But I thought he put in a pretty effort and the final product was alright. Hope his art teacher would give him the credit he deserves.

Evening came quickly and took the bus down to church. Was intensively reading “Mary, Mary” as the bus crawled to Yishun. It’s my 5th Patterson book this year, I think. Maybe 6th. Anticipating the next one- “Cross”.

Was on time for service and had quite a bit to think about throughout the service. Maybe it was the anticipation of Monday’s test; maybe it was the undone tutorials; maybe it was something else. Am just glad that He’s always there to hear me out. Thank you.

Came back to hall and tried doing the questions at the back of the physics textbook. Was happily doing, until when Ben sent a most devastating msn message: “Quantum is tested tomorrow. I asked the tutor through email.”

It was 12midnight when I received the message, and the test was less than 9hours away. The concepts of Quantum has not yet settled in my head then, and at the same time my head crying foul. Decided to give up on quantum and went to sleep, praying for the best.

The test came and well, don’t think I wanna get the paper back. Monday was sleepy because of all the late nights and I told myself that I ought to sleep. But horror of horrors, I slept at 4am. Was rushing to complete the formal lab report, and yes I completed it. It was due 2nd October but something just came over me and wanted me to complete it. Somehow, after all the CCA and PSA hike logs that I’ve been through, this lab report didn’t seem that tedious. Chatted with Hoon in between here and there, and I’m a godpa-soon-to-be. Evil girl snatched all the other babies away. TSK.

Went down to block C and witnessed Tian getting thrashed by eggs and flour and toothbrush at midnight. It was his birthday and Kai just couldn’t resist the chance to whack his roomie. What buddies! =) Came back and read Jee’s blog and well, I’m happy for you sista! Really. Stay happy and hope you’ll be happy for a very long time. =)

Here I am. Feeling sleepy again. There’s a meeting at 2245hours and I’ve yet to write my programmes for tomorrow’s computing lab. Was reading through it and they are very LONG programmes. Sighs. No sleep again tonight. People out there who have only got 3days of lessons per week, please refrain from complaining. People like us would gladly switch timetables with you. We would DIE to have timetables like yours. So, look at it this way: you’re not the worst of the lot. There ARE people out there who are even more tired and more retarded than you. Enjoy whatever you’re doing!

I shall stop here for now. Have a good week ahead people! One more week to term break! We can do it. =)

(I can’t stand people who chew with their blardy mouth open, or slurp their soup down on purpose. Some think it’s okay, some think it’s disgusting. I don’t know what bothers me, BUT I JUST CAN’T STAND IT. Argh!)


Each time you part, you leave a bit of you behind. I’m realizing how big that part is. Bigger than I thought it would be. F*ck.

Wednesday, September 13

MIssed me? =p

It is rather… hmmm.. how should I say…..

Well, sometimes it’s painful to miss someone. It hurts so much that one might actually come to a limit break missing someone; and the most insane of things might be carried out to rectify this problem of ‘missing someone’. Like how a parent might do the craziest thing just to see his/her child once again. Very drama like; nonetheless a highly possible kind of ‘missing’.

Sometimes, it’s just what I call ‘intermittent missing’, where one things of another person now and then. You know, like the image of the other person just floats in and out of your head as and when you’re not thinking about anything. If you are experiencing this, I suspect that you’ve got a quite a high level of inclination or interest in the person that’s floating in and out of your mind. Lucky you!

Also, there’s the ‘friendly missing’ where one starts to miss his close ones, is rather eager to meet up with him/her soon enough. Happens most of the time between parent and child, between friends, and etc etc. Well, you get what I’m trying to say. “FRIENDLY missing”. Yeaps!

Lastly, the ‘denying missing’. Apparently, when someone misses some other people, irregardless of how deeply that person is missed, one doesn’t confess and purely declines and denies the truth and the fact. If you’re one such person, COME ON! Hold back NO MORE! It is time for you to be truthful and tell that person you MISS HIM/HER and that… … … It is HARMFUL for your body, soul and brain shall you linger in the state of denial and thus, NOW is a good time to do what you OUGHT to do. Right people?

Now, to whom you know who I am referring to. Yes you. Why did you say you don’t miss someone when you miss someone? It doesn’t serve JUSTICE when you tell a lie. It doesn’t hurt to speak the truth and I bet it brightens up a person’s day when you tell him that you miss him/her. Agree? Agreed!

Well people, if you do not understand the previous paragraph, it is absolutely alright. In any case, shall you have no ounce of understanding of this piece of post, simply ignore it. But if you do agree to some part of it, well… hmmm… I don’t know what to say. Maybe you’re equally insane or perhaps brain-dead like me.

Last but not least, I hope things are going great for everyone out there. Especially to those who are studying and having exams/tests/quizzes out there, may God bless you with the strength to carry on burning those post-0000hours fuel. I know we ALL want 48hours in a day, just to complete the tasks in front of us. Well, thing is, we ARE given only 24. So let’s just stick it up, and make use of what we have. I’m sure things will turn out fine… well, somehow it will… We know it will. =)

Tuesday, September 12

Test Joel made me take...

Some test telling me what kind of lover I am... Laughing my head off right now.. haha... =)


The Manchild Random Brutal Love Dreamer (RBLDm)

Hopeful. Awkward. Soft-headed. Fire intrigues you. You are The Manchild. Okay, Manchildren have some good qualities. They can be unpredictable, brash, magnetic--and therefore highly charismatic. Particularly, you're passionate and are often a hell of a lot of fun. But we'd like you to consider not using OkCupid. You can be unthinking and hurtful, and we think you LIKE seeing bad things happen. You've had a moderate number of relationships, but broken a disproportionate number of hearts. In total, you mean well, but don't really have it together. It's up to you, of course, whether to continue dating. There are plenty of women out there who do deserve you. But you've heard our advice

Sunday, September 10

Sergeant Sausage and Private Omelet reporting!

It was a really fun weekend… Hanging out and engaging in ridiculous activities. Started off by meeting Hong for dinner at S11. Qiu*ian Ban Mian rules. But Hong’s double layered clothing kinda worried me. The scare of the apparent release of chemical agents into the atmosphere. Thank goodness it was somehow suppressed.

Took a mini-walk around the new library at Bishan. There’s a Galilee café and saw that fudge cupcake we had the other time. Really tempting but gave it a miss as Qiu*ian was still making its way down the tracts.

Walked around the NTUC and saw Sling, Ding and Howard. They were walking around getting the foodstuff for the steamboat I think. Wells, good to see them again, and not so good to know that Ding still has an undying interest in hair. Scary thing was, this time round, chest hair came falling off because of Sling’s swift plucking motion, and not Ding’s. Things are getting out of hand nowadays. Freaky.

Got some stuff back and Hong came over to make some Oleo milk shakes. It was yummy and that was when the onslaught of food started.

Packed up the backpack and went off to East Coast. Dropped by the Coldstorage and got out food. Cheese dogs, crab noodles, yoghurt, cookies and peanut butter. Trekked down to the park and got drinks along the way. Pitched the tent in less than 5mins and in came the food. The portable cooker was really handy and we boiled some dogs, scrambled some eggs, spread some peanut butter over bananas and had some noodles. Idiot us totally forgot about the bread but guess we had enough nonetheless. It was really fun and the food was good. Felt good to be cooking in mess tins once again. And the company was great. Thanks! =)

Oh, and we’ve got Sergeant Sausage and Private Omelet. How corny! And the army of ants weren’t much of a trouble after all. Hooray!

Had a swim the following morning, right after breakfast at Macs. Rushed down to HQ for the LC and dearest Ding didn’t turn up. How nice la. PSed! But can’t blame her I guess… the stress of promos. Work hard work hard! =)

Got ‘arrowed’ – Dep. Chair for the district camp. Alv briefly brushed the offer aside. How suave la… Have got till Thursday to decide. Tsk. Working under him makes me ponder real hard.

Had dinner with the rovers at the coffee shop. Had yong tau fu with Derek and Hong. Shall not describe what Hong had (it requires a certain level of reader’s discrepancy, but to save the trouble, I shall just omit the entire description) but all I can say is that I somehow worry for him. Shel was showing us the personality assessment camp that she had at OBS. It was really interesting and the report was rather detailed. Like they said, it’s good to know more about oneself, but at the same time I believe that it’s not absolute and people do change as times and circumstance change. Think she looked a bit darker, or maybe she was just that dark. Owells.

Sling was telling us about the cockroach she saw beside the popiah seller. Hope that those who had pohpiah didn’t have and upsets. Haha. WHooops!

Went off to the campfire at Bishan Park Sec. It wasn’t really really fantastic as the MCs had problem getting the attention of the participants, but all in all it was a good effort. Had a little talk with Christopher and wow he’s already a leader of the Lightning Scouts.

We spent more time entertaining ourselves than participating in the activities (though we DID try very hard but we kinda gave up). Time was spent talking nonsense, making fun at the littlest things we could think of, sharing funny army experiences and looking at girls (weihong started it!). The high light of the day must be when I told Maurice to take a video of Weihong ogling at the girls on stage. That expression was priceless. Simply PRICELESS. The rest of us were laughing our heads off as we wonder what was going on in HIS head.

Off to prata down at Thomson and got a surprise call from Jee. Haha. Shall not discuss anything about the conversation, but most certainly it’s of the most scandalous. Right my dear friend? =) =) OOPS! Hahhaa..

Well, as for today, it’s Quantum Physics day again. And I’m getting really blur. Really really blur. There’s a test next week and I’m getting all the shivers. Sighs. Pray for the best and somehow I hope that I get enlightened. Somehow.


I feel that I’m being used. I feel like I’m an unwanted toy chucked in the very dark corner of the room.

Play with me when you want to, or when you need me; discount my existence when I’m of no use and when I’m not required. It is difficult to swallow but still I’m not bearing any grudge. I don’t know why but I still feel obliged and people say I’m a fool. I know it’s not easy for you; it ain’t for easy for me too.

Quit kicking me like a ball. Stop lifting me up and letting me fall as though I’m a ragged doll. I guess it’s not a trait of yours to try and live in other’s skin. I’m sorry.
But still, I thank you. For my genesis. For my new burst of life. For helping me find the answers.

Tuesday, September 5

Good/Bad news

I am between the Welfare Committee and the Recreation Committee. They both want me. But… hmmmm….. where should go? Which one should I choose… Sorry Randy, think I’ve got to PS you. Hahaha. =)


I think I finally got over my fear for Vectors (freaking arrows… pffft.), but now comes a new terror. A hundred times scarier and a thousand times nerve-wrecking – Quantum Physics. I’m totally lost. And there ain’t no light at the end of this tunnel. Dang.

Anyways, I think I screwed up my paper for EC. More and more bad news.

Cuz’s birthday’s up next week. Have yet to her present. Wonder what she wants… *ponders*


Ott! Thanks for the toast yesterday night. Super hero activities are really amazing and the toast was great. Thanks again. Oh, I’ve photocopied the graffiti. The original’s on my pin board now. =) CAN?

Monday, September 4

Long due post

First and fore-most, a happy happy happy birthday to our dearest Belinda! The ‘youngest’ of the group is now an official member of the 21s. I think the party was great and we’ve got a couple of people getting red faces (literally!) during dinner. Food was good (thought the ‘chilli’ fish didn’t really go with the beer. Yisiong and I had funny tastes in our mouth. =p ) Well, happy unwrapping the presents and hope u like the shoe! (guess we all know that you DO like that pair of shoes. You DID chose it didn’t you?)


Okay, this is kinda delayed… The above paragraph was typed on Saturday, but apparently I just couldn’t find time to complete it and post it up. Met up with the Tuan Qi on Saturday and headed to St Andrew’s Church for a seminar. The speaker was really funny and he really got the floor engaged in the session. Especially when he mentioned about the “empathy deficient syndrome”. Got to know this new girl from China who’s just joined the Fellowship not long ago. Didn’t really manage to talk to her but got to know that she’s here working and have only been here for 4 months.

Left the seminar early and met up with Neo and GF, Faizal and HS for the NUS dance performance ‘Destiny’. Very interesting and colouful performance by the NUS dance group. We managed to get the front seats duly because of HS’s ‘close’ relationships with the President of the dance club. Tsk tsk. Went down to Orchard after the performance with Faiz and HS. Were contemplating between Orchard, Holland V and Newton. Ended up in Orchard and did some catching up. Interesting night with interesting things happening. Managed to catch the first half of the match between England and Andorra. Didn’t know that the Andorra people were actually full time workers, part time soccer players. Little wonder why they didn’t play that well.

Sunday was great. Stayed home and attempted Physics, gave up after the second question. Just can’t grasp the freaking concept of Quantum Physics. And I thought Optics was bad. Tsk. It’s getting on my nerves. And guess what? I lost my entire tutorial today. Got to reprint and reDO the entire thing. Went on to Chemistry and was stuck at a few questions, but was generally still manageable. Wait till I get to the tougher topics. Pfffft. Read the Econs notes and tried to make sense of the dumb curves that has a rather irritating habit of shifting up and down, left and right, seemingly trying to make things easy and explain to us the effects of certain actions taken by the market forces. But nothing made sense in the end. Guess there’s gonna be more memory work at the end of the day. Oh, who ever came up with the ‘invisible hand theorem’? Kowtow.

Had dinner at the half-coffee shop, half-hawker centre place near Siglap. I realized that after eating Qiu {ian Ban Mian, ALL the rest of the Ban Mian never tastes as good. Maybe it’s just me. Anyone who disagrees? Well, I think somehow Qiu {ian has somehow ‘monopolized’ the Ban Mian industry in Singapore. (OMGoodness. MONOPOLY. ECON’s is INVADING my BRAIN).

Oh, did I mention that I feel like my brain is like a clogged artery? Yeah. Feels like it. More and more crap being deposited in it.

And comes today. Nothing beats going to tutorials with the crap in the intestines ready to blow just about any time. The ‘sensations’ and ‘OOoomph’ that I encountered during the 2 hour tutorial was FoooooooooooooooAH! Okay. Pardon my funny noises. But I think it really that holding your crap back is actually an ART. Especially when one’s got to position in really funny and lady-like positions, in an attempt to delay the take-off.

Had a rather interesting Econs lecture today (surprisingly I wasn’t THAT lost during today’s lecture). But only down side was that quarter-way through the lecture, this guy came in and sat down on the chair beside mine. He talked with his friend for a while and went to SLEEP soon after. He didn’t even bother to take a look at the slides or take out his notes. And he had a REALLY tough time trying not to doze off onto my side. Had urges to do funny things, but owells.

Got a call from some unknown person half-way through the lecture and didn’t pick it up. Finally when the caller decided to message, I was half happy, and half disappointed. Let’s just name this person X. Now it sounds like I’m doing maths or computing. Assignment of variables. ARGGH. What the heck.

Ok, so X is related to Y (another unknown variable here). Ok, let’s just ignore Y. Anyway, X has had some problems and once approached me for aid. And soon after, X left and I never heard of X again. But suddenly X surfaced again. And this time, X needs more help. Help that I can’t possibly give. Help that is beyond my means. If I could, I know I would help. But, after what has happened, something holds me back. Unexplainable forces. Well, things started getting worrisome as I got to know how much ‘help’ X actually needed. Why on earth would X need THAT much help? Just what kind of trouble has X gotten into? Something even my darkest imagination can’t picture. I would love to find out more, to satisfy my curiosity, and do what I can do, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. And I wonder why. Y Y Y?

Alright. I’m getting a calling from my Vectors and Complex numbers worksheets. They’re calling me. OH no. I’m hearing things. Haha.

A very goodnight to whoever reads this in the night.
Who ever is reading this in the morning, have a great day ahead.
And lastly, to you who are reading this in the afternoon, I hope your day has been great so far and from now till the night, hope that it gets better and better.